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Whats with Obama (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 24, 2018
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Very Conservative
For almost forever there has been a unwritten rule that an out going president does not say anything about the president that replaces him. All of the presidents of the last few decades have adhered to this.

That is all except Obama!!!!! Someone needs to tell him to keep his hate filled mouth shut about President Trump.

Not only is he the the worst president the country has EVER had, he is the worst past president the country has EVER had.
For almost forever there has been a unwritten rule that an out going president does not say anything about the president that replaces him. All of the presidents of the last few decades have adhered to this.

That is all except Obama!!!!! Someone needs to tell him to keep his hate filled mouth shut about President Trump.

Not only is he the the worst president the country has EVER had, he is the worst past president the country has EVER had.

Indeed they have; however, the were able to do so because the man who followed them as POTUS exercised the "unwritten rule" that a POTUS comport himself with perspicacity, reason, restraint and, most of all, respect for the institutions that uphold democracy. The current president exhibits none of those qualities; indeed he manifests their opposites. It is thus apropos for Obama to abjure the traditional quiescence former POTUSes observed.
Indeed they have; however, the were able to do so because the man who followed them as POTUS exercised the "unwritten rule" that a POTUS comport himself with perspicacity, reason, restraint and, most of all, respect for the institutions that uphold democracy. The current president exhibits none of those qualities; indeed he manifests their opposites. It is thus apropos for Obama to abjure the traditional quiescence former POTUSes observed.
If anyone didnt comport themselves as an American president it was Obama. He was elected ONLY because he was black. He immediately locked up all his records, and proceeded to try to ruin the country. His muslim up bringing caused him to try to destroy this country. Progress basically stopped. There was only one or two GDP gain. People on welfare went way up. And under his regime we can no longer even put a man in orbit.

If anyone had a reason to attack the president before him, Bush had all the ammunition to do so. BUT HE DID NOT.
Considering Trump made his attacks on Obama personal, nasty, and pushed the birther crap, I'm gonna say there is no rule, written or otherwise, that should make Obama think twice about speaking out against Trump. It's one thing to attack the current president's policies to get elected, but Trump attacked the man.

I don't think you can put Trump up against Obama and decide the latter is the unprofessional one.
An angel dies every time a Trump supporter pretends to care about decorum.
Even his most ardent supporters agree that President Obama is in love with his rhetorical skills.

When he first became President, he actually believed that he could change things at home and in the world with his words.

You really can't blame the poor guy.

Everyone in the Democratic Party has been telling him all his life that he is just wonderful.

So he misses the adulation.

Bless his little heart!
I suppose the OP is saying only Trump can break norms, everyone else has to keep them?
For almost forever there has been a unwritten rule that an out going president does not say anything about the president that replaces him. All of the presidents of the last few decades have adhered to this.

That is all except Obama!!!!! Someone needs to tell him to keep his hate filled mouth shut about President Trump.

Not only is he the the worst president the country has EVER had, he is the worst past president the country has EVER had.

Does not think presidents should defy conventions

Supports Trump
Yeah, there were a lot of unwritten rules regarding the presidency. If you haven’t noticed, that unwritten rule book has been burned to ashes.
For almost forever there has been a unwritten rule that an out going president does not say anything about the president that replaces him. All of the presidents of the last few decades have adhered to this.

That is all except Obama!!!!! Someone needs to tell him to keep his hate filled mouth shut about President Trump.

Not only is he the the worst president the country has EVER had, he is the worst past president the country has EVER had.

Oh look, a poster with “logical” in his username being laughably illogical. Who could have guessed :roll:

No, Obama is not “the worst president the country has ever had”. Not even close. You throwing a tantrum because he criticizes your Dear Leader does not change the facts.
Obama broke his silence for the midterms. The Dems then won the largest midterm victory for a minority party in the modern era.

Maybe he should talk more. Seems to help when people are reminded what a real President looks like.
For almost forever there has been a unwritten rule that an out going president does not say anything about the president that replaces him. All of the presidents of the last few decades have adhered to this.

That is all except Obama!!!!! Someone needs to tell him to keep his hate filled mouth shut about President Trump.

Not only is he the the worst president the country has EVER had, he is the worst past president the country has EVER had.

