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Which political movement "owns" the violence? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 30, 2015
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Not even close:

Killings by Antifa -- 0 (in its entire existence)
Anti-fascists linked to zero murders in the US in 25 years | US news | The Guardian
Killings by rightwing extremists: 38 (in only one year, 2019)
Right-wing extremists killed 38 people in U.S. in 2019, Anti-Defamation League finds - CBS News
Right-wing extremists kill 329 people since 1994, antifa have killed none - Business Insider

Rightwing political murder is rising in the Age of Dirtbag

So these numbers come from where? I don't suppose the violence by these folks is worth talking about?
Not even close:

Killings by Antifa -- 0 (in its entire existence)
Anti-fascists linked to zero murders in the US in 25 years | US news | The Guardian
Killings by rightwing extremists: 38 (in only one year, 2019)
Right-wing extremists killed 38 people in U.S. in 2019, Anti-Defamation League finds - CBS News
Right-wing extremists kill 329 people since 1994, antifa have killed none - Business Insider

Rightwing political murder is rising in the Age of Dirtbag
Are the 168 that Tim McVeigh murdered included in the 329?
Because assaulting police and store owners, trying to burn down a building while also trying to trap people inside it and burning and breaking **** isn’t violence? :lol:
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No one side has monopoly on political violence.
So these numbers come from where? I don't suppose the violence by these folks is worth talking about?

Lefties are violent more often, but righties could very well be more deadly when they become violent.
Are the 168 that Tim McVeigh murdered included in the 329?

The BI article didn't specify but since that attack was in 1995 and definitely was a rightwing political act I assume that it does.
Not even close:

Killings by Antifa -- 0 (in its entire existence)
Anti-fascists linked to zero murders in the US in 25 years | US news | The Guardian
Killings by rightwing extremists: 38 (in only one year, 2019)
Right-wing extremists killed 38 people in U.S. in 2019, Anti-Defamation League finds - CBS News
Right-wing extremists kill 329 people since 1994, antifa have killed none - Business Insider

Rightwing political murder is rising in the Age of Dirtbag

Police unions; and they've endorsed Trump®. :coffeepap

Not really a politcal party, but this is where it starts....
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Because assaulting police and store owners, trying to burn down a building while also trying to trap people inside it and burning and breaking **** isn’t violence. :lol:

Burning down property, assualt, looting businesses, throwing bricks and frozen water bottles, shooting commerical grade fireworks and throwing home made molotov cocktails at police is all OK, because that isn't violence? People seeing this and excusing it are just crazy and don't understand how low this takes our country.
Lefties are violent more often, but righties could very well be more deadly when they become violent.

Well, that's just BS but thanks for giving us a sardonic comedy moment. And the "righties could very well, etc." does earn an extra guffaw.
Lefties are violent more often, but righties could very well be more deadly when they become violent.

Tim McVeigh is an example of what right wing, terrorist nut bags can achieve when they set their minds to it.
Police unions; and they've endorsed Trump®. :cofeepap

Not really a politcal party, but this is where it starts....

Those would have to be in a different but, yes, related category: extra-judicial executions by police.
Because assaulting police and store owners, trying to burn down a building while also trying to trap people inside it and burning and breaking **** isn’t violence? :lol:

No one said it wasn't but it's interesting to see PERSPECTIVE, isn't it?
Burning down property, assualt, looting businesses, throwing bricks and frozen water bottles, shooting commerical grade fireworks and throwing home made molotov cocktails at police is all OK, because that isn't violence? People seeing this and excusing it are just crazy and don't understand how low this takes our country.

I hope my sarcasm was obvious.
Not even close:

Killings by Antifa -- 0 (in its entire existence)
Anti-fascists linked to zero murders in the US in 25 years | US news | The Guardian
Killings by rightwing extremists: 38 (in only one year, 2019)
Right-wing extremists killed 38 people in U.S. in 2019, Anti-Defamation League finds - CBS News
Right-wing extremists kill 329 people since 1994, antifa have killed none - Business Insider

Rightwing political murder is rising in the Age of Dirtbag

So...killings are the only violence worth mentioning?
Well the OP sure left all that out.

Why should they have included it when it was a RESPONSE TO all the accounts The Kremlin is blasting about violent leftists.
You sure do know how to slurp all that tasty Putin Party Paste, dontcha?
And what does 9/11 show?

The unbelievable capability of an organization capable of combing willing martyrdom with cold, calculated procedure driven attacks.
Burning down property, assualt, looting businesses, throwing bricks and frozen water bottles, shooting commerical grade fireworks and throwing home made molotov cocktails at police is all OK, because that isn't violence? People seeing this and excusing it are just crazy and don't understand how low this takes our country.

So, murder by rightwing extremists = property damage by left wing (and rightwing-- Boogaloo, Proud Boys, Prayer Patriots, etc. who also show up to disrupt peaceful BLM and other protests--often being the ones who start and participate in the vandalism that then you people try to use against the left).
Why should they have included it when it was a RESPONSE TO all the accounts The Kremlin is blasting about violent leftists.
You sure do know how to slurp all that tasty Putin Party Paste, dontcha?

I literally have no idea what the Kremlin says about anything. As to why all forms of violence are relevant in a thread about who “owns” violence, well, if you don’t know, I doubt I could dumb it down enough for you.
So...killings are the only violence worth mentioning?

Are you arguing that property damage is just as bad as murder? We always knew that you people and your "lawnorder" chants were BS but to reveal it so clearly like that is something new. I guess we must appreciate you outing yourself.
So, murder by rightwing extremists = property damage by left wing (and rightwing-- Boogaloo, Proud Boys, Prayer Patriots, etc. who also show up to disrupt peaceful BLM and other protests--often being the ones who start and participate in the vandalism that then you people try to use against the left).

If all or most of the violence are caused only by these people, it sure is interesting you condemn Trump for wanting to stop it.

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