Synch said:What comes to your mind?
The horrors of war and its consequences.Synch said:What comes to your mind?
cherokee said:teach dont worry the guy is retarded for asking.
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Simon W. Moon said:
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jamesrage said:You are so right it would have been way much better if millions more of our troops died and that WWII was dragged out even longer.Damn why didn't our president back then drag the war out much longer and costed us more American lives and money.
Willoughby said:I react in several ways to the question.
1. What the Japanese did to the other nationalities in the region were war crimes and possibly genocide but i usually associate the word holocaust with the particular events in europe
2. I believe that the use of Atomic bombs was not war crimes in the technical sense (although that can be argued) but i do believe that its use was morally wrong
Synch said:Possibly?
You do know the Japanese killed 30~ civilians in east asia, surpassing the nazis in brutality in every form.
The Jews were gased.
The asians killed by the Japanese? Raped, sliced, poked(bayonet), burned, buried alive, with the weapons they had at that time, every possible manner..
It's amazing how the Japanese gov't can accuse the US gov't of committing a war crime ie Nagasaki and Heroshima without their faces going red...
Not to mention, the gov't that committed the WWII crimes are still in power today.:rofl
Think Nazis in control of Germany right now...
Synch said:God you guys are so hostile, you don't even know my intent before attacking me.
ol, that's not my intentions, I'm testing the hypothesis of Western apathy towards the Asian holocaust... committed by the Japanese.
You just proved my point... thank you.
Everyone knows about the Jews being killed in WWII by the Nazis, while the other civilian massacres are mostly ignored, the Russians, polls, Chinese, Phillipines, and other east asian pacific islands.
In no way am I saying Nagasaki and Heroshima was a mistake, they were correctly made to save lives.
Synch said:God you guys are so hostile, you don't even know my intent before attacking me.