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Which City is Next? (1 Viewer)

Which City is Next?

  • St. Louis, MO

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Oakland, CA

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Memphis, TN

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Birningham, AL

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Atlanta, GA

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Baltimore, MD

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Stockton, CA

    Votes: 3 17.6%
  • Cleveland, OH

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • None. Detroit is a one time incident

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • It'll be more than one next time

    Votes: 6 35.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2012
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Detroit has been ravaged with crime and corruption for decades. In a sense, it has received its comeuppance. So which city do you think will be next?
Vatican City. I mean, c'mon, with all those little boys raped by the Church authority figures and their whole 'feed the poor' liberal agenda - it's GOT TO be Vatican City, right?
Vatican City. I mean, c'mon, with all those little boys raped by the Church authority figures and their whole 'feed the poor' liberal agenda - it's GOT TO be Vatican City, right?
On a more global scale, perhaps. Thank you for showing deeper insight, ForcedAppeal. ;)
Gotta be Baltimore. My GPS took me through Baltimore on my way from DC to NYC because I hit 'avoid toll roads'. I have never seen a more poor, run-down, third world city in the western world. That city is already broken, declaring it bankrupt will just be a matter of semantics.
Too politically centralized. Barack Obama will throw the kitchen sink at that city before he lets it fall.
It's creepy how supposedly patriotic people seem to revel in the country's struggles. Especially with the undercurrent of "See? I told you it was wrong to be anything besides a white, middle class, heterosexual, rural Christian, male, and this is what you get for thinking you're not inferior." It also involves selectively ignoring the many many problems experienced by such people and how the dreaded city people (70-80% of Americans) get along just fine.

So yeah, smug sadistic bigotry doesn't help anyone, and it runs really contrary to the stated ideals of the people doing it.
My guess is Stockton. According to Forbes, The city is broke and it's already filed for bankruptcy. They've cut way back on their policing, as well, so nobody's safe there.
Too politically centralized. Barack Obama will throw the kitchen sink at that city before he lets it fall.

Chicago and to a lesser degree Cleveland are what they are because of their geographic importance for inland shipping. That is becoming increasingly irrelevant as manufacturing dies out, and more goods can be moved by train and tractor-trailers economically. Cleveland is a little more proactive in investing in a post-industrialized economy while Chicago is not so much. I expect the new deep water ports will make Chicago more by-passable as a route to the midwest, in the same way that the opening of the Erie Canal moved the banking center of the US from Philadelphia to New York. I doubt Chicago will fail in the next 20 years but definitely in the next 50.
Chicago and to a lesser degree Cleveland are what they are because of their geographic importance for inland shipping. That is becoming increasingly irrelevant as manufacturing dies out, and more goods can be moved by train and tractor-trailers economically. Cleveland is a little more proactive in investing in a post-industrialized economy while Chicago is not so much. I expect the new deep water ports will make Chicago more by-passable as a route to the midwest, in the same way that the opening of the Erie Canal moved the banking center of the US from Philadelphia to New York. I doubt Chicago will fail in the next 20 years but definitely in the next 50.

You realize that Chicago has a highly diversified and complex economy, right?
Vatican City. I mean, c'mon, with all those little boys raped by the Church authority figures and their whole 'feed the poor' liberal agenda - it's GOT TO be Vatican City, right?
I didnt know we could insult other peoples religions on this forum. Oh, wait you are insulting Catholics. So it must be ok.:roll:
Vatican City. I mean, c'mon, with all those little boys raped by the Church authority figures and their whole 'feed the poor' liberal agenda - it's GOT TO be Vatican City, right?

We wish, but they have a ton of gullible idiots worldwide funneling money into them daily.
I have no idea how the cities on the list were picked, heck, Stockton has already declared bankruptcy, why are they there? There are several major cities that are on the brink of going over the edge, Chicago, which just had their credit rating reduced because of unfunded liabilities, is certainly one. Los Angeles, San Francisco, Inglewood, Azusa and others in California are going right after them. People have to realize that these massive pension packages are deadly to most cities and to the nation at large. It's only going to snowball from here.
It's creepy how supposedly patriotic people seem to revel in the country's struggles. Especially with the undercurrent of "See? I told you it was wrong to be anything besides a white, middle class, heterosexual, rural Christian, male, and this is what you get for thinking you're not inferior." It also involves selectively ignoring the many many problems experienced by such people and how the dreaded city people (70-80% of Americans) get along just fine.

So yeah, smug sadistic bigotry doesn't help anyone, and it runs really contrary to the stated ideals of the people doing it.
so detroit is a one-time occurence? Is that your read on the future?
It's creepy how supposedly patriotic people seem to revel in the country's struggles. Especially with the undercurrent of "See? I told you it was wrong to be anything besides a white, middle class, heterosexual, rural Christian, male, and this is what you get for thinking you're not inferior." It also involves selectively ignoring the many many problems experienced by such people and how the dreaded city people (70-80% of Americans) get along just fine.

So yeah, smug sadistic bigotry doesn't help anyone, and it runs really contrary to the stated ideals of the people doing it.

This is exactly what I was thinking. "True patriots" reveling in the pain and suffering of their fellow countrymen, constructing ways to bend the narrative of what's really happening to suit their hackish political needs. Just enjoying and capitalizing upon the misery of these people. Getting their "comeuppance." Disgusting. Just disgusting.
This is exactly what I was thinking. "True patriots" reveling in the pain and suffering of their fellow countrymen, constructing ways to bend the narrative of what's really happening to suit their hackish political needs. Just enjoying and capitalizing upon the misery of these people. Getting their "comeuppance." Disgusting. Just disgusting.

Exactly. I'm surprised you align yourself with such people.
This is exactly what I was thinking. "True patriots" reveling in the pain and suffering of their fellow countrymen, constructing ways to bend the narrative of what's really happening to suit their hackish political needs. Just enjoying and capitalizing upon the misery of these people. Getting their "comeuppance." Disgusting. Just disgusting.
There's nothing wrong with using examples to illustrate a point. Detroit should be an example of what not to do, not an opportinity for disciples of failure to blast Conservatives.
There's nothing wrong with using examples to illustrate a point. Detroit should be an example of what not to do, not an opportinity for disciples of failure to blast Conservatives.

I wasn't aware anyone was doing that. Pretty sure that's in your head.

What I'm blasting is your cruelty and complete disinterest in actually helping, rather than laughing at a bunch of innocent people.

Is that a conservative tenet?
Detroit has been ravaged with crime and corruption for decades. In a sense, it has received its comeuppance. So which city do you think will be next?

Palm Beach

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