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What's it like living in the US after 9/11? (1 Viewer)

May 14, 2005
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I'm from Denmark and doing an exam on 9/11 and the way that day change the media and the way Americans think. Therefore, I hope it is alright to ask you guys in here ;)

My questions are:

*How is 9/11 present in your mind today? Do yot think about it everdy day?

*Do you worry about terrorism when travelling by plane/going to specific places in the US which might be targets for new attacks?

*Have you changed as a person after 9/11? And how?

*How do you feel about your allies(UK and etc.) And about those who didn't want to go to war in Iraq(France and Germany)

I really hope you will help me make my exam even better! And send you all my best here from Denmark:)

Good luck with your project. :smile:

*How is 9/11 present in your mind today? Do yot think about it everdy day?
People who participate in this forum probably do think about it every day. Outside of the forum, I seldom think of it.

*Do you worry about terrorism when travelling by plane/going to specific places in the US which might be targets for new attacks?
I think we would be disingenuous to say no. It is something that will be in the back of your mind for a long time to come.

*Have you changed as a person after 9/11? And how?
I am more committed to the Republican party, and more political in general. The Democrats let the country down, when they didn’t take prior attacks seriously.

*How do you feel about your allies(UK and etc.) And about those who didn't want to go to war in Iraq(France and Germany)
Tony Blair did an exceptional job of bringing Countries together in opposition to world wide terrorism. As far as the opposition, I thought the boycotts went a bit overboard at first. When the news about the “oil for food” scandal came out, I was disgusted by them, especially France. Chirac was so pompus pretending he had a legitimate aversion to a war with Iraq. :blah:
Danish_regarding_9/11 said:
*How is 9/11 present in your mind today? Do yot think about it everdy day?

I absolutley think about it everyday. Myself, trying understand what is infinitely important: Why?

*Do you worry about terrorism when travelling by plane/going to specific places in the US which might be targets for new attacks?

Not really. I'm sure there are others that do, but I've flown quite a bit since 9/11 and it's really no big deal to me.

*Have you changed as a person after 9/11? And how?

I think we've all changed in one way or another. Everybody has changed differently, but I think it's safe to say that everyone had their eyes opened into what was going on in the world that maybe we didn't care to see before.

*How do you feel about your allies(UK and etc.) And about those who didn't want to go to war in Iraq(France and Germany)

I have no problem with either our allies or those that weren't a part of the war. I'm against the war just as much as France and Germany, but unlike the French I'm against isolationism a.k.a. indifference as well.
who ma do or thats swedish but maybe you understand

*How is 9/11 present in your mind today? Do yot think about it everdy day?
no here in the us we only care about ourselfs no one thinks much of 911 any more except peopel who are upset we let bush drop the towers

*Do you worry about terrorism when travelling by plane/going to specific places in the US which might be targets for new attacks?
no because we know the us is behind the terror here and again we dont give a hoot about dying to buzy living

*Have you changed as a person after 9/11? And how?
it woke me up that out goverment can pull off a attack on its own people in order to justify killing people in other land and the morons who live here will only say its un american to question 911 you wanna do a story on 911 do a story on how the people of the usa want answers and how our midia wont talk about 911 unless to use it to get people to watch there show but not talking about how bush was behind it

*How do you feel about your allies(UK and etc.) And about those who didn't want to go to war in Iraq(France and Germany)
we dont want to go to war in iraq either it is the racist of the us and the rich who do no one else here uk ect are a bunch of dirt bags oh want dinmark went to right well if your people are still the screw them to

I really hope you will help me make my exam even better! And send you all my best here from Denmark
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Danish_regarding_9/11 said:
*How is 9/11 present in your mind today? Do yot think about it everdy day?
If not the actual event then about some of the secondary and tertiary effects of the event. Much of the rest of the country hs joined me in my paranoia. However, I have to say that most people are not as capable of living with it as comfortably as I am. I suppose I've just had more practice. My friends and I started planning how to deal with acts of terrorism in '98 or so.

