Okie-dokey...I'll give you the whole related section pertaining to my graph presented in my previous post on this thread...:2wave:
Section IV: Values and the Press
Journalists at national and local news organizations are notably different from the general public in their ideology and attitudes toward political and social issues. Most national and local journalists, as well as a plurality of Americans (41%), describe themselves as political moderates.
But news people – especially national journalists – are more liberal, and far less conservative, than the general public.
About a third of national journalists (34%) and somewhat fewer local journalists (23%) describe themselves as liberals; that compares with 19% of the public in a May survey conducted by the Pew Research Center. Moreover, there is a relatively small number of conservatives at
national and local news organizations. Just 7% of national news people and 12% of local journalists describe themselves as conservatives, compared with
a third of all Americans.
In this regard, Internet journalists are similar ideologically to local journalists: 57% describe themselves as moderates, while 27% say they are liberals and 13% conservatives. Local TV and radio journalists include the lowest percentage of liberals of any of the journalist groups surveyed (15%). Even
among local TV and radio journalists, however, just 13% describe themselves as conservatives.
It seems that while the Internet & Local news is more evenhanded, the National News is WAY out of proportion in relation to the general public...
This one is also a good one for reading...
Here's the problem...
What starts with Fox...ends with Fox...There aren't ANY other Conservative News Channels out there...One...and its harped on because it's the ONLY one...
What starts with CBS...goes to NBC...which goes to CNN...which goes to MSNBC...which goes to ABC...etc...
form a previous post of mine...
Before FoxNews there wasn't any open media for Consevatives other than talk radio or Rush's syndicated show on a UHF channel at 11:30PM. The issue of a Liberal bias was hardly ever bought up because the general public didn't know any better...all news was the same. FoxNews changed that.
And to this day, FoxNews, with incredibly small exceptions, is the ONLY answer Liberls give when complaining of a Conservtive Bias on TV. The status quo monopoly of "all Liberal news; all the time" has been disrupted.
FoxNews is always leading in the ratings, but that is misleading.
If you want to hear a Conservative spin, you only have one choice, so that's where the Conservative population congregates. One place.
But if you want a Liberal spin, you can go to every other Major Network or cable news channel available. Multiple places.
If FoxNews wasn't around, Conservatives would have no voice at all, save the token Conservative on a Liberal station...much like the Liberals accuse Alan Colmes of being on Fox.
And that's the way it used to be...The Liberals want it to be that way again...
You may think its noble, but what does the general public think?
Public attitudes about the press have been declining for nearly 20 years.
Americans think journalists are sloppier, less professional, less moral, less caring, more biased, less honest about their mistakes and generally more harmful to democracy than they did in the 1980s.
Consider a few changes in the numbers between 1985 and 20021:
The number of Americans who think news organizations are highly professional declined from 72 to 49 percent.
Those who think news organizations are moral declined from 54 to 39 percent, and those who think they are immoral rose from 13 to 36 percent.
Those who feel news organizations try to cover up their mistakes rose from 13 to 67 percent.
The number of Americans who think news organizations generally get the facts straight declined from 55 to 35 percent.
Those who feel who feel news organizations care about the people they report on declined from 41 to 30 percent.
Those who think news organizations are politically biased rose from 45 to 59 percent.
If you would like to attempt to give talk radio credibility, go right ahead...I have already proved previously that "talking heads" are not part of my news sources...
Wanna see it again?...
That SHOULD be the whole she-bang!..."FoxNews & Rush Limbaugh" is all the left has in way of Conservative affiliations...A VAST MAJORITY goes the other way...
I could start a thread in here that asks, "I would like to ask the Liberals to name a reputable Conservative source."...
I'd get NO responses...EVERYTHING is discredited and discounted with them...Conservatives would AT LEAST acknowledge the credibility of the media outlets I've mentioned above even though they believe they are slanted...
Its never the other way around...
Hopefully, this gives you, and the other forum members, a little insight without using partisan rhetoric and misleading tactics...:2wave: