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Which Party or Ideology will benefit from Political Change? (1 Viewer)

Robert Stark

Jan 10, 2006
Reaction score
Los Angeles CA
Political Leaning
The Rapid Population growth in The South and the Exurbs, as well as The declining populations in The Blue upper midwest and The Northeast will benefit The Republicans. On the other hand rapid Latino Growth could turn Texas into a swing state, and some swing states like Arizona, New Mexico, and Florida could become Bluer. (I am doing a research Paper on this topic so I want as much information as possible)
Robert Stark said:
The Rapid Population growth in The South and the Exurbs, as well as The declining populations in The Blue upper midwest and The Northeast will benefit The Republicans. On the other hand rapid Latino Growth could turn Texas into a swing state, and some swing states like Arizona, New Mexico, and Florida could become Bluer. (I am doing a research Paper on this topic so I want as much information as possible)

I meant Demographic change rather than political change, but its to late to edit.
Interesting topic. One thing that should be taken into account is the ability of both major parties to adapt to demographic changes. Neither party is inelastic and both are constantly refining viewpoints, policies, etc. while dumping ineffective tactics. What worked 10 or 20 years ago doesn't necessarily work today given different economic climates (probably the biggest concern on voters minds) along with social and international factors.
Robert Stark said:
The Rapid Population growth in The South and the Exurbs, as well as The declining populations in The Blue upper midwest and The Northeast will benefit The Republicans. On the other hand rapid Latino Growth could turn Texas into a swing state, and some swing states like Arizona, New Mexico, and Florida could become Bluer. (I am doing a research Paper on this topic so I want as much information as possible)

One bit of demographic change you might look into (if you're short on ideas) is the relocation af all the poor people from New Orleans. As you can see in the third picture down here, that city was staunchly Democratic prior to Hurricane Katrina; moreover, it was vitally important, having supplied a huge percentage of Louisiana's Democratic votes in any statewide or national race. That bloc having been broken into a thousand tiny little pieces, I have heard it noised about that Louisiana could become a very Republican state.

Just food for thought.

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