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What would happen if..... (1 Viewer)


Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
3000 miles east of you
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
What do you think would happen if everyone in the world decided on Jan. 1st to not use god for one year? No prayers, no church, nothing. I think after a certian amount of time, that the concept of a god would fade away. For example, there are South American indian tribes that have no concept of what time is. They dont use or understand it. Its an alien concept to them. I think the same thing would happen with god. Eventually, with people not saying his name or going to church and just plain not acknowledging that the concept of god even exited, the idea of a god would disappear. We have evolved far enough that we dont live in caves anymore and we know what makes lightning. But for some reason, we still hang on to old customs.
I wonder how long the Jewish prisioners were held in the concentration camps and were deprived of worship, did it change their views?
First and foremost, the quality of Sunday morning television would be greatly improved. On a less shallow level, I think the abandonment of the concept of god--for only a year--would ultimately have a negative effect on everyone.

Every natural disaster for that year, every war, death and unfortunate event would likely encourage religious firebrands to proclaim any negative event as justified because of our independence from god. I fear the utopianist in us all would believe anything were we to think faith buys us freedom from adversity. As a result, and after that year, we would be more god fearing than before.

I think humanity is slowly embracing reason and weening ourselves off servitude to an unknown. All for the better.
ddoyle00 said:
What do you think would happen if everyone in the world decided on Jan. 1st to not use god for one year? No prayers, no church, nothing. I think after a certian amount of time, that the concept of a god would fade away. For example, there are South American indian tribes that have no concept of what time is. They dont use or understand it. Its an alien concept to them. I think the same thing would happen with god. Eventually, with people not saying his name or going to church and just plain not acknowledging that the concept of god even exited, the idea of a god would disappear. We have evolved far enough that we dont live in caves anymore and we know what makes lightning. But for some reason, we still hang on to old customs.
We would cease to exist.

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