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When will it be taken into Russia? (1 Viewer)

Grand Mal

Russian warship, go f*** yourself!
DP Veteran
May 6, 2013
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Political Leaning
I get up every morning expecting to read that the Ukranians and their supporters have taken the fight to the Russians, started bombing and sniping and whatever in Russian cities.
Would that help their cause or exacerbate the situation? It seems like there's not much the Russians could do in retaliation that would be worse than what they're doing now.
Would it raise sympathy or turn the Russian population against them? I'm talking about specific government targets.
I get up every morning expecting to read that the Ukranians and their supporters have taken the fight to the Russians, started bombing and sniping and whatever in Russian cities.
Would that help their cause or exacerbate the situation? It seems like there's not much the Russians could do in retaliation that would be worse than what they're doing now.
Would it raise sympathy or turn the Russian population against them? I'm talking about specific government targets.

The Chechens tried terrorist attacks. Beslan, the Moscow Theater, more recent attacks like the Metro Bombings.....all of which only redoubled Russian efforts to stamp out the jihadis.

Think of it this way. If, tomorrow, a bunch of, say, Iraqis stormed US government buildings and started carrying out sniper attacks in US cities, do you think the average American would actually become more sympathetic to them?
I get up every morning expecting to read that the Ukranians and their supporters have taken the fight to the Russians, started bombing and sniping and whatever in Russian cities.
Would that help their cause or exacerbate the situation? It seems like there's not much the Russians could do in retaliation that would be worse than what they're doing now.
Would it raise sympathy or turn the Russian population against them? I'm talking about specific government targets.
Look at what was done to Grozny in the second Chechen war,

Much worse can be done in Ukraine, especially the cities than has been done. Some of the pictures of Grozny are shocking in the destruction. Admittedly it was a city of 100 000 compared to a few million in major Ukrainian cities.

Terror attacks on Russian citizens would make them support the war more. Damage infrastructure without killing would be a better choice
Look at what was done to Grozny in the second Chechen war,

Much worse can be done in Ukraine, especially the cities than has been done. Some of the pictures of Grozny are shocking in the destruction. Admittedly it was a city of 100 000 compared to a few million in major Ukrainian cities.

Terror attacks on Russian citizens would make them support the war more. Damage infrastructure without killing would be a better choice

Blow up Putin's oil and natural gas pipelines. Cut off the last income stream. Bring that country to it's knees
I get up every morning expecting to read that the Ukranians and their supporters have taken the fight to the Russians, started bombing and sniping and whatever in Russian cities.
Would that help their cause or exacerbate the situation? It seems like there's not much the Russians could do in retaliation that would be worse than what they're doing now.
Would it raise sympathy or turn the Russian population against them? I'm talking about specific government targets.

That would not be wise, would become the bad guys and possibly get Russian in support of the war. I know, many are thanks to propaganda but Russia has its idiots just like the US does with people loving their propaganda
I get up every morning expecting to read that the Ukranians and their supporters have taken the fight to the Russians, started bombing and sniping and whatever in Russian cities.
Would that help their cause or exacerbate the situation? It seems like there's not much the Russians could do in retaliation that would be worse than what they're doing now.
Would it raise sympathy or turn the Russian population against them? I'm talking about specific government targets.
Nothing is better than continuing to send Russian soldiers back in body bags. It's the one thing isn't likely to generate any sentimental backlash against Ukraine - only against Putin. And the idea that any military operations can be brought to Russia surgically - without risking any Russian civilians - is the worst kind of delusion.
Look at what was done to Grozny in the second Chechen war,

Much worse can be done in Ukraine, especially the cities than has been done. Some of the pictures of Grozny are shocking in the destruction. Admittedly it was a city of 100 000 compared to a few million in major Ukrainian cities.

Terror attacks on Russian citizens would make them support the war more. Damage infrastructure without killing would be a better choice
Well, I don't advocate terror attacks against civilians. I meant specific government targets. But seeing as how civilians work in government facilities it would have to be very carefully done.
I won't be surprised if something like happens, and soon.
Well, I don't advocate terror attacks against civilians. I meant specific government targets. But seeing as how civilians work in government facilities it would have to be very carefully done.
I won't be surprised if something like happens, and soon.

The problem here is that the Putin regime would be all too willing to blow up Russian civilians and blame it on Ukrainians to change the war narrative.

False flag opeation (those Ukranian Nazis did this!). I'm surprised it hasen't happened already
Blow up Putin's oil and natural gas pipelines. Cut off the last income stream. Bring that country to it's knees

Which is different than Al Qaeda blowing up a Spanish commuter train or London apartment block.....how?
Well, I don't advocate terror attacks against civilians. I meant specific government targets. But seeing as how civilians work in government facilities it would have to be very carefully done.
I won't be surprised if something like happens, and soon.

Okay, let’s put it this way: if people who supported FLQ started shooting up Canadian government buildings and conducting sniper attacks in Ottawa and Toronto, would you be more sympathetic towards their aims?
Okay, let’s put it this way: if people who supported FLQ started shooting up Canadian government buildings and conducting sniper attacks in Ottawa and Toronto, would you be more sympathetic towards their aims?
Yeah, cuz the FLQ was exactly like Russia invading Ukraine.
Yeah, cuz the FLQ was exactly like Russia invading Ukraine.

Funnily enough civilians tend not to much care about greater geopolitical questions when maniacs are running around shooting up their cities.

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