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Where Kamala Harris Stands On Nine Issues (1 Viewer)

Old 'N Chill

DP Veteran
Jun 24, 2019
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A bit of information on where Kamala Harris stands on some issues.

Kamala Harris is a barrier-breaking, first-term senator from California, a former district attorney and state attorney general, a devoted fan of Converse sneakers, and the co-founder of a dance group in high school called “Midnight Magic.”

Harris is just the second African-American woman elected to the U.S. Senate. She sits on the powerful Senate Judiciary and Intelligence panels. If elected, she would be the first woman to win the White House, as well as the first black female president and the first president of Asian descent.

Here is where Harris stands on key issues in the 2020 presidential election.


Hard core gun banner. However, she will catch flak from some civil libertarians since she was a big fan of long mandatory sentences-sentences that had a disparate impact on young black men-often those who got lots of time for non-violent drug offenses.

California'''s law-and-order past haunts Kamala Harris - Los Angeles Times

Still, her home state’s high rate of incarcerating people of color goes a long way in explaining the trouble she has had selling her candidacy to black voters nationwide. In California and many other states, racial disparities in imprisonment have intensified resentments of what many see as deeply ingrained discrimination in America’s criminal justice system.

“Communities of color, they have a hard time trusting you when you are connected with law enforcement,” said Yvette McDowell, a black attorney and former Pasadena prosecutor who is undecided in the Democratic presidential race.

First, thank you for posting, Old 'N Chill. Here are my thoughts:

Climate change: Supports Paris climate accord. Believes action is need to combat climate change.

This is classic hortatory pandering without presenting realistic solutions. Presently, the only way the United States will be able to lower emissions over the next several decades while maintaining our standard of living and productivity would be a radical shift towards electric vehicles powered, ultimately, by fission nuclear power plants. If that is part of her proposal I will listen. If it is just airy-fairy hand-wavy "wind and solar farms will be the power of the future" I will not.

Education: Free tuition at four-year public colleges for most Americans. Create national prekindergarten program.

This will be too costly and will quickly turn exclusionary. Realistically, so-called "free college" will inevitably make academic selection for public universities much stricter which in turn favors already well-off families who can afford tutoring and after-school programs to prepare their children for entrance examinations. Thus university education will remain the domain of the already-privileged. Do not get me wrong, the current model of increasingly-massive student loans is terrible, but could be resolved somewhat by making student loans dischargeable in personal bankruptcy.

Guns: Ban assault weapons and sale of high-capacity magazines. Support laws blocking some advertising by gun stores.

Awful, unconstitutional and counterproductive. Make better guns more available to law-abiding citizens, and reverse the ridiculous Federal marijuana conviction law which prevents (mainly black) people from purchasing firearms. Stop disarming the American people.

Health care: Move to universal, government-run health care, or “Medicare for All.”

Not totally in disagreement, but I think a Universal Multipayer system like that of Germany's would be more cost-effective and easier to apply in the United States.

Social Issues: Abortion and same-sex marriage should be legal. Transgender people should use the bathroom of their choice. States need not necessarily pay for sexual reassignment surgery.

Totally agreed.

Tax Cuts: Reverse some measures in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Instead, create new direct tax breaks for middle and lower classes.

Agree in part, disagree in part. We have to balance the damn budget. Raise taxes on everyone in all income brackets, halt all issuance of tax refunds except in cases of clear overpayment. We cannot leave these massive budget deficits for our children and grandchildren to enjoy the effects of austerity, inflation and rationing à la Great Britain in the 1950s.

Trade: Opposed TPP. Opposes Trump administration tariffs and trade policy.

Agree in part. Disagree in part. Reverse tariffs. Bring back TPP. We need a trade bloc as an alternative to leverage against China.

Afghanistan: Wants a “political solution” to end the war, bring troops home.

Translation: Give most of Afghanistan back to the Taliban. It may have to happen, unfortunately. No one else wants this mess.
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“Communities of color, they have a hard time trusting you when you are connected with law enforcement,” said Yvette McDowell, a black attorney and former Pasadena prosecutor...............

Guess that rules out the law and order candidate.
not for white voters from what that article says.

Does this say anything about white voters?

“Communities of color, they have a hard time trusting you when you are connected with law enforcement,” said Yvette McDowell, a black attorney and former Pasadena prosecutor who is undecided in the Democratic presidential race.
Pretty solid Lefty Dem, IMO.

That all depends on who one is. The progressive wing thinks she's not progressive enough while Mike Pence called her a radical leftist.

The reality is that most Democrats, except for Sanders, is to the right of FDR. Obama was to the right of Nixon, who created the EPA and instituted socialist wage and price controls.

If by "lefty Democrat," one means one who isn't bowing down to the rich and believes in showering them with tax-cuts, she's a lefty Dem.
Ummm, not to interrupt but it really does not matter what her stands on the issues are, she, like all other VP's, have to support Presidents stand on the issues.

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