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Which way do you lean politically? (1 Viewer)

Which way do you lean politically?

  • Conservative

    Votes: 8 40.0%
  • Liberal

    Votes: 12 60.0%

  • Total voters

Navy Pride

DP Veteran
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
Pacific NW
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
I am wondering how this forum is made politically.......I am listing 2 choices.....Conservative and Liberal.......I would list a third which would be moderate but I am afraid all the liberals would claim that one since most of them are ashamed to admit they are a liberal.................
Navy Pride said:
I am wondering how this forum is made politically.......I am listing 2 choices.....Conservative and Liberal.......I would list a third which would be moderate but I am afraid all the liberals would claim that one since most of them are ashamed to admit they are a liberal.................

Is your question on economics or gov't authority? If economics perhaps left/right would be more appropriate. The one dimensional spectrum is very much outdated.

Gov't Authority: Liberal
Economics: Right
I think libertarian should be an option, as it fits me better than either of the two choices. But if I have to pick, I'd say I'm more liberal than conservative.

If you're worried about people being ashamed to say they're liberal, you could've used the more neutral term "progressive."
curt said:
If economics perhaps left/right would be more appropriate. The one dimensional spectrum is very much outdated.

I know what you mean. When I hear someone describe themselves as an "economic liberal," I have no idea whether I'm speaking to a free-market libertarian or a hardcore socialist.
Navy Pride said:
I am wondering how this forum is made politically.......I am listing 2 choices.....Conservative and Liberal.......I would list a third which would be moderate but I am afraid all the liberals would claim that one since most of them are ashamed to admit they are a liberal.................

You're so simple it's cute, like a dog with Downs. huuu's muy liddle puppy, yes you are , yes you are yeah.

Screw your lame left-right paradigm, I use the best of both wings to soar with the Eagles who founded my country! Heathen!!
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Kandahar said:
I think libertarian should be an option, as it fits me better than either of the two choices. But if I have to pick, I'd say I'm more liberal than conservative.

If you're worried about people being ashamed to say they're liberal, you could've used the more neutral term "progressive."

I believe libertarian is a party, no a political leaning...
libertarian_knight said:
You're so simple it's cute, like a dog with Downs. huuu's muy liddle puppy, yes you are , yes you are yeah.

Screw your lame left-right paradigm, I use the best of both wings to soar with the Eagles who founded my country! Heathen!!

That is OK, we know hoe you would vote..........
Navy Pride said:
That is OK, we know hoe you would vote..........

"We" huh? Sounding a bit like a monarch there. Anyway, for clarity: just hoe[sic] would I vote?
Kandahar said:
Then you're wrong.

well that is strange because I am an arch concervative with some libertarian beliefs........:confused:
Navy Pride said:
well that is strange because I am an arch concervative with some libertarian beliefs........:confused:

You said that libertarian was only a political party and not a political leaning (even thoguh anyone with any knowledge of politics knows that isn't true). Now you're saying you have some libertarian beliefs. Make up your mind.
When it comes to business and economics I tend to lean more to the conservative point of view. When it comes to political rights I am in between, so I consider myself a moderate. I think gays, despite the fact I find their lifestyle disgusting should have their rights protected. Yet I find myself opposed to abortion and I am pro-gun but then, on the other hand, I am opposed to the death penalty. Politically, I have a mixture of conservative and liberal values. When it comes to economics, however, I believe in some government intervention when it comes to a company running a defacto monopoly that prevents new innovative ideas being introduced into the economy. I believe in reduced government and lower taxes. Too much taxation stifles economic growth and jobs creation because people lose the incentive to work when too much of the money they earn goes to the government. I also think it is important to eliminate debt and stay out of debt.
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I guess I lean liberal, but I am not a liberal, I disagree with a lot of issues, and I found this poll to be terrible and narrow-minded, liberals or conservatives, I don't like where someone has to choose between the two, of course on Navy's sig. it would show that he is narrow-minded on politics, its just liberals and conservatives.
Comrade Brian said:
I guess I lean liberal, but I am not a liberal, I disagree with a lot of issues, and I found this poll to be terrible and narrow-minded, liberals or conservatives, I don't like where someone has to choose between the two, of course on Navy's sig. it would show that he is narrow-minded on politics, its just liberals and conservatives.