Danish_regarding_9/11 said:
*Do you worry about terrorism when travelling by plane/going to specific places in the US which might be targets for new attacks?
No. I realize that normal causes of death and injury are far more likely to affect me and I don't worry about them.

Danish_regarding_9/11 said:
*Have you changed as a person after 9/11? And how?
The level of ignorance that's rational for me has changed. I'm much more informed about related events than I used to be.

Danish_regarding_9/11 said:
*How do you feel about your allies(UK and etc.) And about those who didn't want to go to war in Iraq(France and Germany)
Can't blame 'em. The invasion of Iraq was worse than a crime- it was a blunder.
Danish_regarding_9/11 said:

*How is 9/11 present in your mind today? Do yot think about it everdy day?
I couldn't say that I actually think about it everyday. It's something that comes to mind when I try to focus on Terrorist events happening in other countries. I was a tad bit young at the time, in 7th grade to be exact.
*Do you worry about terrorism when travelling by plane/going to specific places in the US which might be targets for new attacks?
Not really, I mean it's always in the back of my mind. I recently went to Venezuela and I wasn't scared with the plane ride, I was only scared at the Anti-Americans there. The Army isn't the nicest people ever, I try to keep my distance.
*Have you changed as a person after 9/11? And how?
Yes, I think most Americans changed because of these events, mainly because we're having these new restrictions. I don't remeber any terrorist threats previous of 9/11. Whether you think so or not, Americans have grouped together more than pre-9/11.
*How do you feel about your allies(UK and etc.) And about those who didn't want to go to war in Iraq(France and Germany)
I feel our Allies should be decorated more than America, if there is any Middle-Eastern freedom, It's amazing the dedication these countries have to the United States.
I think France and Germany had their own reasons for not going to War, if I owned a country, I wouldn't have gone either. I respect their decisions.

I really hope you will help me make my exam even better! And send you all my best here from Denmark:)
If you don't mind, I'd like to ask you what you've been told about September the 11th and America in general?
Are the Danish neutral on their ideals of America?

Don't take Bible's ideals so seriously, they're just theories.
Hi all!

Thank you so much for your replies! They will be very useful for my exam:)

I really appreciate your help.
*How is 9/11 present in your mind today? Do yot think about it everdy day?

It reminds me that the cultural war between secularism and religious rule is not over. No I dont think about it every day because i know the US is capable of responding to further attacks in an appropriate manner :mrgreen:

*Do you worry about terrorism when travelling by plane/going to specific places in the US which might be targets for new attacks?

Nope I dont because i know that the next domestic terrorist attack by fanatical muslims will result in the lynching of many muslims in America. We dont mess around. :mrgreen:

*Have you changed as a person after 9/11? And how?

It made me realize the danger of siding with religious fundamentalists who advocate theocratic rule and religious/human rights oppression over secularism, religious freedom, and democracy for all including women.
Some LWNs dont understand this and prefer to side with religious conservatives: Islamic Fundamentalists.

*How do you feel about your allies(UK and etc.) And about those who didn't want to go to war in Iraq(France and Germany)

The British knows whats up, German and France have caused a great deal of grief with thier oil-for-food trades. :mrgreen:
Gamago25 said:
*Do you worry about terrorism when travelling by plane/going to specific places in the US which might be targets for new attacks?

Nope I dont because i know that the next domestic terrorist attack by fanatical muslims will result in the lynching of many muslims in America. We dont mess around. :mrgreen:

This is the kind of thing that makes you feel safe when flying to other parts of the country?
Yup, what we did to Japanese citizens in WWII isnt nothing compared to what would happen to muslim communities after a 2nd domestic attack.

Why you think there hasnt been another one of that caliber, because fanatical muslims aren't capable of it?

Please. US citizens have muslim communities in hostage and they know it.

One doesnt have to be a redneck to understand this.

Ask any minority.

So you think fanatical muslim terrorists haven't hurt us again because their afraid their white devil infidel neighbors lynch 'em?
Gandhi>Bush said:

So you think fanatical muslim terrorists haven't hurt us again because their afraid their white devil infidel neighbors lynch 'em?

No, they know that johnny rednecks and friends will lynch thier families and communities, not the terrorists themselves.

