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When you hear "Japan" and "holocaust" together. (1 Viewer)

What comes to mind?

  • Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • other(please specify)

    Votes: 11 91.7%

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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2006
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What comes to your mind?
You are so right it would have been way much better if millions more of our troops died and that WWII was dragged out even longer.Damn why didn't our president back then drag the war out much longer and costed us more American lives and money.
When I see Japan and The Holocaust together, I think the person who has juxtaposed the two is attempting to engage in sophistry built around some specious rhetorec that somehow attempts to equate these two dissimilar events. As such, and until they explain themself further, my natural inclination is to question whether the person is either unintelligent or intellectually dishonest, or perhaps some combination of the two. I further question their motives for such a linkage, since there has been such an explosion in antisemitism among those whose antipathies towards the Bush administration has led to knee jerk reactions of such a degree that they have formed sympathies towards the Islamists -- sympathies that has led to their adoption of Islamist themes, including the questioning and/or downplaying of the Holocaust.

The Holocaust involved the execution of a plan for the systematic extermination of a whole people -- a plan carried out over many many years, and targeting people who were not combatants in any way and who were but small minorities living within various countries. The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were acts of war that were singular events and carried out against the nation state that was a beliligerant aggressor. Other than the fact that people died, the two events aree unrelated. To try to link the two is an act of sophistry.

If poeple wish to discuss the moral ramifications of the atomic bombings, then discuss them on their own merits. There is much to discuss in that regard. To link these bombings to another event carried out across the globe is stupid and pointless and only acts to undermine whatever moral reasoning one may wish to apply to the bombings, themselves.
Synch said:
What comes to your mind?
The horrors of war and its consequences.
Japan may have murdered more Chinese in the 30s,40s than the the insane Nazis did the Jewish people...
But it is over, supposedly; man must learn from this; many have not !
The Islamic extremists for one.

I'd say WW2 actually started in the late 20s, and that is when it could/should have been stopped !
What do I think of?
The Japanese war against China. Fought for many of the same reasons as the war in Europe.
Two things come to mind for me:

1. The cowardly unprovoked Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec 7, 1941 ......

2. The Bataan Death Mrach.......
teach dont worry the guy is retarded for asking.

The atomic bombings ended the f*ucking the WAR.
A War in which those jap pu$$y sonofbitches started!
Why don’t you go see if you can get any supporters from China?
cherokee said:
teach dont worry the guy is retarded for asking.

Moderator's Warning:

No need for this. If you wish to explore your personal feelings for your fellow posters, please reserve a room in the Basement. Otherwise, let's keep the comments about the subject at hand.

Thanks for your support,

I thought about the report of Japanese conduct in China in the late thirties.
Simon W. Moon said:
Moderator's Warning:

No need for this. If you wish to explore your personal feelings for your fellow posters, please reserve a room in the Basement. Otherwise, let's keep the comments about the subject at hand.

I'm sorry...I should be punished for this..

alphieb and Kelzie should come :spank: me for what I said.
jamesrage said:
You are so right it would have been way much better if millions more of our troops died and that WWII was dragged out even longer.Damn why didn't our president back then drag the war out much longer and costed us more American lives and money.

lol, that's not my intentions, I'm testing the hypothesis of Western apathy towards the Asian holocaust... committed by the Japanese.

You just proved my point... thank you.

Everyone knows about the Jews being killed in WWII by the Nazis, while the other civilian massacres are mostly ignored, the Russians, polls, Chinese, Phillipines, and other east asian pacific islands.

In no way am I saying Nagasaki and Heroshima was a mistake, they were correctly made to save lives.

God you guys are so hostile, you don't even know my intent before attacking me.
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I can't help but think how successful they are today, I kinda wish someone would drop a bomb on us!:shock:
I react in several ways to the question.

1. What the Japanese did to the other nationalities in the region were war crimes and possibly genocide but i usually associate the word holocaust with the particular events in europe

2. I believe that the use of Atomic bombs was not war crimes in the technical sense (although that can be argued) but i do believe that its use was morally wrong
Willoughby said:
I react in several ways to the question.

1. What the Japanese did to the other nationalities in the region were war crimes and possibly genocide but i usually associate the word holocaust with the particular events in europe

2. I believe that the use of Atomic bombs was not war crimes in the technical sense (although that can be argued) but i do believe that its use was morally wrong


You do know the Japanese killed 30~ civilians in east asia, surpassing the nazis in brutality in every form.

The Jews were gased.

The asians killed by the Japanese? Raped, sliced, poked(bayonet), burned, buried alive, with the weapons they had at that time, every possible manner..

It's amazing how the Japanese gov't can accuse the US gov't of committing a war crime ie Nagasaki and Heroshima without their faces going red...

Not to mention, the gov't that committed the WWII crimes are still in power today.:rofl

Think Nazis in control of Germany right now...
Synch said:

You do know the Japanese killed 30~ civilians in east asia, surpassing the nazis in brutality in every form.

The Jews were gased.

The asians killed by the Japanese? Raped, sliced, poked(bayonet), burned, buried alive, with the weapons they had at that time, every possible manner..

It's amazing how the Japanese gov't can accuse the US gov't of committing a war crime ie Nagasaki and Heroshima without their faces going red...

Not to mention, the gov't that committed the WWII crimes are still in power today.:rofl

Think Nazis in control of Germany right now...

Ohh but you left out a few of the japs crimes...

Chemical and biological agents used on Chinese civilians town and villages by the japs. To the japs, China was just one big test lab.
Cant remember what it was (agent) but I do remember they used infected fleas tossed from planes.

Now look and see just how many were charged with War Crimes....
The Japanese were warned over and over to surrender or we would bomb them...They refused every time........

It has been estimated that there would have been up to a million American deaths if we had to launch and invasion on the Japanese mainland.....I am saddened that many innocent Japanese had to die but sadly that happens in a war..........

I am glad that those 2 bombs ended the war.........
I think of the ten million dead chinese caused by the japanese war of aggression. I think of the Rape of Nanking, the burying of chinese alive by the japanese, and the horrifying "medical experiments" carried out on chinese civilians by the japanese military.
Synch said:
God you guys are so hostile, you don't even know my intent before attacking me.

I appologize,I thought you were a anti-american and anti-war liberal who beleaves America to be the root of evil in the world.( I know that not all liberals are like this.)

People who usually ask such questions are usually the types of liberals that I described and they want to whine and cry about how we mistreated the Japanese during WWII and how they beleave it was wrong that we bombed the Japanese.

ol, that's not my intentions, I'm testing the hypothesis of Western apathy towards the Asian holocaust... committed by the Japanese.

You just proved my point... thank you.

Everyone knows about the Jews being killed in WWII by the Nazis, while the other civilian massacres are mostly ignored, the Russians, polls, Chinese, Phillipines, and other east asian pacific islands.

I do not think it is that the other massacres are ignored I think it is that most people are not aware of the cruelty commited by the Japanese during WWII.
Most people assume that only the Japanese were interned during WWII.So it mostly the people who wrote the school history books why most people are not aware of the cruelty commited by the japanese.

In no way am I saying Nagasaki and Heroshima was a mistake, they were correctly made to save lives.

I apologize for making an assumption about you.
Synch said:
God you guys are so hostile, you don't even know my intent before attacking me.

Same here sorry I flew off the handle at you...

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