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Which gop members will try to turn this supreme court hearing into a shit show? (1 Viewer)

Are you actually watching the hearings? There has been nothing but respect shown to KBJ by the Republicans. They have stated openly in the hearings, that they will not behave in the disturbing and aggressively disrespectful, in not disdainful, manner that ACB was treated throughout her hearings.
Are you actually watching the hearings? There has been nothing but respect shown to KBJ by the Republicans. They have stated openly in the hearings, that they will not behave in the disturbing and aggressively disrespectful, in not disdainful, manner that ACB was treated throughout her hearings.
I sincerely hope you're right. The past behavior of some of these clowns says otherwise.
We all know it's going to happen.
During my lifetimes, all SCOTUS nomination hearings have had their share of kabuki theater. Legislators in front of a camera have to play to what they think are their constituent audiences - on both sides of the aisle. The unfortunate result is that they take three times as long as they need to, being short on useful content, and long on theatrics.
Cruz for sure, I suspect Hawley too. Graham will not be disrespectful to her but he likely will grandstand.
If we took away the tv cameras, they'd probably have this done in a few hours.

Have to play for the audience and so I'm sure there will be some ridiculous statements.

The cameras should be in the court chamber. We should be able to watch these justices in action.
hawley. cruz. that's about it. grassley asked the right questions and was professional, respectful and even funny
We all know it's going to happen.
No hearing will ever, ever come close to the Kavanaugh shitshow put on by your clowns.

Durbin refuses to even speak of it today.

What...are leftists actually imagining that GOP members are going to drag out a fabricated hate scam accusing the SCOTUS nominee of sexual assaults built on lies and several different knowjn and proven liars?

Whenever I see threads like this from leftists that shit on their own integrity and then make these ridiculous hypocritical threads I cant help but laugh.

Brother was a Baltimore detective and served two tours in the army.

Two uncles on the PD, one the CoP of Miami.

Yeah, she's real woke.

Something's showing. What could it be...
Which has nothing to do with her and her view that our revolution was to protect the institution of slavery.
Which has nothing to do with her and her view that our revolution was to protect the institution of slavery.
I don't recall that question being asked. Give it up.

Did you see Lindsey crying? I just read he cried yesterday too. Boo hoo.

His Guantanamo question was valid, but he should have accepted her initial answer and moved straight on to the Childs victimization routine. Did you hear it?

Jackson worked for the Cato Institute. She has the backing of the Fraternal Order of Police. How woke is that? Lmao.

Black =/= woke.

So woke!!!

Defund the...what?
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I don't recall that question being asked. Give it up.

Did you see Lindsey crying? I just read he cried yesterday too. Boo hoo.

His Guantanamo question was valid, but he should have accepted her initial answer and moved straight on to the Childs victimization routine. Did you hear it?

Jackson worked for the Cato Institute. She has the backing of the Fraternal Order of Police. How woke is that? Lmao.

Black =/= woke.

So woke!!!

Defund the...what?
Claiming our revolution was to protect the institution of slavery is woke-CRT-Marxist. She also wilted like a flower in the hot sun when questioned about her immigration decision that defied a congressional decision. Stuttered,stammered drank water, eyes darted around and gave no rational response. She's overstepped her authority multiple times as a judge acting outside the parameters of her constitutional authority.
Graham gave it the ol' college try, but the moment fizzled when he was done.

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