I agree. Navy Pride, what is up with you lately? Why are you always looking to bash anyone who is liberal? You automatically assume that the judge in the statutory rape case was a "bleeding liberal" because he agreed to the plea agreement. You don't put in a choice for "moderate" because you think liberals are too embarrassed to admit that they are a liberal? What's there to be embarrassed about?

Do you have any friends who you would label as liberal?
Navy Pride said:
I am wondering how this forum is made politically.......I am listing 2 choices.....Conservative and Liberal.......I would list a third which would be moderate but I am afraid all the liberals would claim that one since most of them are ashamed to admit they are a liberal.................

Well, I guess you know where I stand. LIBERAL and PROUD.

If you're going to tack ashamed to liberal then I suggest you tack ignorant to conservative.
Navy Pride....

It is patently untrue to say you support the troops but don't support their mission.

Liberals talk but won't fight........Conservatives let their fighting do the talking......

That is the most disturbing stuff I've read from you yet. I support our troops but not the war. I support them because I know they didn't have a choice in their mission. Which is fine because it's their duty.

That said, they are in a fruitless mission with no exit plan, made public or not. It's a mess and those men and women deserve and need respect while they deal with some unelected jerk's mistake!

I suppose you never stopped to think about how disrespectful your little quip could be interpereted.

The second one should read, Liberals negotiate until there is no other option but war... Conservatives start wars because they think it'll help the economy.
Saboteur said:
Navy Pride....

It is patently untrue to say you support the troops but don't support their mission.

Liberals talk but won't fight........Conservatives let their fighting do the talking......

That is the most disturbing stuff I've read from you yet. I support our troops but not the war. I support them because I know they didn't have a choice in their mission. Which is fine because it's their duty.

I hope you realize that the draft no longer exists and our troops volunteered, swearing an oath of allegiance to the President of the United States while knowing full well the risks of combat.
That is the most disturbing stuff I've read from you yet. I support our troops but not the war.

That is impossible........You can't support the troops and not support the mission they are trying to accomplish.......You can make yourself feel good and say it but its not true.......You hate the CIC, you want him to fail in everything he does therefore you want the troops to fail........

I didliked Clinton but I supported him as the CIC in Bosnia becasue I supported the troops......
Saboteur said:
Well, I guess you know where I stand. LIBERAL and PROUD.

If you're going to tack ashamed to liberal then I suggest you tack ignorant to conservative.

It took you a couple of posts to admit it but I think it was something we all knew already..........
Navy Pride said:
That is impossible........You can't support the troops and not support the mission they are trying to accomplish.......You can make yourself feel good and say it but its not true.......You hate the CIC, you want him to fail in everything he does therefore you want the troops to fail........

I didliked Clinton but I supported him as the CIC in Bosnia becasue I supported the troops......

I had a Vietnam Veteran who was my tank commander. He was an old fellow and it is rare to have somebody so old in the military when I was deployed. He certainly agreed that the US should have intervened in Bosnia much sooner than we did. I am certain, that if you were their you would agree with my point of view, as well as the point of view of my Vietnam Vet tank commander. However, you should learn to question authority. Their is nothing unpatriotic for refusing to go along with authority when you honestly believe that those in charge are wrong.
Navy Pride said:
That is impossible........You can't support the troops and not support the mission they are trying to accomplish.......You can make yourself feel good and say it but its not true.......You hate the CIC, you want him to fail in everything he does therefore you want the troops to fail........

I didliked Clinton but I supported him as the CIC in Bosnia becasue I supported the troops......

