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Where is Bush Today 9/2/2005? (1 Viewer)

He is in New Orleans and Biloxi coordinating the relief effort and giving aid and comfort to the refugees.........You can see the looks on the peoples faces.......They are so happy to see him and get his support.........
Navy Pride said:
He is in New Orleans and Biloxi coordinating the relief effort and giving aid and comfort to the refugees.........You can see the looks on the peoples faces.......They are so happy to see him and get his support.........

You know something? I went ballistic when I saw that article I quoted, and posted it without checking out what the author was saying. I should have done that, because the author had writting bad articles before. Call it a knee jerk reaction. Here is what Bush was really doing today:


You are right, and I stand corrected.
danarhea said:

Naw, ...I thought he was taking up a new hobby of deliberately having the rescue efforts, & aid effots go slow so that all the poor, & our black american citizens could suffer more.

We all know Bush hates everybody that is not wealthy, & Lord knows how he despises all the poor, & wishes them all evil too.

You know, ..all the economically locked out victims, who were trampled by all those white wealthy people who left before the hurricane arrived, cause' afteral...ALL our lighter persuasion are filthy rich, & selfish & are racists just like Bush is!

Not to worry now, ...I said all the things that YOU prefer to be said.;)
danarhea said:
You know something? I went ballistic when I saw that article I quoted, and posted it without checking out what the author was saying. I should have done that, because the author had writting bad articles before. Call it a knee jerk reaction. Here is what Bush was really doing today:


You are right, and I stand corrected.

Not a problem.....:cheers:
danarhea said:
You know something? I went ballistic when I saw that article I quoted, and posted it without checking out what the author was saying. I should have done that, because the author had writting bad articles before. Call it a knee jerk reaction. Here is what Bush was really doing today:


You are right, and I stand corrected.

If you would like, a Moderator has the ability to delete this thread...
I"ve heard that Bush gave a speech at a golf club in the past week or so. Perhaps that's how the thing got started?
cnredd said:
If you would like, a Moderator has the ability to delete this thread...

Nope. If the thread stays, that will be a lesson for me not to make an ass of myself again. LMAO.
Heads are going to roll after all is uncovered as to why it took so long to get help.
danarhea said:
Nope. If the thread stays, that will be a lesson for me not to make an ass of myself again. LMAO.

That's the ONLY reason I asked you instead of deleting it!....:rofl
PLAYING GOLF??? Hey, even I know that he went to see the hurricane damage in the south.
I know for a fact he was there even if he was 7 days late getting there.

PROOF??? I saw him on TV taking a PHOTO OPT with 2 little black kids.:roll: :roll: :roll:
taxpayer said:
PLAYING GOLF??? Hey, even I know that he went to see the hurricane damage in the south.
I know for a fact he was there even if he was 7 days late getting there.

PROOF??? I saw him on TV taking a PHOTO OPT with 2 little black kids.:roll: :roll: :roll:

As usual Taxpayer, your a day late and a dollar short...........
Navy Pride said:
As usual Taxpayer, your a day late and a dollar short...........

Unlike Bush, who was quite a few days late and appears to be several billion dollars short of a decent aid package?

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