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Where is the Jewish Liberal Senatorial Outrage? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 14, 2005
Reaction score
New Hampshire
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
The modern day Hitler in Iran is threatening to wipe Israel off the face of the map--perhaps with the help of one or two of his Muslim state cohorts. This Hitler is using the threat of nuclear annihalation on Israel.

Jewish liberal senators in the past have made known their outrage over anything involving Hitler from the Holocaust to state rights for Israel.

Not a peep out of these Jewish senators like Chuckie Schumer, Barbara Boxer, Joe Leiberman, Diane Feinstein, Feingold, and Barbara Streisand...oops, Babs is not a senator just yet.

Does anyone think we haven't heard anything from these senators because its not politically savvy to do so--especially while we're at war now in Iraq?
ptsdkid said:
This Hitler is using the threat of nuclear annihalation on Israel.

Im not even sure thats what he meant. He could have been saying that he doesnt recognise Israel as a state as that it should be called palestine. It sounds very unlikely to me that the man would nuke his fellow muslims.
Um, so I just imagined everyone getting narky about it?
vergiss said:
Um, so I just imagined everyone getting narky about it?

Well they could just have been getting narky about a clever piece of spin. Wouldnt be the first time thats happend.
vergis, "israel will always be worth it"

Not for America. And I can't really think of anyone else.

This thread reeks of anti America.
Dondie said:
vergis, "israel will always be worth it"

Not for America. And I can't really think of anyone else.

This thread reeks of anti America.

How so? How can one be against a geographical area anyway? Seams like a red herron to me
Dondie said:

How is the thread anti-american, and how can one be opossed to a geographical area?
Dondie said:
vergis, "israel will always be worth it"
Not for America. And I can't really think of anyone else.
The White House seems to think Israel is worth it. So do our Senators and Representatives the United States Congress. So does vergis. So do I. And I could direct you to dozens of DP members who think likewise. Of course you may not personally agree Dondie, but reality still prevails.

Dondie said:
This thread reeks of anti America.
Why? Because it doesn't suit your agenda? :rofl
The White House seems to think Israel is worth it. So do our Senators and Representatives the United States Congress. So does vergis. So do I. And I could direct you to dozens of DP members who think likewise. Of course you may not personally agree Dondie, but reality still prevails.

Tasha, I am correct in my post. As far as the white house,sen. congress, not all beleive all this drivle about israel being worth it. Some are actually wising up.
You ARE correct about reality though. The U.S.A. could well go down the tubes.And, remember.....No U.S.A. ,,, No israel!

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