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What's wrong with alcohol (1 Viewer)

Is alcohol bad?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 29.6%
  • No

    Votes: 19 70.4%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Mar 10, 2006
Reaction score
A blue state
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
Hmm, I noticed someone on here was actually affiliated with the prohibition party. If you're against alcohol, what are your reasons? What are you worried about?
Nothing is wrong with alcohol unless you're an alcoholic!:rofl But seriously some poorer neighborhoods are easily recognizable by the fact that there's a tavern on every corner.

Also alcoholism tends to run in families and if there is really some sort of genetic predisposition related to alcoholism that sucks for those people. Anotherwards if a bunch of teens are off drinking and partying most of them won't likely be too adversely affected however the one with the predisposition for alcohol may very well have begun their lifelong uphill battle. Scary!
talloulou said:
Nothing is wrong with alcohol unless you're an alcoholic!:rofl But seriously some poorer neighborhoods are easily recognizable by the fact that there's a tavern on every corner.

Also alcoholism tends to run in families and if there is really some sort of genetic predisposition related to alcoholism that sucks for those people. Anotherwards if a bunch of teens are off drinking and partying most of them won't likely be too adversely affected however the one with the predisposition for alcohol may very well have begun their lifelong uphill battle. Scary!

Uh oh, this thread is getting scary, we're not at opposite sides of an issue.
Nothing is wrong with alcohol unless you're an alcoholic

Ditto. I think alcohol is very damaging to society as a whole. But I would not make it illegal.
Ivan The Terrible said:
Ditto. I think alcohol is very damaging to society as a whole. But I would not make it illegal.

Certainly it's the misuse of alcohol that's damaging to society, not alcohol its self?

Certainly it's the misuse of alcohol that's damaging to society, not alcohol its self?

One can not misuse alcohol if it is not there. Can they?
afr0byte said:
Certainly it's the misuse of alcohol that's damaging to society, not alcohol its self?

Yeah but if you believe studies that claim that some have a predisposition towards alcoholism while others don't things get sketchy. Anotherwards when I was in my early 20's I spent alot of time drinking and partying. So did tons of my friends. We all used alcohol equally. Eventually people give up the heavy partying and drinking of their youth. But the alcoholics don't. Is that cause they misused alcohol? It's easy to say their weak and they never grew up and now they're a loser alcoholic. But if they really had some genetic predisposition that I don't have how can I judge them and say they misused alcohol? When they started drinking and partying everyone was probably drinking and partying! Their predisposition made it so that something that is completely socially acceptable was introduced and then they are horribly judged by others without the predisposition for letting it take over their life.

Alcoholism is very sad.
Captain America said:
How true. But I sure have met a lotta happy drunks!:beer:

I have many happy druken memories too! But I have heard of mean drunks. And I've also heard of happy drunks made mean by sobriety.

I'm just glad I'm not an alcoholic. If all my failed attempts at quitting smoking have taught me anything about my character it's that I'm damn lucky I never tried heroin or was an alcoholic. :rofl
talloulou said:
Yeah but if you believe studies that claim that some have a predisposition towards alcoholism while others don't things get sketchy. Anotherwards when I was in my early 20's I spent alot of time drinking and partying. So did tons of my friends. We all used alcohol equally. Eventually people give up the heavy partying and drinking of their youth. But the alcoholics don't. Is that cause they misused alcohol? It's easy to say their weak and they never grew up and now they're a loser alcoholic. But if they really had some genetic predisposition that I don't have how can I judge them and say they misused alcohol? When they started drinking and partying everyone was probably drinking and partying! Their predisposition made it so that something that is completely socially acceptable was introduced and then they are horribly judged by others without the predisposition for letting it take over their life.

Alcoholism is very sad.

I don't deny that some people have predispositions to it.
Ivan The Terrible said:

One can not misuse alcohol if it is not there. Can they?

Yes, but just drinking alcohol does not necessarily mean abusing/misusing it.
afr0byte said:
Yes, but just drinking alcohol does not necessarily mean abusing/misusing it.

