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Which is best? (1 Viewer)

Which is best?

  • Sex

    Votes: 6 75.0%
  • Snowskiing

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Baiting communists

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Top Ten Lists

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Watching football on couch in underwear while enjoying a good scratch and drinking beer

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Fishing with dynamite

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Seeing those that TARGET CHILDREN get dead

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sweet, tasty Pez....mmmmm.....

    Votes: 1 12.5%

  • Total voters
Gandhi>Bush said:
. . . ? . . .

There is that strange symbol again. Is it hieroglyphics? Did I see that in Egypt? Maybe on the TV show Stargate.

What Gandhi? Did Timmy fall in the well? Got an extra button on your keypad you like showing off? Can't type text because your being held hostage? Waiter ignoring you? Pacifist way to hail a cab? Code for "this is the guy I was telling you about"? Signal to 26xworldchamps that I'm at the computer, now we can wire his car? Your out of Pez but are to proud to ask for more? Mysterious international signal to naughty nurse to drop by? Prompt for explain joke to me software? Fly in your soup? Do another top ten but don't let my friends know I asked? Trying to tell me the real Gandhi was bald? Balancing a hook atop a dot? Cue for mothership to come beam you up? The Brits are coming by sea? By land? Can't decide which is best? What?
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Gandhi>Bush said:
. . . ?? . . .

Can't unhook your girlfriends bra? She can't unhook yours? Predetermined signal to vauge for, ban this F****r before I lose it? Tied zeppelin race? Code for this is just plain uncalled for? Gandhi and Telly Sevalis in a conga line? You've fallen and can't get up? Clapper broke, trying to turn light off with question mark key? Oh do three next.
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......are you high?
Edited poll to remove references to members.

My opinion:
Could have been a better poll and have potential.

Actually, I don't see the point at all - maybe someone will come in and rescue it.

As far as references to Gandhi>Bush, what is your point? If your attempting to make one, thus far it has failed.
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My opinion:
Could have been a better poll and have potential

Actually, I don't see the point at all - maybe someone will come in and rescue it.

What's important to people. And where does sweet, tasty Pez stand in peoples lives. More than sex so far. Bet you never thought that. Dichotomy thing. Sometimes you learn more about people from the inane. Would a poll "Bush- better or worse than satan" been more in line. Or, "Is there bias in the media?" Maybe I think you have to be more "cleaver" to make a point with humor than marching lock step with ones chosen party lines. We all ready know that answer. I guess my point may be politicaly astute people have no sense of humor. Or, can you laugh and be political in the same breath? Or, people round these parts are full of themselves. Maybe I just wanted to make peoples posts get edited. I've my share of "real" posts on this site as to enjoy a little levity. I ask direct questions of folks that if they answer honestly will expose their true nature, all while enjoying sweet, tasty Pez...mmmm....but they don't answer. Besides, I called no names and your the boss and can pull this poll if you wan't. Wont hurt my feelings. Would make my point though. Most here seem so full anger and self rightous indignation they wouldn't know a joke if it fell on them. Except galenrox. Now that boy's twisted.

As far as references to Gandhi>Bush, what is your point? If your attempting to make one, thus far it has failed.

He's got no friggin sense-o-humor. I think I've succeeded tremendously there. Besides he's always doing that strange symbol thing to me. I enjoyed the conga line one myself.

Vote Pez.
Why would I want to discount your opinion? That would not be fair and not walking the talk...

I kept the poll open because you have something to say, and it wasn't rude or detrimental. I was concerned about the members being named in the poll - so I removed them.

Regardless if I agree or disagree - this is freedom of speech at it's finest.
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uhh.... very interesting post
You know, I was tempted to pick the fishing thing, cause that would be hilarious, but then I thought to myself...what would cookie monster do?

So, I picked the most gluttonous thing I could find...is that even a word, well I hope it is...kermit says it is...so it must be.
vauge said:
Why would I want to discount your opinion? That would not be fair and not walking the talk...

Boss, not saying at all you would do that. Just that I push the envelope at times and would understand if told I crossed the line or broke a rule I'm unfamiliar with.
Regardless if I agree or disagree - this is freedom of speech at it's finest.

Vote Pez.

Is it okay to campaign with a thousand yard of a post?

Humor and a subtle political point in the same breath. That dichotomy thing again.

(Pez is in the lead!)
To Crush your enemies, see them
driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women..Conan
akyron said:
To Crush your enemies, see them
driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women..Conan

Thought I was the only one who had that line memorized. One of the all time best. Right up there with "badges, we don't need no stinking badges" and "we are the knights that say nit". Sex over Pez? This country is going to hell in a hand basket.
Does anyone mind if I go bash my head against a brick?

This poll has no reason. If you want to see how many people would rather like Sex or Shooting Sex Offenders, then I recommend an AOL or YAHOO Chat Room.
vaugeMy opinion: Could have been a better poll and have potential. Actually said:
Looks like they are rescuing it. In the sense that already some can laugh and some actually seem mad. Wonder in the end how the sense-o-humor/political leanings ratio will turn out. For instance Arch Enemy seems bothered. I can't conceive of being a teenager and upset by so trivial a thing. None of my friends growing up either. Skateboard lost a wheel maybe. Girlfriend got grounded perhaps. School confiscated my Pez....mmm...sweet, tasty Pez.....see even that seems to upset some. I can see if I were just weird all the time but....Is this todays youthful angst? Why does Lilith get it and not Arch?

Vote Pez.
>There is that strange symbol again. Is it hieroglyphics? Did I see that in Egypt? Maybe on the TV show Stargate. <

Dear Teacher,

Don't play dumb. I have a feeling you've seen that symbol many times in your lifetime. Far more than most of us...especially from those you've come in contact. LOL

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