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Whats the Solution to High Energy Prices? (1 Viewer)

Whats the Solution to High Energy Prices?

  • More Oil

    Votes: 25 36.8%
  • More Solar

    Votes: 30 44.1%
  • More Wind

    Votes: 28 41.2%
  • More Geo

    Votes: 24 35.3%
  • More Hydro

    Votes: 25 36.8%
  • More Nuclear

    Votes: 25 36.8%
  • Use Less Energy

    Votes: 25 36.8%
  • Innovate

    Votes: 32 47.1%
  • Less Taxes and Regulation

    Votes: 11 16.2%
  • All of the Above

    Votes: 16 23.5%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Mar 4, 2012
Reaction score
Republic of Florida
Political Leaning
While oil is a big F deal in our economy, we need an all of the above approach.

-use less energy
-more oil
-more solar
-more wind
-more geo
-more hydro
-more nuclear
-more innovation
-less taxes and regulation

We also need to recognize that electric cars are made of oil. Electric cars are charged by oil. Simply going electric doesnt change anything. Most of our electricity comes from natural gas (oil byproduct) and oil.
Too late, instead of sucking oil and gas dick and let the greedy destroy the planet for thier insane wealth, we should have pushed green technology decades ago

The same whiners about gas prices also whine about electric cars, solar, windmills, that's how you get away from being dependent. Oh, and they also drive gas guzzlers
All of the above, but care must be taken with any changes in regulation and taxation (subsidies).
While oil is a big F deal in our economy, we need an all of the above approach.

-use less energy
-more oil
-more solar
-more wind
-more geo
-more hydro
-more nuclear
-more innovation
-less taxes and regulation

We also need to recognize that electric cars are made of oil. Electric cars are charged by oil. Simply going electric doesnt change anything. Most of our electricity comes from natural gas (oil byproduct) and oil.
All of the above...but get the ****ing government out of it.

No subsidies, no artificially increased costs, no regulations favoring one approach over any other approach...no god damned government thumb on the scale for one side or the other.
Major focus on renewables with subsidies while lessening the subsidies of dirty energy. Corps will still make loads of profit. The money will move to renewable investment. Those who own oil stock will shift to renewables. We will be much closer to energy independence than can ever be had with oil, regardless of increasing domestic oil production. Increasing American oil production has never lowered prices at the pump that can be proved.
All of the above...but get the ****ing government out of it.

No subsidies, no artificially increased costs, no regulations favoring one approach over any other approach...no god damned government thumb on the scale for one side or the other.

Obviously a rightie

Capitalism at work. You just don't get it.

They have the oil. We have to have it. They will charge all the market will bear.

Oil prices are set on the world market. OPEC really the Saudi's control the price.

Many think our government regulations on domestic oil production is the reason oil prices are going up. Nothing could be further from the truth. This has been discussed on several other threads on this forum.

High oil prices are good for the oil business.

Domestic oil producers have no intention of raising production.

Majors such as Pioneer Natural Resources, Devon Energy, and Diamondback Energy have already said they have no plans to boost production in any meaningful way. Instead, they will focus on shareholder returns.

The chief executive of Pioneer Natural Resources put it quite bluntly last month in an interview with Bloomberg. "Whether it's $150 oil, $200 oil, or $100 oil, we're not going to change our growth plans," Scott Sheffield said. "If the president wants us to grow, I just don't think the industry can grow anyway."
All of the above...but get the ****ing government out of it.

No subsidies, no artificially increased costs, no regulations favoring one approach over any other approach...no god damned government thumb on the scale for one side or the other.

We have a nation BECAUSE it provides us with a government to help check/balance wealth, violence, theft, etc. Stop crying about all government being bad, it's absurd and destructive. Government should definitely regulate big energy, and should definitely get involved in our other crisis, healthcare, ASAP.

We use rules and regulations in every sufficiently complex system on the planet, in order to achieve good outputs. Government/society is no exception.
If $130 will not increase production, I don't know what will.
Obviously a rightie

Capitalism at work. You just don't get it.

They have the oil. We have to have it. They will charge all the market will bear.

Oil prices are set on the world market. OPEC really the Saudi's control the price.

Many think our government regulations on domestic oil production is the reason oil prices are going up. Nothing could be further from the truth. This has been discussed on several other threads on this forum.

High oil prices are good for the oil business.

Domestic oil producers have no intention of raising production.

Majors such as Pioneer Natural Resources, Devon Energy, and Diamondback Energy have already said they have no plans to boost production in any meaningful way. Instead, they will focus on shareholder returns.

The chief executive of Pioneer Natural Resources put it quite bluntly last month in an interview with Bloomberg. "Whether it's $150 oil, $200 oil, or $100 oil, we're not going to change our growth plans," Scott Sheffield said. "If the president wants us to grow, I just don't think the industry can grow anyway."