It's all very similar to the guns don't kill people, people kill people thought pattern.
talloulou said:
It's all very similar to the guns don't kill people, people kill people thought pattern.

Yeah, but the only real use (other than target shooting I suppose) of a gun is to hurt someone.
afr0byte said:
Yeah, but the only real use (other than target shooting I suppose) of a gun is to hurt someone.

Not true some men play with guns as a form of entertainment and food gathering....hunters. Now I don't hunt but I respect hunters who hunt responsibly. I consider them to actually be the fathers of conservation and environmentalism.

Also guns can be used to protect ones family or self from another. Having a gun may just save your life one day and you may not have to necessarily fire it, pointing it at someone may just be enough!

The ability to own a gun makes you feel freer. Its alot harder for the government to overly control a gun owning population vs a disarmed population.
afr0byte said:
Hmm, I noticed someone on here was actually affiliated with the prohibition party. If you're against alcohol, what are your reasons? What are you worried about?

Hahahhahahahahahaah, this is laffs.

I'm the one who's affiliated with the Prohibition party.

It's slightly tongue in cheek, given my propensity to imbibe copious amounts of alcohol and then do stupid things.
RightatNYU said:
Hahahhahahahahahaah, this is laffs.

I'm the one who's affiliated with the Prohibition party.

It's slightly tongue in cheek, given my propensity to imbibe copious amounts of alcohol and then do stupid things.

Actually you'e not, as far as I can remember, the one I was referring to. Hmm, maybe it was, dunno.
there's nothing wrong with alcohol as long as its not consumed excessively.
star2589 said:
there's nothing wrong with alcohol as long as its not consumed excessively.

What do you define as excessive?
talloulou said:
Not true some men play with guns as a form of entertainment and food gathering....hunters. Now I don't hunt but I respect hunters who hunt responsibly. I consider them to actually be the fathers of conservation and environmentalism.

I'm always incredulous that this fallacy persists. The noble hunter, the protector of the wildlife. :rofl Hunters are HORRIBLE replacements for the natural ebb and flow of species. WHY? Because in a true wildlife environment the predators cull the herd of the weak, diseased and lame/bad breeding stock. When was the last time you heard a hunter say this "i just bagged me a 6 point deer, boy was this thing sick, coat looked like the shag carpet in Bob's doublewide." ? YOU'VE NEVER HEARD THAT! Because it doesn't happen. A hunters goal is to find the best, biggest, most beautiful example of a species, kill it (prevents the passing on of those excellent genes) and put it on the wall. This is unnatural and to interpret it as conservation is ludicrous at best.

Now, before i'm misunderstood. I've hunted before. I'll most likely hunt again. I ENJOY THE HELL OUT OF IT! Yet I am mentally consistent enough to not attempt to decieve myself as to what i was doing.
Blind man said:
I'm always incredulous that this fallacy persists. The noble hunter, the protector of the wildlife. :rofl Hunters are HORRIBLE replacements for the natural ebb and flow of species. WHY? Because in a true wildlife environment the predators cull the herd of the weak, diseased and lame/bad breeding stock. When was the last time you heard a hunter say this "i just bagged me a 6 point deer, boy was this thing sick, coat looked like the shag carpet in Bob's doublewide." ? YOU'VE NEVER HEARD THAT! Because it doesn't happen. A hunters goal is to find the best, biggest, most beautiful example of a species, kill it (prevents the passing on of those excellent genes) and put it on the wall. This is unnatural and to interpret it as conservation is ludicrous at best.

Now, before i'm misunderstood. I've hunted before. I'll most likely hunt again. I ENJOY THE HELL OUT OF IT! Yet I am mentally consistent enough to not attempt to decieve myself as to what i was doing.

Wow, a hunter that's honest about what he's doing. Awesome.
afr0byte said:
What do you define as excessive?

on a given occasion, drinking to the point where you get sick is excessive.

using alchohol to escape pain also can easily become a problem.
What's wrong with alcohol?

It doesn't come out of the faucets in my house...
cnredd said:
What's wrong with alcohol?

It doesn't come out of the faucets in my house...

Ja, Ich liebe der whisky.

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