The Pew Research Center for the People and the Press is a major independent, nonpartisan public opinion research organization. You can go follow this link and see their explanation of their characterizations of the various political typologies which comprise American society. You can even fill out their typology questionnaire to find out which of their types you are. You can read the "About" page at their site to learn more about them and who funds them.
Once you find out, you can come back and take this poll and tell us what they said you were. (Don't make assumptions about yourself; there are gradations in their political typologies.)
The basic typologies, from right to left (go to the site to read the in-depth descriptions), are as follows:
• Enterprisers
• Social Conservatives
• Pro-Government Conservatives
• Upbeats
• Disaffecteds
• Conservative Democrats
• Disadvantaged Democrats
• Liberals
Do you agree with these typologies as described by the Pew Center? Why, or why not?
P.S. I followed Squawker's instructions on how to create a poll, but when I submitted the page, the page timed out and no form ever appeared asking me to create the poll -- apparently there's no second chance at this. Maybe your software's busted, guys? So, uh, sorry, everyone, guess you'll just have to tell us the old-fashioned way...
Once you find out, you can come back and take this poll and tell us what they said you were. (Don't make assumptions about yourself; there are gradations in their political typologies.)
The basic typologies, from right to left (go to the site to read the in-depth descriptions), are as follows:
• Enterprisers
• Social Conservatives
• Pro-Government Conservatives
• Upbeats
• Disaffecteds
• Conservative Democrats
• Disadvantaged Democrats
• Liberals
Do you agree with these typologies as described by the Pew Center? Why, or why not?
P.S. I followed Squawker's instructions on how to create a poll, but when I submitted the page, the page timed out and no form ever appeared asking me to create the poll -- apparently there's no second chance at this. Maybe your software's busted, guys? So, uh, sorry, everyone, guess you'll just have to tell us the old-fashioned way...
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