It's not impossible, Navy Pride. I fall under that same category. I support our troops but not the war in Iraq. I told you that I have a friend who is currently serving in Iraq and he fully supports this war. I asked if he felt like those who do not support this war do not support him, he said NOPE. Another friend who served for 1 year, who does not support the war, said that the people with whom he served (1/2 of which supported the war and the other 1/2 did not) did not feel that someone had to support the war to support the troops.
Navy Pride said:
That is impossible........You can't support the troops and not support the mission they are trying to accomplish.......You can make yourself feel good and say it but its not true.......You hate the CIC, you want him to fail in everything he does therefore you want the troops to fail.

You keep insisting that I am what I am not. I shall ask you sir to please desist in putting words in my mouth. I should try to have a real discussion with you but I think it would be like chipping away at a piece of granite with a tac hammer and a toothpick.

For the record and the benefit of the other forum members who aren't blinded by the conservative dogma of hate.

I do not support our president. I think he cheated during the election, I think he has allowed war crimes to happen, I think that the war in Iraq is for oil and for Haliburton to profit.

I do support our troops.... they have a job to do. A job that they signed up for and gave up the right to question. They are human beings who are putting their life on the line no matter how dubious the rational.

They went in there because President Bush said that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. And that those weapons could reach the U.S. in 7 minutes. The administration also said that they knew where they were.

So far our troops have not found ANY functioning inter-continental weapons of mass destruction. And after Bush said "whoops?!" the focus fell on how bad of a tyrant Saddam Hussein was which I believe. Now the U.S. is practicing torture in secret prisons.... Our leadership has become the tyrant!

And the support of the men and women of our proud military does not deserve to be used as a weapon against those who do not support this new tyrant. Blind faith in bad leadership is NOT patriotism.

Navy Pride said:
I didliked Clinton but I supported him as the CIC in Bosnia becasue I supported the troops......

Bosnia was easy to support. And Clinton was a great president, though I thought that he waited too long to commit troops. However, the Republican controlled congress of the time wouldn't support him in that commitment at the start so it wasn't entirely his fault. Bush on the other hand cherry picked and manipulated intellegence on Iraq, and sent our troops on a blind mission. Now we have a war on 2 fronts with NO plan of how to win. In WWII there were decisive moves, risky as they were, and they worked! In Iraq and Afghanastan our troops are just there getting picked off. There mission now is to remain in occupation to prevent a civil war from breaking out with the winners being worse than Saddam or the Taliban.

That said maybe I do support the troops AND the mission that has been assumed from the resulting falsehoods of the original. The fact remains though they are there because of lies and there is no indicator that the social and political climate of either occupied country will change soon enough to the contrary. Meaning our troops are there indefinitely, should we support that?
The Real McCoy said:
I hope you realize that the draft no longer exists and our troops volunteered, swearing an oath of allegiance to the President of the United States while knowing full well the risks of combat.

Yes, I am well aware of that oath. I realize that the draft has not been reinstated as of yet... But that doesn't mean that I didn't register for it. Nor does it mean that I would oppose it's reinstatement and report for duty should my number come up. Yes the troops volunteered for the war when they enlisted during peace time. Now not many have been so moved as to volunteer for the war since it's start. Well except you.... but then your not going for infantry are you? Anyway, recutment levels are at a record low where are all these patriots we keep hearing about?
Navy Pride said:
It took you a couple of posts to admit it but I think it was something we all knew already..........

Last time a Navy BEEYACH spoke to me that way he got a broken nose and a dislocated larynx.

I had the fortune of being an Airbourne Master Sergeant's son. I know a lot of tricks.
TimmyBoy said:
I had a Vietnam Veteran who was my tank commander. He was an old fellow and it is rare to have somebody so old in the military when I was deployed. He certainly agreed that the US should have intervened in Bosnia much sooner than we did. I am certain, that if you were their you would agree with my point of view, as well as the point of view of my Vietnam Vet tank commander. However, you should learn to question authority. Their is nothing unpatriotic for refusing to go along with authority when you honestly believe that those in charge are wrong.

I actually agree with you up to a point but the liberals in congress are a bunch of Monday Morning Quarterbacks...........They were all for invading Iraq and now whne things don't go the way they like it they want to cut and run and this is what really bothers the morale of the guys fighting there.......

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