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What's up with "Trump Force One"? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2020
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The plane now sits in a storage area with one engine "bubble wrapped" and the other engine with parts being scavenged. You would think that a self professed billionaire would keep his plane in working order. If he did, tRump wouldn't be having the RNC round up private planes from donors to get him to and from speaking events. Now, supporters are being asked for monthly revolving donations of $2500 dollars to pay for the planes refurbishment. And the "fleecing" continues.
The plane now sits in a storage area with one engine "bubble wrapped" and the other engine with parts being scavenged. You would think that a self professed billionaire would keep his plane in working order. If he did, tRump wouldn't be having the RNC round up private planes from donors to get him to and from speaking events. Now, supporters are being asked for monthly revolving donations of $2500 dollars to pay for the planes refurbishment. And the "fleecing" continues.
The needed parts for Trump's 757 have been tied up for over a year sitting on the Pacific Ocean off of LA in shipping containers thanks to Biden.
The needed parts for Trump's 757 have been tied up for over a year sitting on the Pacific Ocean off of LA in shipping containers thanks to Biden.
Simply ridiculous to blame Biden for Trump's aircraft problems. The plane was already in disrepair when Trump himself was still in office. Next, you will be claiming Obama and Hillary........lmao
Also, if the parts were already shipped, the RNC wouldn't be begging for $$$$$ to restore the plane.
The needed parts for Trump's 757 have been tied up for over a year sitting on the Pacific Ocean off of LA in shipping containers thanks to Biden.
Can you provide a cite to prove the aircrafts parts where stuck in a container off LA?
The plane now sits in a storage area with one engine "bubble wrapped" and the other engine with parts being scavenged. You would think that a self professed billionaire would keep his plane in working order. If he did, tRump wouldn't be having the RNC round up private planes from donors to get him to and from speaking events. Now, supporters are being asked for monthly revolving donations of $2500 dollars to pay for the planes refurbishment. And the "fleecing" continues.

The world is imploding and this is what you're worrying about? Seriously?
Simply ridiculous to blame Biden for Trump's aircraft problems. The plane was already in disrepair when Trump himself was still in office. Next, you will be claiming Obama and Hillary........lmao
The Boeing 757 was running fine until it was put in storage on January 20, 2017, after Trump flew to DC for his inauguration as President. 4 years of storage takes a hell of a toll on a heavy jet as we saw during COVID with the airlines.

Can you provide a cite to prove the aircrafts parts where stuck in a container off LA?
Container AS71-10005487
He asks what is "up" with a plane that is sitting disabled. Not much up about that plane.
The plane now sits in a storage area with one engine "bubble wrapped" and the other engine with parts being scavenged. You would think that a self professed billionaire would keep his plane in working order. If he did, tRump wouldn't be having the RNC round up private planes from donors to get him to and from speaking events. Now, supporters are being asked for monthly revolving donations of $2500 dollars to pay for the planes refurbishment. And the "fleecing" continues.
The fun answer is "definitely not that plane", or something.

But probably the cost of running it is more than he can or wants to spend, and he's selling off parts while hitching rides with various donors. Better that someone else pay for his trips if possible, I'm sure he thinks.
The needed parts for Trump's 757 have been tied up for over a year sitting on the Pacific Ocean off of LA in shipping containers thanks to Biden.
Really? Then President Biden rocks harder than I had imagined.
It’s sitting at the repair facility waiting on parts. If you have had to get anything repaired this last year you would be familiar with increased wait times.
The needed parts for Trump's 757 have been tied up for over a year sitting on the Pacific Ocean off of LA in shipping containers thanks to Biden.
So, your claim is that Trump's plane has been deliberately operated with failing parts? Do you think Trump knew about this?
He’s selling parts to pay off his massive debts. Now that he gets no money from Russia, times are tough.
He’s selling parts to pay off his massive debts. Now that he gets no money from Russia, times are tough.
Nah man I have it on good authority from @jcgriff2 that Donald Trump knowingly operated an unairworthy aircraft for at least a year, that predates the Russian sanctions!
The needed parts for Trump's 757 have been tied up for over a year sitting on the Pacific Ocean off of LA in shipping containers thanks to Biden.
I sure hope his engine mechanics are better than the people that run his business.. or maybe I don't.
The needed parts for Trump's 757 have been tied up for over a year sitting on the Pacific Ocean off of LA in shipping containers thanks to Biden.
So he uses Chinese parts in his Boeing plane? No wonder it is out of commission.
So, your claim is that Trump's plane has been deliberately operated with failing parts? Do you think Trump knew about this?
The 757 has NOT been in operation. Trump has been using other planes.

I certainly would not fly in a plane (or a car) that's been in storage for 4+ years without having it checked out.

So he uses Chinese parts in his Boeing plane? No wonder it is out of commission.
No, no... parts are shipped from Boeing in Washington State.
The 757 has NOT been in operation. Trump has been using other planes.

I certainly would not fly in a plane (or a car) that's been in storage for 4+ years without having it checked out.

No, no... parts are shipped from Boeing in Washington State.
Actually Trump Force One was able to be flown to Chennault International Airport in Louisiana and to a repair facility there. It was reported that the Rolls-Royce RB211 engines were pulled and sent to Iberia Spain for rebuilding. Also the jet is supposed to get a new paint job in Louisiana as well as other repairs.

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