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What will be the "primary basis" of your vote for POTUS? (1 Viewer)

Which will be your primary factor?

  • Strictly Ideological

    Votes: 11 19.6%
  • Candidate's platform

    Votes: 19 33.9%
  • MSM reports/opinions

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Never Trump

    Votes: 25 44.6%
  • Party loyalty

    Votes: 1 1.8%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Oct 25, 2011
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Lost at sea~
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Libertarian - Right
I believe nearly every voter will each base their decision primarily on one of the following factors.

(1) Strictly Ideological ~ The GOP is committed to Capitalism / The Democrat Party has converted to Socialism.

(2) Candidate's platform ~ Candidates share the specific platforms they believe will benefit the nation.(hopefully)

(3) MSM reports/opinions ~ Undeniably; MSM is extremely ideological with access to every mind.

(4) Never Trump ~ And this factor will include both Dems and Pubs.

(5) Party loyalty ~ This factor in some cases can be a family tradition.
Last edited:
The “Never Trump” vote intrigues me. I’ve asked those who say this to be a bit more specific as to why and many times I get the answer “Because I don’t like him.” With that response I know I’m wasting my time.
I believe nearly every voter will each base their decision primarily on one of the following factors.

(1) Strictly Ideological ~ The GOP is committed to Capitalism / The Democrat Party has converted to Socialism.

(2) Candidate's platform ~ Candidates share the specific platforms they believe will benefit the nation.(hopefully)

(3) MSM reports/opinions ~ Undeniably; MSM is extremely ideological with access to every mind.

(4) Never Trump ~ And this factor will include both Dems and Pubs.

(5) Party loyalty ~ This factor in some cases can be a family tradition.

It was a tough choice between 1 and 2.
The “Never Trump” vote intrigues me. I’ve asked those who say this to be a bit more specific as to why and many times I get the answer “Because I don’t like him.” With that response I know I’m wasting my time.

I hear ya

But the D party talks about science quite a bit

Could it be it's all just talk?

The “Never Trump” vote intrigues me. I’ve asked those who say this to be a bit more specific as to why and many times I get the answer “Because I don’t like him.” With that response I know I’m wasting my time.
I think of them as "establishment voters" regardless of party affiliation...They obviously miss the good old days.

It was a tough choice between 1 and 2.
Maybe I should've allowed 2 choices?!

Trump will be regarded by History as the worst US president ever.
When America is no longer free; all history will be determined by a Ministry of Propaganda...so you could be right.


I hear ya

But the D party talks about science quite a bit

Could it be it's all just talk?

Dems consider science and religion to be relative

They shout it from the rooftops when they believe they're beneficial...and ignore them when they're not.
I believe nearly every voter will each base their decision primarily on one of the following factors.

(1) Strictly Ideological ~ The GOP is committed to Capitalism / The Democrat Party has converted to Socialism.

(2) Candidate's platform ~ Candidates share the specific platforms they believe will benefit the nation.(hopefully)

(3) MSM reports/opinions ~ Undeniably; MSM is extremely ideological with access to every mind.

(4) Never Trump ~ And this factor will include both Dems and Pubs.

(5) Party loyalty ~ This factor in some cases can be a family tradition.

I do have to laugh when Cultists of Donnie Dirtbag try to dress up their bull**** and gutter "ideology" to try to make themselves seem like normal people instead of automotons. They're so ham handed and predictable that it doesn't even require getting past the thread's title to know what a load of BS is coming. So, thanks for that.
That the president is enough of an adult to not kill tens of thousands of extra Americans. Many from his own party.

I hear ya

But the D party talks about science quite a bit

Could it be it's all just talk?

Don’t look up but there are now 2 “Never Trump” votes. It would be nice if they weighed in but perhaps they can’t handle the embarrassment of not giving a rational explanation.

I’ve noticed the reluctance of Democrats accepting the science when it doesn’t fit their beliefs. At times they are more religious than people who are actually religious. The latest example is where Biden is blaming the fires out west on climate change. If that’s true then climate change (as they understand it) has always been here. In any case he ignored the facts.

11 Facts About Wildfires | DoSomething.org

But then what did he say about truth and facts. Which one was more important to him?
That the president is enough of an adult to not kill tens of thousands of extra Americans. Many from his own party.
Single issue voter on the prowl. Watch out!
I do have to laugh when Cultists of Donnie Dirtbag try to dress up their bull**** and gutter "ideology" to try to make themselves seem like normal people instead of automotons. They're so ham handed and predictable that it doesn't even require getting past the thread's title to know what a load of BS is coming. So, thanks for that.
Wow; I'm impressed Digs...you must be some kind of genius or something... :blink:

So, did you...........what?

Wait a minute...........why would an amazing genius like Digs have to ask, "what"?!

It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure it out...his answer is right above him in the post 8 quote?
Trump will be regarded by History as the worst US president ever.

No.....i say that title goes to Jimmy Carter....but if Biden gets elected.....it'll be up for grabs!
You should start taking Trump more seriously...He's gonna be your President for 4 more years. :nails

You sound so certain.

Am not so certain about the EC results. Fairly confident Biden will win the popular vote.

Are you certain enough that Trump will win you would put money on it?
I believe nearly every voter will each base their decision primarily on one of the following factors.

(1) Strictly Ideological ~ The GOP is committed to Capitalism / The Democrat Party has converted to Socialism.

(2) Candidate's platform ~ Candidates share the specific platforms they believe will benefit the nation.(hopefully)

(3) MSM reports/opinions ~ Undeniably; MSM is extremely ideological with access to every mind.

(4) Never Trump ~ And this factor will include both Democrats and Republicans.

(5) Party loyalty ~ This factor in some cases can be a family tradition.

There is no reason to say the Democratic Party is converting in socialism. That is a very stupid lie told by people who worship one of the worst human beings in America. who I now call a rattlesnake.

Even if we had a different Republican running for re-election, I would vote for Joe Biden because he is a Democrat. However, ideologically he was not my favorite candidate in the Democratic primary. So I voted for him in March only because of Donald Trump. IOW by far the most important thing is kicking the Trump family out of the White House permanently. All of the political issues will take care of themselves after Biden is sworn in on January 20.
The “Never Trump” vote intrigues me. I’ve asked those who say this to be a bit more specific as to why and many times I get the answer “Because I don’t like him.” With that response I know I’m wasting my time.

Wasting your time is saying you like Donald Trump without giving smart voters any reasons to support him. If you did not already know why people hate the man, that is your problem, not theirs.
"Never Trump" is tied with "Candidates' Platform", that comes as a bit of a surprise.
The “Never Trump” vote intrigues me. I’ve asked those who say this to be a bit more specific as to why and many times I get the answer “Because I don’t like him.” With that response I know I’m wasting my time.

Why? Do you really have that much of a problem figuring out why people don't like Trump? LMAO

You sound so certain.

Am not so certain about the EC results. Fairly confident Biden will win the popular vote.
Actually; I believe Trump could win both this time...

Are you certain enough that Trump will win you would put money on it?
When you put it that way; I suppose anything is possible.....just ask Hillary...
Single issue voter on the prowl. Watch out!

There is no such thing as a single-issue voter. Every political issue affects at least one other issue. In this case, COVID-19 is to blame for millions of people losing or quitting their jobs, and many people who get sick do not have health insurance. Students need to get their education in classrooms, but are stuck learning from home instead. Because health care, education, jobs, and travel are all affected by COVID-19, everyone who says "coronavirus" is the #1 issue in America is really talking about a wide range of issues.

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