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Where did all the moderate Republicans go? (1 Viewer)


Sep 10, 2005
Reaction score
Washington, DC
Political Leaning
Is there no longer any room in the Republican party for moderates? Pro-Choicers, pro-gun control, greenies, or people who don't think taxes are a sin?

Or will they forever be labeled RINOs?
haha, so true! The second someone says they are republican, they automatically becausea conservative!
Snoozin said:
Is there no longer any room in the Republican party for moderates? Pro-Choicers, pro-gun control, greenies, or people who don't think taxes are a sin?

Or will they forever be labeled RINOs?
RINO's are growing in numbers though. Maybe they will one day overtake the far right religious nuts that now dominate the party.
scottyz said:
RINO's are growing in numbers though. Maybe they will one day overtake the far right religious nuts that now dominate the party.

LOL! I think it's indicative of politics, period. Everyone seems to be hell-bent on having things seen *his* or *her* way, without any room for discussion. So there's no room for diversity in the party.

I personally think both major parties have gravitated to the right. The Republicans have entrenched themselves with the religious right and have *extraordinary* focus in this respect, while Dems seem to be lost and wandering, looking for a reason to exist. :confused:
Sorry to burst the bubbles here...

A Gun-control, pro-Roe vs. Wade, haven't been to church in 18 years moderate Conservative talking...

This is about as smart as saying all Liberals want the troops to die...

I am a Moderator at this forum, so you can talk to Navy Pride, Calm2Chaos, and SKILMATIC(Cons off of the top of my head) and see that I am an equal opportunity basher...I have gone after them as much as I have the "Liberal factions" of this forum. I have attacked the Conservative talk-show hosts on more than one occasion, and have denounced Pat Robertson for his recent comments....

But I have, and will, be still considered a "Neo-con" because of people like the ones posting here because it's just so damn easy to paint with a broad brush...No thought involved, and no eyes need to be opened...

Please don't mind me...Go back to your groupthink mentality and continue to generalize because it makes you all feel superior...who am I to break this up...:roll:
cnredd said:
Sorry to burst the bubbles here...

A Gun-control, pro-Roe vs. Wade, haven't been to church in 18 years moderate Conservative talking...

This is about as smart as saying all Liberals want the troops to die...

I am a Moderator at this forum, so you can talk to Navy Pride, Calm2Chaos, and SKILMATIC(Cons off of the top of my head) and see that I am an equal opportunity basher...I have gone after them as much as I have the "Liberal factions" of this forum. I have attacked the Conservative talk-show hosts on more than one occasion, and have denounced Pat Robertson for his recent comments....

But I have, and will, be still considered a "Neo-con" because of people like the ones posting here because it's just so damn easy to paint with a broad brush...No thought involved, and no eyes need to be opened...

Please don't mind me...Go back to your groupthink mentality and continue to generalize because it makes you all feel superior...who am I to break this up...:roll:

Think pre-Reagan....I know it's a long, long time ago, but there were tons of moderate Republicans who held those positions (not altogether, but some). Particularly in Maryland, where I am from. Probably more numerous in blue states.

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