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Where is the police asks morons in Minneapolis (1 Viewer)

My grandpa used to say you get what you tolerate. And if you live in Seattle or Portland or Minneapolis you're getting what you voted for.
So the police aren’t showing up to calls?

The Minneapolis City Council unanimously passed a scheme in June to eliminate the police department and it will be on the ballot in November. They can lump it.
Are these morons for real.
After months of demonizing police, talk of defunding or abolishing they were too stupid to realize the consequences and now they are asking where is the police

With violent crime on the rise in Mpls., City Council asks: Where are the police? | MPR News

I guess what's left of their police force, they are now supposed to do what the entire force did before the defunding, lol.....and those that are still there are supposed to be happy about what the city council did to many of their friends and families....okay...yeah they are dumb asses....sorry to the people in the city, but as far as the stupid city council goes, they get what they deserve....hooray.
So the police aren’t showing up to calls?

Showing up at riot situations requires overtime time for extra hours worked. Union rules you know. Only the police department has been defunded so there's no money to pay them. Sucks to be a police officer these days.
Are these morons for real.
After months of demonizing police, talk of defunding or abolishing they were too stupid to realize the consequences and now they are asking where is the police

With violent crime on the rise in Mpls., City Council asks: Where are the police? | MPR News

If the cops refuse to do their jobs because they are criticized after straight up murdering a dude, then that only proves what people have been saying.

They certainly don’t need all that funding if they aren’t going to do their jobs.
I guess what's left of their police force, they are now supposed to do what the entire force did before the defunding, lol.....and those that are still there are supposed to be happy about what the city council did to many of their friends and families....okay...yeah they are dumb asses....sorry to the people in the city, but as far as the stupid city council goes, they get what they deserve....hooray.

Perhaps I misunderstood, but they haven't been defunded yet.
From the article
Just months after leading an effort that would have defunded the police departmen
This is a classic case of you cant fix stupid. What the hell did they expect???

You didn't read your source...

"Those officers who would’ve been pulling over the suspicious vehicles, patrolling the neighborhoods, getting out with people at two or three o’clock in the morning wandering in yards and things like that, so we might be able to do proactive and stop that. I don’t know that that’s being done as much as it used to,” Champion said."
Yep, with less cops, less criminals are being arrested and the crime statistics make it LOOK like they are going down.
It makes my day when human beings get their comeuppance.

When the Harris-Biden administration takes over in three months, more and more people who supported BLM are going to reap the consequences of defunding the cops.

Maybe they can call BLM the next time they are robbed or sucker punched or looted or raped or murdered.
Are these morons for real.
After months of demonizing police, talk of defunding or abolishing they were too stupid to realize the consequences and now they are asking where is the police

With violent crime on the rise in Mpls., City Council asks: Where are the police? | MPR News

Trumpists think that in a supposed civilized nation, it's perfectly fine for police to respond to requests that they stop brutalizing black people by refusing to do their jobs.

I'd be amazed if I didn't already know that Trumpism's ugliness knows no bounds.
Trumpists think that in a supposed civilized nation, it's perfectly fine for police to respond to requests that they stop brutalizing black people by refusing to do their jobs.

I'd be amazed if I didn't already know that Trumpism's ugliness knows no bounds.

On the contrary. The police aren’t supposed to have jobs according to the City Council. They’ve stripped the police department of some funding and diverted it to pay “violence interrupters” as a first step towards total abolition in a few months. It’s their job now whomever they may be. City Council may regret that fact and the reality of civil disorder without police but there it is.
Trumpists think that in a supposed civilized nation, it's perfectly fine for police to respond to requests that they stop brutalizing black people by refusing to do their jobs.

I'd be amazed if I didn't already know that Trumpism's ugliness knows no bounds.

This might be the single stupidest and most inaccurate summary of what’s actually been happening and there been plenty of ugliness directed at police, including from you, so you can stop clutching your pearls. It hasn’t been “requests to stop brutalizing black people,” it’s **** the police, defund the police, it’s been riots, and arson and assaults on police. The geniuses on this city council (or whatever they’re called) actually voted to abolish their police department and “reimagine” public safety, because none of them had the balls to stand up to the emotional demands to get rid of them or underfund them. Anyone with half a brain could see what’s happening coming. You’re incredibly typical of police haters. Bash them at every turn, yet still expect them to kiss your ass.
So the police aren’t showing up to calls?

Why should they. They will only be demonized. Just call the city social worker. That works.
Why should they. They will only be demonized. Just call the city social worker. That works.

Sounds to me like they're proving the point.
If the cops refuse to do their jobs because they are criticized after straight up murdering a dude, then that only proves what people have been saying.

They certainly don’t need all that funding if they aren’t going to do their jobs.

Yea, all the cops murdered the dude. We need to punish them all.
If you don’t want police, don’t complain they are not there.
Trumpists think that in a supposed civilized nation, it's perfectly fine for police to respond to requests that they stop brutalizing black people by refusing to do their jobs.

I'd be amazed if I didn't already know that Trumpism's ugliness knows no bounds.

Liberals in a civilized nation feel its perfectly fine to demonize 800,000 officers, ambush officers shooting them in the head because of one bad cop.
Liberals feel it’s okay in a civilized nation to burn the victim’s neighborhood down in the name of social injustice.
Makes sense to me, probably makes sense to you.

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