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What will Trump’s 2020 Campaign Slogan be? (1 Viewer)

Skeptic Bob

DP Veteran
Oct 6, 2014
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Libertarian - Left
Trump’s current campaign slogan is arguably one of the more controversial ones there have been, depending on the perspective you bring. That said, “I’m with Her” was pretty freaking tone death as well.

But what will his 2020 slogan be? He can’t keep it “Make America Great Again” because that implies he hasn’t succeed yet. If Trump comes up with it on his own it will be something unoriginal like “Keep America Great”, which would certainly beg the question. But he might get some advice from the pros.

Any guesses of what it might be?
Trump’s current campaign slogan is arguably one of the more controversial ones there have been, depending on the perspective you bring. That said, “I’m with Her” was pretty freaking tone death as well.

But what will his 2020 slogan be? He can’t keep it “Make America Great Again” because that implies he hasn’t succeed yet. If Trump comes up with it on his own it will be something unoriginal like “Keep America Great”, which would certainly beg the question. But he might get some advice from the pros.

Any guesses of what it might be?

Twist one up!


Where have you been?

Trump had previously told the Washington Post in January of 2017 that he decided on the "Keep America Great" slogan for a reelection bid and instructed his lawyer to trademark the phrase with and without an exclamation point.”
Vote for the Unindicted Co-Conspirator! (Assuming he's not been indicted yet.)
Assuming that Mueller has not quite finished by then...

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We’re still here!

We’re still here!

We’re still here!
hopefully "heal America's wounds" with all the division we have over the simple phrase "make america great again"
"We have come up with a solution that's really, really I think very good," Trump said at a meeting of the nation's governors at the White House.
"Now, I have to tell you, it's an unbelievably complex subject," he added. "Nobody knew health care could be so complicated."
That gets my vote. Explains his first term so far to a T.
That gets my vote. Explains his first term so far to a T.

Universal healthcare is very simple: anyone can go to the hospital, clinic, doctor, nurse or drugstore of their choice, get appropriate treatment and have the bill sent to the federal government. Where it gets complicated is having all care providers agree to accept whatever payment the federal government (single-payer) deems is appropriate - the medical care providers essentially become federal (non-profit?) contractors.

This bill establishes the Medicare for All Program to provide all individuals residing in the United States and U.S. territories with free health care that includes all medically necessary care, such as primary care and prevention, dietary and nutritional therapies, prescription drugs, emergency care, long-term care, mental health services, dental services, and vision care.

Only public or nonprofit institutions may participate. Nonprofit health maintenance organizations (HMOs) that deliver care in their own facilities may participate.

Patients may choose from participating physicians and institutions.

Health insurers may not sell health insurance that duplicates the benefits provided under this bill. Insurers may sell benefits that are not medically necessary, such as cosmetic surgery benefits.

Trump’s current campaign slogan is arguably one of the more controversial ones there have been, depending on the perspective you bring. That said, “I’m with Her” was pretty freaking tone death as well.

But what will his 2020 slogan be? He can’t keep it “Make America Great Again” because that implies he hasn’t succeed yet. If Trump comes up with it on his own it will be something unoriginal like “Keep America Great”, which would certainly beg the question. But he might get some advice from the pros.

Any guesses of what it might be?

"Enemies CRUSHED, Economy GOIN', don't vote for Kamala, She Still be Ho'in' " ?
Trump’s current campaign slogan is arguably one of the more controversial ones there have been, depending on the perspective you bring. That said, “I’m with Her” was pretty freaking tone death as well.

But what will his 2020 slogan be? He can’t keep it “Make America Great Again” because that implies he hasn’t succeed yet. If Trump comes up with it on his own it will be something unoriginal like “Keep America Great”, which would certainly beg the question. But he might get some advice from the pros.

Any guesses of what it might be?

It's been decided “Keep America Great!”
Trump’s current campaign slogan is arguably one of the more controversial ones there have been, depending on the perspective you bring. That said, “I’m with Her” was pretty freaking tone death as well.

But what will his 2020 slogan be? He can’t keep it “Make America Great Again” because that implies he hasn’t succeed yet. If Trump comes up with it on his own it will be something unoriginal like “Keep America Great”, which would certainly beg the question. But he might get some advice from the pros.

Any guesses of what it might be?


It has one of those "global" kind of feels to the pronunciation as it doesn't sound American but it could pass for Asian, African, Latin American or southern European. It would be one of those slogans that the whole world can agree on...except for the part of the world we don't want to agree with us.
Trump’s current campaign slogan is arguably one of the more controversial ones there have been, depending on the perspective you bring. That said, “I’m with Her” was pretty freaking tone death as well.

But what will his 2020 slogan be? He can’t keep it “Make America Great Again” because that implies he hasn’t succeed yet. If Trump comes up with it on his own it will be something unoriginal like “Keep America Great”, which would certainly beg the question. But he might get some advice from the pros.

Any guesses of what it might be?

What have you got to lose.
It should be I Hate The Same People You Do.

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