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Which Religions Treat Women as Equals To Men? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 18, 2007
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East Coast - USA
Political Leaning
Which religions around the the world treat women as absolute equals to men?

We know this is NOT Catholics. We know it's NOT most Islamic denominations. We know it's NOT the Jehovah's Witnesses. Pretty sure it's NOT Mormons.

So which religious denominations allow or permit women to achieve or hold any position within the organization that a man can hold?

Are most major religions misogynistic?
Would that make "god" a misogynist?

If yes, are you fine with that?
Do you think that's the way it should be?
Should men run the show when it comes to religion?
If yes, why?

Why can't a female be the leader of the church/group/hall/denomination/sect?
Which religions around the the world treat women as absolute equals to men?

We know this is NOT Catholics. We know it's NOT most Islamic denominations. We know it's NOT the Jehovah's Witnesses. Pretty sure it's NOT Mormons.

So which religious denominations allow or permit women to achieve or hold any position within the organization that a man can hold?

Are most major religions misogynistic?
Would that make "god" a misogynist?

If yes, are you fine with that?
Do you think that's the way it should be?
Should men run the show when it comes to religion?
If yes, why?

Why can't a female be the leader of the church/group/hall/denomination/sect?
Equality does not mean having the same roles in life or within the Christian congregation...

"For just as we have in one body many members, but the members do not all have the same function, so we, although many, are one body in union with Christ, but individually we are members belonging to one another." Romans 12:4,5
I'm sure in an atheistic society, there is no equality among the people.
Which religions around the the world treat women as absolute equals to men?

We know this is NOT Catholics. We know it's NOT most Islamic denominations. We know it's NOT the Jehovah's Witnesses. Pretty sure it's NOT Mormons.

So which religious denominations allow or permit women to achieve or hold any position within the organization that a man can hold?

Are most major religions misogynistic?
Would that make "god" a misogynist?

If yes, are you fine with that?
Do you think that's the way it should be?
Should men run the show when it comes to religion?
If yes, why?

Why can't a female be the leader of the church/group/hall/denomination/sect?
Actually, the RCC elevates women, surrounding them with a loving protective cocoon of a family.
Which religions around the the world treat women as absolute equals to men?

We know this is NOT Catholics. We know it's NOT most Islamic denominations. We know it's NOT the Jehovah's Witnesses. Pretty sure it's NOT Mormons.

So which religious denominations allow or permit women to achieve or hold any position within the organization that a man can hold?

Are most major religions misogynistic?
Would that make "god" a misogynist?

If yes, are you fine with that?
Do you think that's the way it should be?
Should men run the show when it comes to religion?
If yes, why?

Why can't a female be the leader of the church/group/hall/denomination/sect?

You might as well ask which human organization does. There is a very lon history of patriarchy across all types of human organizations to include government, the medical field, business, whatever. It certainly did not apply only to religion.
You might as well ask which human organization does. There is a very lon history of patriarchy across all types of human organizations to include government, the medical field, business, whatever. It certainly did not apply only to religion.

Consider the sub-forum this thread is posted in.

Let's just still with religion here.
Actually, the RCC elevates women, surrounding them with a loving protective cocoon of a family.

Are you purposefully trying to post idiotic nonsense?

Can women be:

The Pope
I'm sure in an atheistic society, there is no equality among the people.

Tell me, which religious run societies/cultures on Earth ban women from:

attending sporting events with men
walking in public alone
drinking in bars with other women
praying in a mosque side by side with men

Islamic societies on Earth are some of THE most oppressive and misogynistic places ever.
Some Islamic societies punish the female if she's raped.

Go ahead, try and deny it.
Consider the sub-forum this thread is posted in.

Let's just still with religion here.

Actually, I think that my point is valid. Religion does not exist in a vacuum. I think that it is unfair to religion to single them out from society as a whole for criticism without acknowledging that the same sort of patriarchy has existed in almost all facets of society probably since the dawn of homo sapiens. There are now some progressive religions that are becoming more inclusive of women, just as the more progressive nations and societies are doing.
Actually, I think that my point is valid. Religion does not exist in a vacuum. I think that it is unfair to religion to single them out from society as a whole for criticism without acknowledging that the same sort of patriarchy has existed in almost all facets of society probably since the dawn of homo sapiens. There are now some progressive religions that are becoming more inclusive of women, just as the more progressive nations and societies are doing.

Many many aspects of society have made great strides in equality.

Religion is either taking baby-steps, or not moving forward at all.
Many many aspects of society have made great strides in equality.

Religion is either taking baby-steps, or not moving forward at all.

Again, it depends on which religion and which society.
Are you purposefully trying to post idiotic nonsense?

Can women be:

The Pope
What makes you think they want to be those things. Most are very happy being wives and mothers. Those who choose a religious life can be nuns, sisters, or other consecrated religious.
What makes you think they want to be those things. Most are very happy being wives and mothers. Those who choose a religious life can be nuns, sisters, or other consecrated religious.

So you fully condone and support misogyny. Thanks for clearing that up.
So you fully condone and support misogyny. Thanks for clearing that up.
How is it misogyny when most women get what they want as devout Catholics?
Tell me, which religious run societies/cultures on Earth ban women from:

attending sporting events with men
walking in public alone
drinking in bars with other women
praying in a mosque side by side with men

Islamic societies on Earth are some of THE most oppressive and misogynistic places ever.
Some Islamic societies punish the female if she's raped.

Go ahead, try and deny it.
"drinking in bars with other women"?

Muslims don't drink alcohol.

Women are allowed to drive.
Therefore women have the full right to vote in the above mentioned council just as men do.
Football games that are shown on television include a number of things that are contrary to sharee‘ah:

·In most cases -- if not all -- it may come under the category of gambling and betting which are haraam.

·They involve uncovering of ‘awrahs, mixing of men and women and listening to musical instruments.

In addition to that, they are a waste of time, which is spent on something that is not beneficial and distracts one from that which is more beneficial to him in religious and worldly terms.

Women can walk alone in public.

Do you think women want to pray side by side with men? Whether they wanted to or not, it is prohibited in Islam.
What makes you think they want to be those things. Most are very happy being wives and mothers. Those who choose a religious life can be nuns, sisters, or other consecrated religious.
What's a sister?
Actually, I think that my point is valid. Religion does not exist in a vacuum. I think that it is unfair to religion to single them out from society as a whole for criticism without acknowledging that the same sort of patriarchy has existed in almost all facets of society probably since the dawn of homo sapiens. There are now some progressive religions that are becoming more inclusive of women, just as the more progressive nations and societies are doing.
Name a company in the US where women are forbidden from being in the highest leadership positions

You only get that in religion
Legally any woman can be the president.

Is that true in your religion?
Exactly. Any female can be, but no one has been. There is hypocrisy there.

The Islamic governing system is different, however, no female can be the leader of a nation.
There is no dispute among the scholars that one of the conditions of the imaam or leader is that he should be male. Ibn Hazam reported in his book Maraatib al-Ijmaa’ that there was scholarly consensus on this point. In the section he says: “Out of all groups of the people of the Qiblah [i.e., all Muslim sects], there is not one that allows the leadership of women.”
Exactly. Any female can be, but no one has been. There is hypocrisy there.

The Islamic governing system is different, however, no female can be the leader of a nation.
Yes. Legal discrimination still exists in islam....like most religions

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