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What's PolitiZoom? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 13, 2015
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Political Leaning
From here: Patreon

PolitiZoom is an independent news magazine dedicated to exposing the lies and corruption in Washington. We cover our fast-moving political environment with a progressive, liberal approach. Politics is not just for journalists, analysts, and pundits. We all have a part to play and we should all have a voice. PolitiZoom strives to bring you our everyday voice and help you discover yours.

One of the founding-fathers of Patreon's PolitiZoom is Paul Krugman, seen on the site here. This linked post is about Donald Dork's latest mistake to fire Sessions.

Well worth a read for Krugman lovers in a place where Krugman promises a lot more than you will read from this accomplished economist than elsewhere.

Some call that Freedom of Political Expression ...
thanks for the share
Krugman? The same guy who proclaimed that Enron was the greatest company on the planet and said that Social Security was a Ponzi scheme before denying it? Now this same fraud wants a monthly donation? No thanks.
From here: Patreon

One of the founding-fathers of Patreon's PolitiZoom is Paul Krugman, seen on the site here. This linked post is about Donald Dork's latest mistake to fire Sessions.

Well worth a read for Krugman lovers in a place where Krugman promises a lot more than you will read from this accomplished economist than elsewhere.

Some call that Freedom of Political Expression ...

So PolitiZoom is a leftist rag funded by leftists with a leftist shill as a founder.

Alrighty, then!
So PolitiZoom is a leftist rag funded by leftists with a leftist shill as a founder.

Alrighty, then!

Yep, more confirmation bias (described, of course, as an approach) brought to us by a left leaning "centrist".
thanks for the share

Thanks for the thanks.

With the RabidRight flooding this thread with their idiot One-liner Rubbish Posts, it is most welcome ...

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