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When your country is faced with crisis (1 Viewer)

Tbf, that was only Texas in crisis when Cruz took off to Cancun.
Tbf, that was only Texas in crisis when Cruz took off to Cancun.
Substituting "constituents" for "country" in the thread title would be more accurate but won't make Cruz's behavior look any better.
Imagine how far he would have run if it was the Whole US.
If you can't stand up to one guy who insults your wife and father...indeed, then become a faithful bootlicker...you can't be expected to be very brave in any conditions.
If you can't stand up to one guy who insults your wife and father, you can't be expected to be very brave in any conditions.
And you sure as hell shouldn't be a congressman.
Sadly, it seems Putin should be a lock for Time's Person of the Year this year. Let's hope it's about his leaving office and filing in Ukraine.
Sadly, it seems Putin should be a lock for Time's Person of the Year this year. Let's hope it's about his leaving office and filing in Ukraine.
Let's hope it's a posthumous award.

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