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What were gods doing during the 200 million years of the dinosaur reign on earth? (1 Viewer)

And we could extense the question. Before the creation of the universe: Was god already there?
Christians believe that dinosaurs coexisted with humans and went extinct shortly after the flood becuse of the change in climate (and the alligators didn't).


Certain groups of fundamentalist evangelicals believe that. Most Christians believe in evolution. Catholics, orthodox churches, and mainline Protestant denominations (Presbyterian, Methodist, Lutheran, etc.) all teach that evolution is compatible with the creation account. Many evangelical churches do as well.

Here is a clip from a highly influential southern conservative evangelical mega church which deals with this issue:
The section on evolution begins at 5:35


I'm not interested in debating which theories are more valid. My point was simply to clarify that Christians do not, as a rule, believe that dinosaurs coexisted with humans. Some Christians believe that, but most believe that the Earth is billions of years old and dinosaurs and humans did not coexist.

Less than 15% of people in the USA believe young earth creationism (and probably closer to around 10%). Old Earth views of creation are accepted by nearly every Christian denomination and are supported by Christian leaders ranging from Pope Francis on one extreme (liberal Catholicism) to Wayne Grudem on the other (conservative fundamentalism evangelicalism). It is incredibly difficult to find any Christian seminary other than Liberty University that teaches Young Earth Creationism. As a worldview, Young Earth Creationism is a fringe belief.
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The topic seems to have wandered.. but the obvious answer is they were playing billards with comets.. and finally someone sank the comet in the right hand corner.

Gods were chill'n, laying in wait to wipe out Dino and populate the earth with 7.5 Billion humans who could then kill off everything else. Duh.
Well.... just pointing out that the fact that only humans believing in God may mean it's because only humans are evolved enough on this planet to perceive God.

As for what Gods were doing during the dinosaur era, who knows? Ask them.
Cruising around the galaxy, visiting other planets, to impress their more advanced life forms with awesome displays of superpowers.

Yeah, that's possible. Good only had about a 1500 year widow to work with the Earth. After that, he sent his boy down here to finish the job.
And we could extense the question. Before the creation of the universe: Was god already there?

No religionist ever was, is or will be able to answer this question because they do know that no gods exist, but they choose to be oblivious to reality.

Anything that possibly could maybe be construed almost as a slight towards theists goes into the Philosophy Forum.

Regardless, how do you know dinosaurs didn't worship a god...maybe they worshiped the wrong one and that's why they were killed off.
Anything that possibly could maybe be construed almost as a slight towards theists goes into the Philosophy Forum.

Regardless, how do you know dinosaurs didn't worship a god...maybe they worshiped the wrong one and that's why they were killed off.

I got busted on this forum for asking the question, "What would a priest say if you brought him to a museum of natural history's dinosaur section?"

Which religion are you soliciting feedback from?
Regardless, how do you know dinosaurs didn't worship a god...maybe they worshiped the wrong one and that's why they were killed off.

Dinosaurs were worshiping a false god and they got wiped out by an asteroid hitting earth, as a punishment?

That's a new one! LOL
What would your life be like if it didn't bother you so much what people you don't know believe?

It would be worse because I would be oblivious and ignorant of the effect other people's behavior and actions have on society.

The truth is that religionists affect society in a negative manner. You wishing people to be oblivious to that knowledge is antisocial.
Which religion are you soliciting feedback from?

Any and all. All of them are false, by definition. I'm just trying to have their supporters admit and acknowledge that their claims are false by definition, even though I know it won't happen... in my lifetime.
Any and all. All of them are false, by definition. I'm just trying to have their supporters admit and acknowledge that their claims are false by definition, even though I know it won't happen... in my lifetime.

I have yet to find a religion or god that stands up to reason or can't be partially discredited by logic. Funny thing is everyone who believes in this god or that savior looks at the other guy's gods and immediately says, "That's a false god."

That this does not give them a clue about their own god is a mystery to me.
The old earth theory is incorrect. The young earth is correct. So, dinosaurs were never really here. The church of Satan planted those bones to help prove the false theory of evolution. This has all been caused by the fallen angels, naturally.
Good question.

I am sure God Club-types have a nonsensical answer for it.

Just as they do for why the Bible says it's okay to own slaves and why it is okay to beat your slaves to death.

Religion is for the weak and/or the ignorant and/or the desperate:
Dinosaurs were worshiping a false god and they got wiped out by an asteroid hitting earth, as a punishment?

That's a new one! LOL

I think that it's a good theory. I mean if god sent a global flood to mass murder all of humanity save one family for the sins of a few or destroy a couple of cities with fire and brimstone over a bit of the ol' sexual promiscuity, then wiping out the dinosaurs with an asteroid ain't all that far fetched.

That's interesting, I really like in particular the Day-Age and Thiestic Evolution theories. Really makes you think.
this forum is philosophy forum or humor forum??,interesting
That's interesting, I really like in particular the Day-Age and Thiestic Evolution theories. Really makes you think.

It's not a complete list. It only deals with literal readings of the creation account. My point in linking to it was to demonstrate that, even among popular evangelical churches of the deep south, you find widespread support for evolution.

I gravitate towards allegorical readings of creation. If I hear someone begin a story with the phrase: "a priest, an imam and a pastor walk into a bar..." I would immediately understand the genre of literature the story I'm about to hear belongs to; it is a joke in the popular "walk into a bar" format. In the same way, if I read a story that is clearly drenched in symbolism; a story featuring a man whose name translates into "humanity" eating from a tree labelled "The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil" and featuring a talking snake that comes to tempt him, I immediately understand from all of these contextual clues, that the story I'm reading is in the genre of fable. The contextual clues of the story of the creation account make it clear to me that it is not meant to be understood as the written equivalent of what a video camera would have captured had it been recording during creation; but rather that it is teaching us valuable truths about the nature of God, sin, the world, the human condition, etc. through the use of symbolism and allegory.
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