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Where is the Problem? (1 Viewer)

Are guns the problem or is it gun wielders that are the problem?

  • Yes, guns are the problem.

    Votes: 2 5.6%
  • No, gun wielders are the problem.

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • Both guns and gun wielders are the problem.

    Votes: 7 19.4%
  • Guns in the wrong hands is the problem.

    Votes: 10 27.8%
  • I'm getting a headache.

    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • Other.

    Votes: 8 22.2%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Nov 20, 2020
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Political Leaning
A question about firearms usage.
if you do not have a gun you cannot shoot a person.....you can stab em, club em, drown em, poison em, hang em, burn em, throw em under a bus or drop em off a building.......but you cannot shoot em
Best quote I have seen on the subject;

"An inanimate object cannot make a decision, cannot feel hatred or love towards anything. No, an inanimate object only acts as the one who possesses the object decides."
Other - criminals allowed to roam freely among us are the problem, with or without guns.
That is an issue of crime, not guns then. Wait till a thread starts that has the title,' What's the problem with crime."
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What, other than crime, is the “gun wielders” issue? See poll options #2 and #4.
The only issue the pro gun have is that of creating fear of not having a gun. Where as sensilke gun owners would probably be talking about intelligent uses of a gun such as hunting, sport and recreation.

Telling that you think crime is the only reason for a gun. Live in a shithole do you?
The only issue the pro gun have is that of creating fear of not having a gun. Where as sensilke gun owners would probably be talking about intelligent uses of a gun such as hunting, sport and recreation.

Telling that you think crime is the only reason for a gun. Live in a shithole do you?

Nope, I live in a well armed neighborhood.
People are definitely the problem, not inanimate objects. The issue is that you can't fix the 'people problem' without incredible constitution busting interference in peoples liberties. So then the least offensive solution becomes one of controlling the distribution of guns to prevent them reaching the people who will be unsafe with them.

That's what most nations do. They demand gun safety training to improve safety and widen the group of people who can safely own guns. They require owners to take sensible precautions to prevent their guns being stolen by bad guys. They check the 'safety profile' of prospective gun owners. By doing the above they can let the 'good guys' own guns without incurring the mass deaths that otherwise occur.
if you do not have a gun you cannot shoot a person.....you can stab em, club em, drown em, poison em, hang em, burn em, throw em under a bus or drop em off a building.......but you cannot shoot em
And if you DO have a gun you can protect yourself from a person who might stab you, club you, poison you, hang you, burn you, throw you under a bus (or out of a bus, as was the case here just recently), drop you off a building... by shooting them.
People are definitely the problem, not inanimate objects. The issue is that you can't fix the 'people problem' without incredible constitution busting interference in peoples liberties. So then the least offensive solution becomes one of controlling the distribution of guns to prevent them reaching the people who will be unsafe with them.

That's what most nations do. They demand gun safety training to improve safety and widen the group of people who can safely own guns. They require owners to take sensible precautions to prevent their guns being stolen by bad guys. They check the 'safety profile' of prospective gun owners. By doing the above they can let the 'good guys' own guns without incurring the mass deaths that otherwise occur.

That sounds halfway sensible.

Something like that would NEVER fly with those that love FrEeDuMbZ$™.
What do you suppose that he base that on?

You said its "well armed". Well, Somalia is "well armed". And Somalia is a shithole. Sooooo.....connect the dots. This is called "logic".


well were waiting.gif
Criminal use is the problem.
Hold the criminal accountable!

Thats sort of like closing the barn door after the horse is out.

Also sort of meaningless with folks like Adam Lanza and Stephen Paddock. Yahhhhh. Really not much there to punish at this point.
The thing to do is keep the guns from the morons before they go berserk. DERP.

Which is impossible when every mouth breathing idiot has a "right" to guns, which is why no other developed nation on earth would have such an utterly loony gun policy.
Lousy legislation is the problem, for the most part. Bastardization of the 2nd Amendment doesn't help, either.

Sure some people are the problem. Some people shouldn't be able to own guns, but try telling a 2A nut that a blind man shouldn't be able to own a gun, and he'll go bonkers on you.

This has happened to me before.

I expect it to happen here.

Que 3...2...1....
You said its "well armed". Well, Somalia is "well armed". And Somalia is a shithole. Sooooo.....connect the dots. This is called "logic".


View attachment 67376843

Somalia is a country, not a city. The US has the highest guns per capita among all nations. Using your “logic” the US is a shithole.
The ease of getting guns in the Gun Nut Nayshun is a big part of the problem.

Guns are treated like toys, even so far as marketed to children. Its REALLY creepy.

Then many Americans see themselves as John Wayne or Dirty Harry, standing up to outlaws and "tyranny" while they ride off into the sunset, couple that with a womb-to-casket brain drubbing of propaganda constant idiocy like that of the NRA, sponsored by gun manufacturers.

This is a very very creepy environment right about now, imo, things have gone BEYOND evil with the guns and the phony wars, violence, Reality TeeVee host wanna be dictator, a lot of stuff to scratch your head about.

Not a pretty sight.
A question about firearms usage.
Depends on the specifics of a given case.

I think you need more info here though, since I'm only assuming you mean "what causes death and harm via firearm" when you ask "where is the problem?"
Using your “logic” the US is a shithole.

The US is the shithole of developed nations at this point, yeah thats pretty much correct IMO.
Violence, bridges falling down, homeless everywhere, people dropping dead left and right from drugs, riots and rebellions from both white supremacists and black supremacists.
No universal healthcare, no universal maternity and parental leave, no universal education.

Shithole. Check.(y) Yes, I said it.

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