The last time we let ourselves be completely vulnerable to OPEC, we banned export of US crude oil... That ban stayed in effect till 2015...
Drill more for oil, get the government full of political ****tards and far left tax the hell out of everyone lunatics out of the way, and put interest in the private sector to deal with the amount of oil we need per day.

We have proven time and time again you cannot incentivize everyone to drive Teslas, ignore the power grid needed to charge them all, then tax everyone else as punishment.
Drill more for oil, get the government full of political ****tards and far left tax the hell out of everyone lunatics out of the way, and put interest in the private sector to deal with the amount of oil we need per day.

We have proven time and time again you cannot incentivize everyone to drive Teslas, ignore the power grid needed to charge them all, then tax everyone else as punishment.

You just don't get it. Deregulate the industry. But it is Biden's fault they won't raise production.

Majors such as Pioneer Natural Resources, Devon Energy, and Diamondback Energy have already said they have no plans to boost production in any meaningful way. Instead, they will focus on shareholder returns.

The chief executive of Pioneer Natural Resources put it quite bluntly last month in an interview with Bloomberg. "Whether it's $150 oil, $200 oil, or $100 oil, we're not going to change our growth plans," Scott Sheffield said. "If the president wants us to grow, I just don't think the industry can grow anyway."
You just don't get it. Deregulate the industry. But it is Biden's fault they won't raise production.

Majors such as Pioneer Natural Resources, Devon Energy, and Diamondback Energy have already said they have no plans to boost production in any meaningful way. Instead, they will focus on shareholder returns.

The chief executive of Pioneer Natural Resources put it quite bluntly last month in an interview with Bloomberg. "Whether it's $150 oil, $200 oil, or $100 oil, we're not going to change our growth plans," Scott Sheffield said. "If the president wants us to grow, I just don't think the industry can grow anyway."

So your solution is exactly what?
While oil is a big F deal in our economy, we need an all of the above approach.

-use less energy
-more oil
-more solar
-more wind
-more geo
-more hydro
-more nuclear
-more innovation
-less taxes and regulation

We also need to recognize that electric cars are made of oil. Electric cars are charged by oil. Simply going electric doesnt change anything. Most of our electricity comes from natural gas (oil byproduct) and oil.
Remember car-pooling and mass transit? Bwahaha. That was going to be the solution of the future at one point. How'd that work out?

I have been hoping for higher energy prices for a long time now. We need to move away from fossil fuels. We need to develop alternate forms of energy, many of which have yet to be discovered or implemented because the research AND implementation is/was ridiculously high compared to low fuel costs. The only way the Govts are really going to get behind the complete transformation of the energy sector is for the price of energy to rise, because it usually takes an emergency for anything of significance to happen world-wide.

Higher fuel prices will drive the implementation of solar where it makes sense. Same with other forms of energy. In many cases just adding insulation to homes cans save thousands, yet people still live energy inefficient homes. We give ridiculous tax credits to families that have children yet we can't find a way to reward people that help reduce energy costs for everyone?

They say that necessity is the mother of innovation. Sometimes the unfavorable path is the correct path;

In the 70's "Domestic automakers predicted that fuel economy improvements would require a fleet primarily of subcompacts. In 1974, a Ford executive testified that the standards could “result in a Ford product line consisting . . . of all sub- Pinto-sized vehicles.” Despite these objections, Congress passed the law, and Ford's top seller today is its F-Series pickup.."

I am looking forward to the day where gasoline autos and trucks are something you see only in a museum. In the long run the removal of coal.and fossil fuel powered vehicles will benefit us all. It's ime to take the big picture approach and do what's best for future generations ASAP.
While oil is a big F deal in our economy, we need an all of the above approach.

-use less energy
-more oil
-more solar
-more wind
-more geo
-more hydro
-more nuclear
-more innovation
-less taxes and regulation

We also need to recognize that electric cars are made of oil. Electric cars are charged by oil. Simply going electric doesnt change anything. Most of our electricity comes from natural gas (oil byproduct) and oil.
Green energy, the kind the right always fights against and oil won't be needed for burning. Solar and wind can charge cars. I'm hoping to have my new solar installed before the end of the month. I just got word this morning that all permits have been issued, waiting for a start date.
While oil is a big F deal in our economy, we need an all of the above approach.

-use less energy
-more oil
-more solar
-more wind
-more geo
-more hydro
-more nuclear
-more innovation
-less taxes and regulation

We also need to recognize that electric cars are made of oil. Electric cars are charged by oil. Simply going electric doesnt change anything. Most of our electricity comes from natural gas (oil byproduct) and oil.

