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When Trump mass pardons all his criminal co-conspirators and himself on the way out... (1 Viewer)

Will Trump supporters care when he pardons all his criminal co-conspirators?

  • They will care. It will be the final straw!

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Dans La Lune

Senior Defenestrator
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Aug 30, 2019
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Oceania, 1984
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When Trump mass pardons all his criminal co-conspirators and himself on the way out, will any of his supporters care? Or am I asking a rhetorical question?

I feel like I'm asking a question and feigning that I don't know the answer, but I think we need to get the fact that Trump will use his pardon-power to absolve criminality into the bloodstream. Otherwise Trump will be in rough legal shape when he leaves office.
1. I hope that President Trump pardons at least himself.

2. He has done nothing illegal. But a jury would be packed with Dem and BLM supporters. It would be a kangaroo court.

3. If he does pardon himself, the Biden administration will -- of course -- challenge it in court. Hopefully, the Supreme Court will reaffirm his right to have done so. (The Dems will be packing the Court with more justices in order to have an obedient Court for the many changes it -- and BLM-- plan.)

4. IMHO, it would be very bad for the country to have a former President indicted and sent to prison. I know that President Biden has said that he will not block any prosecution of the former President, but I am hoping that he will be mentally keen enough not to pursue it. President Ford was courageous to pardon former President Nixon.

5. The Dem leaders, of course, are not very gracious or nice people, but hopefully a few decent ones will urge President Biden to concentrate on Dem policies (reparations, etc.) instead of a distracting political trial.
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Of course Trump will pardon everyone in his criminal scheme who has protected him. It is the perfect crime boss operation.
I kind of hope he does try to pardon himself because it would make for a very interesting SCOTUS case.

The much smarter thing for him to do would be to resign the day before he leaves office and have Pence pardon him since that's clearly 100% legal and couldn't be challenged in court.
I kind of hope he does try to pardon himself because it would make for a very interesting SCOTUS case.

The much smarter thing for him to do would be to resign the day before he leaves office and have Pence pardon him since that's clearly 100% legal and couldn't be challenged in court.

and when NY charges him there is Nothing he or any president can do, the President can NOT pardon anybody from State charges only the Governor of the state that brings the charges can do that.
Yes Pence can pardon him and everybody else he wants from Federal charges but not state charges
Have a nice day
Will he do it, I would say it likely and his fans will applaud the move. That said, never forget Presidential Pardons only cover Federal Crimes, State crimes can only be pardoned by the State Governor.
When Trump mass pardons all his criminal co-conspirators and himself on the way out, will any of his supporters care? Or am I asking a rhetorical question?

I feel like I'm asking a question and feigning that I don't know the answer, but I think we need to get the fact that Trump will use his pardon-power to absolve criminality into the bloodstream. Otherwise Trump will be in rough legal shape when he leaves office.

I will support Trump protecting his supporters from malicious prosecution.
Trump does not need a pardon nor does he have co-conspirators.

Heaven knows the Democrats have looked hard enough, but they never found anything. It was so bad they had to make up an offense to put on the impeachment, which was thrown out after opening statements.
The Cultists will cheer and make up some dumb**** reason why it's excusable in the case of Trump.
If this happens, I hope that trump supporters understand that he will have created a precedent where Democratic Presidents can do the very same thing.
If this happens, I hope that trump supporters understand that he will have created a precedent where Democratic Presidents can do the very same thing.

They don't care, and absolution of criminality always favors the corrupt (e.g. every single Republican in office).
I'd make a deal to cut them all loose if they would just go away.
I kind of hope he does try to pardon himself because it would make for a very interesting SCOTUS case.

The much smarter thing for him to do would be to resign the day before he leaves office and have Pence pardon him since that's clearly 100% legal and couldn't be challenged in court.

What would he pardon himself for?
Likely they will react the way they reacted when Bill Clinton and Obama pardoned and commuted the sentences of cop killers, terrorist bombers, and murderers. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris literally support a multi-cop killer and domestic terrorist bomber - now a fund raiser for BLM that both Biden and Harris bow down to.

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