By what absurd and twisted logic is Obama a worse president than Trump? Never in our history have we ever had a man even remotely like Trump in the White House. Past Republicans would have recoiled in horror at the idea that such a man could lead the nation.
For almost forever there has been a unwritten rule that an out going president does not say anything about the president that replaces him. All of the presidents of the last few decades have adhered to this.

That is all except Obama!!!!! Someone needs to tell him to keep his hate filled mouth shut about President Trump.

Not only is he the the worst president the country has EVER had, he is the worst past president the country has EVER had.

Obama broke tradition because well, it's always going to be about Obama because he's a self-centered partisan who puts his interests before the good of the country...

Mark Thiessen says it best in his WA. Post op-ed.
“When you hear how great the economy is doing right now,” Obama said, “let’s just remember when this recovery started.” Ironically, that was precisely the message that drove Obama voters to Trump in 2016. Polls show that in 2016, half of Obama-Trump voters said their incomes were falling behind the cost of living, while another 31 percent said their incomes were merely keeping pace. Yet during the election, they kept hearing from Democrats how well the economy was doing and that they should be grateful for eight years of Obama. Well, now their lives are finally improving — and they are grateful to Trump.

Democrats like to talk about all the hallowed presidential norms that Trump is breaking. But now it is Obama who is breaking presidential norms with his self-serving foray into partisan demagoguery.

Someone needs to tell him to keep his hate filled mouth shut about President Trump.
What hateful things has Obama said about Trump? Trump is the one with the hate filled mouth (and every other part of him as well) who has been lying about and falsely attacking Obama for years. In addition to Obama, Trump has attacked every president back to at least Nixon.

If anyone didnt comport themselves as an American president it was Obama. He was elected ONLY because he was black. He immediately locked up all his records, and proceeded to try to ruin the country. His muslim up bringing caused him to try to destroy this country. Progress basically stopped.
1. Obama is still black.
2. Obama didn’t ruin anything. He left that for Trump to take care of.
3. Obama was not raised a Muslim. It is a lie propagated by far right xenophobic wing nuts. Even if he was, so what?

I thank the stars above that folks who believe like you are the fringe minority and hope that never changes.
For almost forever there has been a unwritten rule that an out going president does not say anything about the president that replaces him. All of the presidents of the last few decades have adhered to this.

That is all except Obama!!!!! Someone needs to tell him to keep his hate filled mouth shut about President Trump.

Not only is he the the worst president the country has EVER had, he is the worst past president the country has EVER had.

"hate filled mouth" Are you joking!? Seriously, the hatred, venom and bile that oozes from that saggy, bloated orange muffin face reeks with disgusting vile words on a daily basis.

Donald Trump will go down in history forever and the #1 worst president we've ever been unfortunate to have. He's a criminal underworld character that only wants to enrich himself and his family and screw the United States and all its people.
If anyone didnt comport themselves as an American president it was Obama. He was elected ONLY because he was black. He immediately locked up all his records, and proceeded to try to ruin the country. His muslim up bringing caused him to try to destroy this country. Progress basically stopped. There was only one or two GDP gain. People on welfare went way up. And under his regime we can no longer even put a man in orbit.

If anyone had a reason to attack the president before him, Bush had all the ammunition to do so. BUT HE DID NOT.

Well now we know what...you want to believe and it's unmitigated partisan bull****.

Trump and the right have no clothes and never let up with their lies and conspiracy theories about Obama and the left.
If anyone didnt comport themselves as an American president it was Obama. He was elected ONLY because he was black. He immediately locked up all his records, and proceeded to try to ruin the country. His muslim up bringing caused him to try to destroy this country. Progress basically stopped. There was only one or two GDP gain. People on welfare went way up. And under his regime we can no longer even put a man in orbit.

If anyone had a reason to attack the president before him, Bush had all the ammunition to do so. BUT HE DID NOT.

Amazing how your deep hatred colors your recollections. Trump is riding the coattails of Obama's economic turnaround.
Obama took office as the wheels came off the global economy. As toxic unsecured bad debt and underwater mortgages wiped out countless billions of dollars,
the global banking system came close to collapse. We were near a global depression similar to 1929.
But Obama's team smartly propped up the largest US banks, and our Treasury bolstered the major European banks, as the Feds pumped money into the economy to
get the financial machinery running again. Then Obama rescued the US auto industry when two of the Big Three were nearly bankrupt.