US citizens didnt round up japanese soldiers, they rounded up Japanese civilians. US citizens didnt just lynch angry black men or other minorities, but thier families too.

Bad apples dont fall far from the tree, is many US citizen's thinking.

One doesnt have to be a redneck to understand the anger still under the surface, just waiting for another attack. And the people helping them wont all be white devils.

I strongly doubt the reason there hasn't been another attack is for fear of "johnny redneck and friends."

Hatred doesn't think that far ahead. You paint the terrorists as very compassionate here as opposed to other posts of yours I've read.
I never said terrorist were compassionate, i see no compassion for the murder of innocent civilians.

But Americans will reply in the same turn if attacked again.

Try us.

There is nowhere to run except Canada and Mexico. Muslim families are stuck here without a land bridge to support them.

Or did you forget the "fear of reprisal" that many muslim communities had after 9/11?

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Danish_regarding_9/11 said:
*How is 9/11 present in your mind today? Do yot think about it everdy day?

No, I don't think about 9/11 everyday...too depressing.

The thing is, I've read terrorists could've easily attacked America again, but they're waiting to do something on a much grander scale...something akin to 9/11...something that will attract the attention of the whole world...a simple car bomb won't do it.

They're thinking New York again, at least a very large city, or possibly a target like the Golden Gate Bridge in SanFrancisco.

This might sound callous, but since I live in the MidWest what are the terrorists going to attack...a corn field? A row of soybeans?

Danish_regarding_9/11 said:
*Do you worry about terrorism when travelling by plane/going to specific places in the US which might be targets for new attacks?

No....there's more to fear from some idiot on the highway having a fit of road rage.

Danish_regarding_9/11 said:
*Have you changed as a person after 9/11? And how?

I've become more informed and tried to determine the reasons behind such hatred for the United States. I've learned Bush did nothing for 9 months about terrorism, ignoring the warnings of the Clinton administration, while the republicans fought Clinton's anti-terrorism efforts every step of the way.

I've become much more distrustful of politicians, and Republicans in particular.

Danish_regarding_9/11 said:
*How do you feel about your allies(UK and etc.) And about those who didn't want to go to war in Iraq(France and Germany)

More power to them...they were right and we were wrong...war should always be an absolute last resort, unfortunately, we had someone in office planning this war long befrore the events of 9/11...you know...the man of God...the great Christian...the man of high morals..the good 'ol boy.
Gamago25 said:
I never said terrorist were compassionate, i see no compassion for the murder of innocent civilians.

But Americans will reply in the same turn if attacked again.

Try us.

There is nowhere to run except Canada and Mexico. Muslim families are stuck here without a land bridge to support them.

Or did you forget the "fear of reprisal" that many muslim communities had after 9/11?

A reason why you would tack a smilie face on to the end of that escapes me.

You believe that, should another terrorist attack happen, Americans will leave their houses in search of muslims, or anyone whol looks as such, and return them what has been given?

I should hope not.

A fear of reprisal is not nearly as frightening as an act of reprisal.
Gandhi>Bush said:
You believe that, should another terrorist attack happen, Americans will leave their houses in search of muslims, or anyone whol looks as such, and return them what has been given?

I should hope not.

A fear of reprisal is not nearly as frightening as an act of reprisal.

Then you are naive like any typical idealistic libby. You should be the one to poo-poo US muslim community fears and tell them they are misguided.

Arch Enemy said:
If you don't mind, I'd like to ask you what you've been told about September the 11th and America in general?
Are the Danish neutral on their ideals of America?

Of course I can't answer on behalf of all Danes;)

But I can answer for myself and somewhat for the messages sent to us by the Danish media at least..

What we have been told about 9/11. Well, nothing really, we all saw the images of that day and felt as helpless as if we were Americans, I think. I remember that all Danish channels showed the pictures of the planes crashing into WTC over and over again. It was horrible! I remember I first thought I was watching just another Hollywood-production.