Obviously, the solution to get lower energy prices is to flood the market with more oil.

This is a commodity. Supply and demand. There is nothing any more simple than this.
Obviously, the solution to get lower energy prices is to flood the market with more oil.

This is a commodity. Supply and demand. There is nothing any more simple than this.
You missed the other side

Use less oil, which would have a more immediate impact on oil prices.

Thankfully I get to work from home and have not fill my truck in about 4 weeks
Less oil and coal, more natural gas, nuclear and renewables.
While oil is a big F deal in our economy, we need an all of the above approach.

-use less energy
-more oil
-more solar
-more wind
-more geo
-more hydro
-more nuclear
-more innovation
-less taxes and regulation

We also need to recognize that electric cars are made of oil. Electric cars are charged by oil. Simply going electric doesnt change anything. Most of our electricity comes from natural gas (oil byproduct) and oil.
it's obvious that you are a con. Quite trying to appease the environmentally minded people with your bullet points. We see right through you.

You do understand that building an E car is a time time process where as dumping gas into a gas tank every week is a decade long commitment.

Dumbest argument ever.
Too late, instead of sucking oil and gas dick and let the greedy destroy the planet for thier insane wealth, we should have pushed green technology decades ago

The same whiners about gas prices also whine about electric cars, solar, windmills, that's how you get away from being dependent. Oh, and they also drive gas guzzlers
Yep. Our neighbor's wife gripes and moans (lately) about how the "Sky High" gas prices is causing her stress. My wife told me this morning, this woman
stops at Starbucks every morning and gets a cake-thing and a large super latte-chocolate-cream coffee. Those 2 things cost close to 8 dollars.
....and this woman bitches about paying 35 cents more per gallon of fuel. Talk about cognitive displacement! :)
We have a nation BECAUSE it provides us with a government to help check/balance wealth, violence, theft, etc. Stop crying about all government being bad, it's absurd and destructive. Government should definitely regulate big energy, and should definitely get involved in our other crisis, healthcare, ASAP.

We use rules and regulations in every sufficiently complex system on the planet, in order to achieve good outputs. Government/society is no exception.

We do not have a govt to help check/balance wealth. Violence and theft yes. All that other crap got us where we are.
Remember car-pooling and mass transit? Bwahaha. That was going to be the solution of the future at one point. How'd that work out?

I have been hoping for higher energy prices for a long time now. We need to move away from fossil fuels. We need to develop alternate forms of energy, many of which have yet to be discovered or implemented because the research AND implementation is/was ridiculously high compared to low fuel costs. The only way the Govts are really going to get behind the complete transformation of the energy sector is for the price of energy to rise, because it usually takes an emergency for anything of significance to happen world-wide.

Higher fuel prices will drive the implementation of solar where it makes sense. Same with other forms of energy. In many cases just adding insulation to homes cans save thousands, yet people still live energy inefficient homes. We give ridiculous tax credits to families that have children yet we can't find a way to reward people that help reduce energy costs for everyone?

They say that necessity is the mother of innovation. Sometimes the unfavorable path is the correct path;

In the 70's "Domestic automakers predicted that fuel economy improvements would require a fleet primarily of subcompacts. In 1974, a Ford executive testified that the standards could “result in a Ford product line consisting . . . of all sub- Pinto-sized vehicles.” Despite these objections, Congress passed the law, and Ford's top seller today is its F-Series pickup.."

I am looking forward to the day where gasoline autos and trucks are something you see only in a museum. In the long run the removal of coal.and fossil fuel powered vehicles will benefit us all. It's ime to take the big picture approach and do what's best for future generations ASAP.

Thats actually a good point and covered under use less energy. Car pooling is a totally valid alternative to driving yourself when gas prices are high, and its self regulating. If gas becomes too expensive people WILL take mass transit and drive less.
Obviously, the solution to get lower energy prices is to flood the market with more oil.

This is a commodity. Supply and demand. There is nothing any more simple than this.
You forgot the demand part though. And alternative choices. Oil is only one form of energy.
Thats actually a good point and covered under use less energy. Car pooling is a totally valid alternative to driving yourself when gas prices are high, and its self regulating. If gas becomes too expensive people WILL take mass transit and drive less.
What's funny to me is most people agree that car pooling is a good thing. They just don't want to be part of it. ;)
You missed the other side

Use less oil, which would have a more immediate impact on oil prices.

Thankfully I get to work from home and have not fill my truck in about 4 weeks

I dont think thats as easy as producing more energy. Use less oil in your car, use more oil in having things delivered, or electricty production. Or china buys all the surplus instead.
What's funny to me is most people agree that car pooling is a good thing. They just don't want to be part of it. ;)

In general, but certainly people will choose it in some situations.

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