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Which do you find offensive? (1 Viewer)

Which do you find offensive?

  • I'm black and find only A offensive

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • I'm black and find only B offensive

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm black and find both offensive

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm non-black and find only A offensive

    Votes: 10 28.6%
  • I'm non-black and find only B offensive

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm non-black and find both offensive

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 23 65.7%

  • Total voters


Maquis Admiral
DP Veteran
Feb 9, 2011
Reaction score
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A: C5629943-9B99-4508-B388-FA912CE2103C-17176-000006DA9D5CFBFD.jpg


Which use of make up offends you and why?
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Do we get offended over people dressing as fantasy species that don't actually exist?

Well I guess if we don't right now, we will in the not so distant future, lol.
Do we get offended over people dressing as fantasy species that don't actually exist?

Well I guess if we don't right now, we will in the not so distant future, lol.

There is a convention group (they do at least three different cons I am aware of) who have banned the cosplay of Drow.
A:View attachment 67249474

B:View attachment 67249475

Which use of make up offends you and why?

Well, because I play Dungeons & Dragons and other various fantasy games, I know the second person pictured is cosplaying as a Drow/Dark Elf. So I do not find it offensive in the slightest. The first one is a bit more offensive, because it is the character of Zwart Piete, Santa's Spanish Moor assistant (though there are many muddled explanations as to the character's origin). While neither rocks me to my core, I could certainly see why others might take offense to people wearing blackface to portray the character.
Do we get offended over people dressing as fantasy species that don't actually exist?

Well I guess if we don't right now, we will in the not so distant future, lol.

That's been going on for 15 years.
There is a convention group (they do at least three different cons I am aware of) who have banned the cosplay of Drow.

That is unfortunate. Perhaps if they agreed to paint themselves very dark purple instead of coal-black, that would be the happy medium.
That is unfortunate. Perhaps if they agreed to paint themselves very dark purple instead of coal-black, that would be the happy medium.

Do we get offended over people dressing as fantasy species that don't actually exist?

Well I guess if we don't right now, we will in the not so distant future, lol.

It's a racist depiction of dark elves as evil Demon-worshippers when that is based on sickening anti-elf stereotypes that have permeated society for years. Or at least that is what I learned in my Elf Studies course.
That is unfortunate. Perhaps if they agreed to paint themselves very dark purple instead of coal-black, that would be the happy medium.

That and grey are options that others are using now, although IIRC Grey Drow were an offshoot as much as Grey Eleves were.
I don't find any of it offensive, but maybe that's because I'm not a thin-skinned *****-minded SJW.

btw, when I play RPG's and MMO's, I ALWAYS play as a female, white-skinned, green-eyed redhead...because...

1. If I'm going to watch my player run all over the world in 3rd person, I'd rather see a hot female character than a hot guy.

2. I just plain love redheads.

3. Redheads are generally very light skinned.

I hate it when I play an elf or an orc and they don't let me go with the colors I want.
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This is 2019.

The nation is fast a-changing -- like it or not.

Issues of ethnicity are injected into everything.

Anyone with a even smidgen of sensitivity would not approve of anything that could possibly remind one of blackface.
Who thought it was a good idea to make the evil elves dark-skinned to begin with?
That’s a night elf sir

I thought so too, but my wife said that Night Elves have green, blue and purple hair rather than white hair which is what the Drow have. This girl seems to be mixing fantasy elves slightly. But the skin tone is what I was going for.
I thought so too, but my wife said that Night Elves have green, blue and purple hair rather than white hair which is what the Drow have. This girl seems to be mixing fantasy elves slightly. But the skin tone is what I was going for.

There aren’t are lore night elf’s with white hair but it’s an in game option
To my understanding, it goes back to Norse Mythology, and tales of the Svartálfar.

So ancient ideas of blackness as bad ... got it.

Yeah ... if someone wants to dress up as an evil black elf ... they're making a provocative choice which could legitimately be seen as not falling under the umbrella of "all in good fun".
Do we get offended over people dressing as fantasy species that don't actually exist?

Well I guess if we don't right now, we will in the not so distant future, lol.

Or in the not too distant past.

btw, when I play RPG's and MMO's, I ALWAYS play as a female, white-skinned, green-eyed redhead...because...

Somehow this doesn't surprise me.
Short of someone directly insulting my family I just don't get offended much...nowadays at least. So those pictures don't offend me, but I can empathize with how the first one might offend people. THe second one probably offends people who don't understand the context.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I have no problem with any imitations. There was a big broha recently over a girl wearing an Asian dress to her prom. I've seen black girls with red hair, blond hair and absolutely straight hair. It all looks good. People should be allowed to express themselves most any way they want. Now, there are some costumes that are overtly racist, like the KKK get up. But short of that, it's a tempest in a teapot.
Somehow this doesn't surprise me.

And I'm not surprised that this is the only part of my comment you chose to respond to. You strike me as a shallow person.
If those are white people in A, then that's blackface and it's a problem, period. Why it is a problem does not require explanation to any adult with a properly-working mind.

B is something I would have to consider before coming to a conclusion. I'm sure that there are reliable articles out there that critically analyze race, cosplay, and Drow, but there's a lot of uninformed trash to sort through as well. Mostly the type that spawn's from the internet's rectum, 4chan.

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