Of course, there were many theories on who did it, what would happen now etc. I must say, that your president Bush is probably the man, next after Saddam and Osama, whom I respect and fear the most. In him, I see nothing else but another crazy terrorist, the only difference is that he can do it 'legally' since he is the leader of the world's most dominant super power, and the leaders from most of the Western world are nothing but followers, who hope to get some scaps from the king's table.
And the most terrifying: I cannot believe that a man with so little intelligence is allowed the power he has!

Therefore, I was thrilled when France and Germany claimed they were very much against the war. And from a selfish point of view, at that time I wanted to live in one of those countries, and not in Denmark where our prime minister is sucking up to Bush whenever he gets the chance.
At the time of the American troops bombing and entering Iraq, I was in Spain for a couple of months and I feared that Bush had started a World War with no other ending than millions of innocent people dead.

Luckily, it was not so extreme, but I am sad for the outcome.

The Danes are definitely not neutral on America/americans. I think we are equally as divided as you are when it comes to Iraq and especially Bush. I must add, that the majority of the Danes were against going to war on Iraq, but our Prime Minister did not pay attention to that.
However, as you re-elected Bush, the Danes re-elected Anders Fogh Rasmussen(our Prime Minister) Both, I can't believe. I voted against Anders Fogh, and I lost a lot for the Americans when you voted for Bush again. I followed election night, even though it was night here in Denmark, and my heart cried when Bush won. I am afraid what he will mean for peace and afraid for the message this has sent to the radical muslims all over the world. Because with that election, I do no longer see the Americans (or the Danes) as completely innocent, the majority in both countries have now accepted the war. And given their leader too much power.
Im British, and many people here are against the involvement of Iraq. 3 million people turned out in the streets of London to protest againsd the war, the biggest protest in British history, and may people have if not a hatred of Americans, a distaste for them. The recent election was hugely effected by the war, and Tony Blair's majority was vastly cut down.

I myself however am in support for Americans, who are actually doing something to tyry and solve the problem. It annoys me no end where the French and the Germans sit back and declare "its not out problem" while other countries act in the interest of world security. Oh i dont think the US is perfect btw, im just saying im in support of things many people over here are against.
*How is 9/11 present in your mind today? Do yot think about it everdy day?
I think about it, but I wouldn't say every day. We have lives and need think about them more than depressing things such as 9/11. Thinking about it does no good, it is our reaction on how to solve the problem is what matters. It is more present in our thoughts on how to eliminate that threat. That is in reference to me. According to most people...they don't think about it much because it has little effect on their everday lives.

*Do you worry about terrorism when travelling by plane/going to specific places in the US which might be targets for new attacks
No, 9/11 was a one-time disaster. Travelling by plane is far safer than travelling by car...although I'd rather be touching the ground lol...but that slight fear everyone has and has nothing to do with what happened at 9/11.

*Have you changed as a person after 9/11? And how?
Yes, I became much more political. Before 9/11, I wasn't really interested in politics, but afterwords I had more opinions on various issues, and understood more issues. I tried to find out why 9/11 actually happened-most people blamed it on Arabs hating democracy but that isn't the case-and I found out it was because of our support for Israel. As a result, I think it is in our best self-interest to worry about ourselves more than anything else...if we did that, the disaster never would have happened. There are too many people to appeal to worldwide, some will hate you...therefore be concerned with your own people's problems rather than those you don't understand. How can we have an opinion on something the U.S. doesn't even understand? (reffering to Israeli conflict)

*How do you feel about your allies(UK and etc.) And about those who didn't want to go to war in Iraq(France and Germany)
The UK has been the U.S.'s best ally, but virtually the whole world hates us right now lol, probably because they feel the Iraq war was unnecessary. They blame it on Bush-but it really is the CIA's fault. I don't like France at all-they are corrupt and do things such as sell nuclear material to unstable, dangerous countries. Germany...Germany has become more like France...they do not stand up for themselves anymore.
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Danish_ [QUOTE said:
much againTherefore, I was thrilled when France and Germany claimed they were very st the war.

Of course they were. Saddam owed France a lot of money. France also leaked our operational plans to the Iraqis. Germany was selling mobile chemical manufacturing trucks to Iraq.

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