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Which political party has more single-issue voters? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 2, 2013
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If you don't see your poison, please pick it and share.
Give your own feelings on any of these and/or what you believe to be the case.
1) Abortion/Adoption/Contraception/Pre-Natal Help/Enough Moralizing
2) 4th amendment/NSA traitors/Drones
3) 2nd amendment extremoids/why were guns confiscated in Dodge City again?
4) 10th amendment/cause of civil war-----my personal choice to vote Dem
5) voting wrongs/IDs are fine by me/not 50 types/early voting/same-day registration/etc.
6) LGBT issues--I'm guessing Dems since these folks didn't bother to vote in 2010
7) Neocons, both Christie and Clinton/I lean Christie
8) Obam-ney-care/'nuff said
9) sedition/f right wing talkers
10) Birthers/truthers/where was Cruz born?/what lies behind Rubio's lies?
11) gov't shutdown/shut 'er down, kill another Christmas
Which political party is leading us to eventual disaster?

Both of them. They're just two sides of the same coin, the rest is smoke and mirrors.

Most of the population will never realize this in time to do anything about it, so we're ****ed.
I think Rand Paul would do a decent job as leader.
If I had to guess, I'd wager it would be the GOP in the form of the Pro-Life movement, although a comparably large chunk of the electorate likely swings left due to their views on the subject.
We wouldn't stand a chance against the next Pearl Harbor with a poo-say like Rank Paul.
I think Rand Paul would do a decent job as leader.
I think Rand Paul would do a decent job as leader.
Whats with all the hating on Rand Paul?
Like being from a "taker" state and accusing others of being "takers". I should have included "being a phony libertarian" in the OP. Good thing Louisville didn't get into the Bigger 12. They would be "dust in the wind" instead of a potential Tide opponent in the SEC/BS/NCAA title game.
Fear is a powerful motivator...
If you don't see your poison, please pick it and share.
Give your own feelings on any of these and/or what you believe to be the case.
1) Abortion/Adoption/Contraception/Pre-Natal Help/Enough Moralizing
2) 4th amendment/NSA traitors/Drones
3) 2nd amendment extremoids/why were guns confiscated in Dodge City again?
4) 10th amendment/cause of civil war-----my personal choice to vote Dem
5) voting wrongs/IDs are fine by me/not 50 types/early voting/same-day registration/etc.
6) LGBT issues--I'm guessing Dems since these folks didn't bother to vote in 2010
7) Neocons, both Christie and Clinton/I lean Christie
8) Obam-ney-care/'nuff said
9) sedition/f right wing talkers
10) Birthers/truthers/where was Cruz born?/what lies behind Rubio's lies?
11) gov't shutdown/shut 'er down, kill another Christmas

The Green party. ;)
Which political party is leading us to eventual disaster?

Both of them. They're just two sides of the same coin, the rest is smoke and mirrors.

Most of the population will never realize this in time to do anything about it, so we're ****ed.

Agreed. I felt like Obama and Romney were the same candidate. I voted Libertarian and wouldn't have felt differently about the outcome had Romney won. I think we need to open up the system to multiple parties or, at the very least, inject some third party ideas into the two mainstream parties.
As you mention the Green party, we never really hear about the #1 reason Gore lost Florida, Ralph Nader. Electing Bush will have ramifications for 100 years as McKinley's assassination has. The time-line was changed, just as with Lincoln. Every 20 years from 1840 until Reagan lived is just too much of a coincidence for me. RWR broke that streak.
The Green party. ;)
Agreed. I felt like Obama and Romney were the same candidate. I voted Libertarian and wouldn't have felt differently about the outcome had Romney won. I think we need to open up the system to multiple parties or, at the very least, inject some third party ideas into the two mainstream parties.

Interesting vote for someone posting with a photo of Mill.
Are third-parties in Europe the way to go? Righties would have a field day demonizing the social-democrats. It would be coalition politics, with libertarians going with republicans, as the likud goes with far right house-building squatters. Every USA POTUS has said it to Carter and then it goes away for another while.
Agreed. I felt like Obama and Romney were the same candidate. I voted Libertarian and wouldn't have felt differently about the outcome had Romney won. I think we need to open up the system to multiple parties or, at the very least, inject some third party ideas into the two mainstream parties.
I think Rand Paul would do a decent job as leader.

Well, he couldn't be worse than Paul Ryan.

The only reason he's a "wunder child" is because the GOP cannot do math.

His "budget" and I use that loosely just fell to pieces when the House GOP full of cut everything people couldn't even begin to agree on cuts.
I think Rand Paul would do a decent job as leader.

He had my support until he threw his father under the bus to further his own political career and he has only done or said things since then that makes me hate that little puke.
The Green party. ;)

I'd have to disagree with that one. the Green Party only has a little over 250,000 members. I would say the number of single issue voters in either of the two major parties goes far beyond that number. I don't have the patience to wade through an ocean of numbers, but I'm guessing the single issue voters in the Dem and Rep sides would rank in the millions. Especially since the biggest subject is abortion.
I'd have to disagree with that one. the Green Party only has a little over 250,000 members. I would say the number of single issue voters in either of the two major parties goes far beyond that number. I don't have the patience to wade through an ocean of numbers, but I'm guessing the single issue voters in the Dem and Rep sides would rank in the millions. Especially since the biggest subject is abortion.

Percentages, rather than raw numbers, would seem to apply here. ;)

Using your logic the demorats would loose (win?) simply because they are the largest party identified by US voters.

Party Affiliation and Election Polls | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press
Repub spinner John Brabender makes sense in breaking Repubs into three groups--Libertarians, elite Establishment, poor conservative---minutes ago with Michael Smirkonish subbing for chameleon matthews
GOP definitely has more single-issue voters, and it's not by a small margin.
Now that voter ID is off the table, Limbaugh-types are now attacking early voting and same-day registration as bastardization of voting. Repubs are the experts on the B word. Wake up Dems. Politics is not a game and these assclowns don't play
Now that voter ID is off the table, Limbaugh-types are now attacking early voting and same-day registration as bastardization of voting. Repubs are the experts on the B word. Wake up Dems. Politics is not a game and these assclowns don't play

Seriously? Who in their right mind goes after early voting? It's like saying absentee voting is bad too.
Seriously? Who in their right mind goes after early voting? It's like saying absentee voting is bad too.
You're not getting the latest Repub talking points, dished out by at least Rushbo. And I quote, "early voting and same-day registration are bastardizations of the voting process". Repubs are now marching in step now that they have cover. They will not include absentees since they favor RepubLies.
If you don't see your poison, please pick it and share.
Give your own feelings on any of these and/or what you believe to be the case.
1) Abortion/Adoption/Contraception/Pre-Natal Help/Enough Moralizing
2) 4th amendment/NSA traitors/Drones
3) 2nd amendment extremoids/why were guns confiscated in Dodge City again?
4) 10th amendment/cause of civil war-----my personal choice to vote Dem
5) voting wrongs/IDs are fine by me/not 50 types/early voting/same-day registration/etc.
6) LGBT issues--I'm guessing Dems since these folks didn't bother to vote in 2010
7) Neocons, both Christie and Clinton/I lean Christie
8) Obam-ney-care/'nuff said
9) sedition/f right wing talkers
10) Birthers/truthers/where was Cruz born?/what lies behind Rubio's lies?
11) gov't shutdown/shut 'er down, kill another Christmas

There ain't no poll.

Both are equally single issue, D or R; that's it. There's no attention paid to what those D's and R's are actually doing or if they're upholding the values or political platforms they espouse. R or D, that's it. Some are single issue R voters, others single issue D voters.

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