But you just sneer at the man and point to his skin color. How glad I am that your small thinking and hatefulness represents a minority of Americans.
What hateful things has Obama said about Trump? Trump is the one with the hate filled mouth (and every other part of him as well) who has been lying about and falsely attacking Obama for years. In addition to Obama, Trump has attacked every president back to at least Nixon.

1. Obama is still black.
2. Obama didn’t ruin anything. He left that for Trump to take care of.
3. Obama was not raised a Muslim. It is a lie propagated by far right xenophobic wing nuts. Even if he was, so what?

I thank the stars above that folks who believe like you are the fringe minority and hope that never changes.

Obama is still black? OMG, will he never learn? No wonder he generates so much hatred, as seen in the OP. Next, he'll still be a Democrat as well! How can he be anything but a pariah if he's unwilling to change?

Yes, sarcasm. I fully admit, it's sarcasm.
Always great to see these angry white Right Wing bigots slobbering and spitting up over President Obama....
If anyone didnt comport themselves as an American president it was Obama. He was elected ONLY because he was black. He immediately locked up all his records, and proceeded to try to ruin the country. His muslim up bringing caused him to try to destroy this country. Progress basically stopped. There was only one or two GDP gain. People on welfare went way up. And under his regime we can no longer even put a man in orbit.

If anyone had a reason to attack the president before him, Bush had all the ammunition to do so. BUT HE DID NOT.

Who can argue with such well-reasoned paranoia?
Obama broke tradition because well, it's always going to be about Obama because he's a self-centered partisan who puts his interests before the good of the country...

Mark Thiessen says it best in his WA. Post op-ed.


That ivory tower hack may not have noticed, but the economy that's running on a 3.8 trillion (tax cuts) and 1.3 trillion (repub budget) stimulus is already starting to peter out. The yield curve inverted this week - again. Trump tried to rally his peeps by screeching about the brown people invading, and it worked - just not well enough.

I wish Obama didn't have to speak up, but he does.
Amazing how your deep hatred colors your recollections. Trump is riding the coattails of Obama's economic turnaround.
Obama took office as the wheels came off the global economy. As toxic unsecured bad debt and underwater mortgages wiped out countless billions of dollars,
the global banking system came close to collapse. We were near a global depression similar to 1929.
But Obama's team smartly propped up the largest US banks, and our Treasury bolstered the major European banks, as the Feds pumped money into the economy to
get the financial machinery running again. Then Obama rescued the US auto industry when two of the Big Three were nearly bankrupt.

But you just sneer at the man and point to his skin color. How glad I am that your small thinking and hatefulness represents a minority of Americans.

[He] had a 'D' after his name. So the do-nothing repub congress opposed him...and the country.

Two things though: Bush got TARP passed as American socialism for the rich, lives on in spades.

Bush also started with GM with a federal loan guarantee. That's one reason the great and glorious, risk averse capitalist,

wants no part of such large financial problems and why the history of capitalism is one of a culture of dependence on govt.

and a sense of entitlement to our tax dollars. The capitalist seeks to own all profits while taxpayers own the risk.

This whole chapter in American capitalism proves there are no conservatives in Washington.

Typically like the right of today, you want it both ways, break precedent on release of taxes, stay

with tradition with no criticism by former pres. while insulting and denigrating the very people from whom you expect respect.

Hollywood couldn't write this stuff.
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For almost forever there has been a unwritten rule that an out going president does not say anything about the president that replaces him. All of the presidents of the last few decades have adhered to this.

That is all except Obama!!!!! Someone needs to tell him to keep his hate filled mouth shut about President Trump.

Not only is he the the worst president the country has EVER had, he is the worst past president the country has EVER had.

Trump is a traitor. He'd be lucky to be given a life sentence.
For almost forever there has been a unwritten rule that an out going president does not say anything about the president that replaces him. All of the presidents of the last few decades have adhered to this.

That is all except Obama!!!!! Someone needs to tell him to keep his hate filled mouth shut about President Trump.

Not only is he the the worst president the country has EVER had, he is the worst past president the country has EVER had.
An oversized ego and acute megalomania are powerful forces he is unable to resist. The call of "yeah, I did that" is a siren song to him.

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