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What We Believe (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 24, 2018
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Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
I'm watching a video called "What Hillary Clinton Really Thinks." It's hard to tell what she really thinks, though. She cares about universal health insurance, and would like a universal basic income -- that's about all I got so far and it's almost the end.

But what does Hillary think about what WE think? By "WE" I am referring to anyone who does not identify with progressive ideology. Anyone who preferred Trump over her.

According to her statements in this video, she thinks we are motivated primarily by racism and sexism. We didn't want her as president mostly because she is a woman. The only thing we liked about Trump's message was his hatred of all Mexicans. And Trump hates all Mexicans, because they are a few shades darker than most American whites. And Trump hates all immigrants (if they are dark). He doesn't disapprove of illegal immigrants, in general. It's just the darkness of skin. Doesn't matter, legal or not. All that matters is dark or light skin.

It wasn't because we don't agree with her love of big government. It wasn't because she has nothing nice to say about free enterprise.

It's all just RACE. And GENDER.

However I do like her statements about being practical and centrist, rather than extreme and partisan. I very much agree with her on that.

I don't like her personality, because she seems fake. But I try not to judge politicians based on their personality. Or hairstyles, etc.
I'm watching a video called "What Hillary Clinton Really Thinks." It's hard to tell what she really thinks, though. She cares about universal health insurance, and would like a universal basic income -- that's about all I got so far and it's almost the end.

But what does Hillary think about what WE think? By "WE" I am referring to anyone who does not identify with progressive ideology. Anyone who preferred Trump over her.

According to her statements in this video, she thinks we are motivated primarily by racism and sexism. We didn't want her as president mostly because she is a woman. The only thing we liked about Trump's message was his hatred of all Mexicans. And Trump hates all Mexicans, because they are a few shades darker than most American whites. And Trump hates all immigrants (if they are dark). He doesn't disapprove of illegal immigrants, in general. It's just the darkness of skin. Doesn't matter, legal or not. All that matters is dark or light skin.

It wasn't because we don't agree with her love of big government. It wasn't because she has nothing nice to say about free enterprise.

It's all just RACE. And GENDER.

However I do like her statements about being practical and centrist, rather than extreme and partisan. I very much agree with her on that.

I don't like her personality, because she seems fake. But I try not to judge politicians based on their personality. Or hairstyles, etc.

It never ceases to amaze me how much the right cannot get over Hillary Clinton. :lol:
Alas, I do not think it will be possible for the left to create a candidate that appeals to conservatives.
But it amuses me to realize that for some on the Right, Hillary IS the President...in their minds anyway.
I'm watching a video called "What Hillary Clinton Really Thinks." It's hard to tell what she really thinks, though. She cares about universal health insurance, and would like a universal basic income -- that's about all I got so far and it's almost the end.

But what does Hillary think about what WE think? By "WE" I am referring to anyone who does not identify with progressive ideology. Anyone who preferred Trump over her.

According to her statements in this video, she thinks we are motivated primarily by racism and sexism. We didn't want her as president mostly because she is a woman. The only thing we liked about Trump's message was his hatred of all Mexicans. And Trump hates all Mexicans, because they are a few shades darker than most American whites. And Trump hates all immigrants (if they are dark). He doesn't disapprove of illegal immigrants, in general. It's just the darkness of skin. Doesn't matter, legal or not. All that matters is dark or light skin.

It wasn't because we don't agree with her love of big government. It wasn't because she has nothing nice to say about free enterprise.

It's all just RACE. And GENDER.

However I do like her statements about being practical and centrist, rather than extreme and partisan. I very much agree with her on that.

I don't like her personality, because she seems fake. But I try not to judge politicians based on their personality. Or hairstyles, etc.

Oh, a video. I'm sure it's a real eye-opener.

Nice that you couldn't even be bothered to link to said video so we can see it for ourselves. I'll just look up "Hillary Clinton" on YouTube and see what I find, I guess.
It never ceases to amaze me how much the right cannot get over Hillary Clinton. :lol:

I'm so happy that sow lost to Trump.It restored my faith in humanity.
I'm watching a video called "What Hillary Clinton Really Thinks." It's hard to tell what she really thinks, though. She cares about universal health insurance, and would like a universal basic income -- that's about all I got so far and it's almost the end.

But what does Hillary think about what WE think? By "WE" I am referring to anyone who does not identify with progressive ideology. Anyone who preferred Trump over her.

According to her statements in this video, she thinks we are motivated primarily by racism and sexism. We didn't want her as president mostly because she is a woman. The only thing we liked about Trump's message was his hatred of all Mexicans. And Trump hates all Mexicans, because they are a few shades darker than most American whites. And Trump hates all immigrants (if they are dark). He doesn't disapprove of illegal immigrants, in general. It's just the darkness of skin. Doesn't matter, legal or not. All that matters is dark or light skin.

It wasn't because we don't agree with her love of big government. It wasn't because she has nothing nice to say about free enterprise.

It's all just RACE. And GENDER.

However I do like her statements about being practical and centrist, rather than extreme and partisan. I very much agree with her on that.

I don't like her personality, because she seems fake. But I try not to judge politicians based on their personality. Or hairstyles, etc.

Notice how she makes claims about herself that are clearly not true. Lack of honesty and lack of self awareness are two of the great failings of our Failed Intelligentsia.
Oh, a video. I'm sure it's a real eye-opener.

Nice that you couldn't even be bothered to link to said video so we can see it for ourselves. I'll just look up "Hillary Clinton" on YouTube and see what I find, I guess.

I posted the exact title of the video, and said it was on youtube. If you still need a link, after all that, you better go take an adult ed class in how to use your computer.
Notice how she makes claims about herself that are clearly not true. Lack of honesty and lack of self awareness are two of the great failings of our Failed Intelligentsia.

Everyone thinks they are a practical centrist, no matter how extreme. Wanting a universal basic income is not centrist. To me, it shows a basic misunderstanding of how economic systems work.
I'm sure the source is respectable and erudite.

It's an interview with the non-charismatic lady herself.

Boy, is she ever not funny! Not a single laugh in that whole video. At least Trump can be entertaining.
It's an interview with the non-charismatic lady herself.

Boy, is she ever not funny! Not a single laugh in that whole video. At least Trump can be entertaining.

Let's see that video for ourselves.
I'm watching a video called "What Hillary Clinton Really Thinks." It's hard to tell what she really thinks, though. She cares about universal health insurance, and would like a universal basic income -- that's about all I got so far and it's almost the end.

But what does Hillary think about what WE think? By "WE" I am referring to anyone who does not identify with progressive ideology. Anyone who preferred Trump over her.

According to her statements in this video, she thinks we are motivated primarily by racism and sexism. We didn't want her as president mostly because she is a woman. The only thing we liked about Trump's message was his hatred of all Mexicans. And Trump hates all Mexicans, because they are a few shades darker than most American whites. And Trump hates all immigrants (if they are dark). He doesn't disapprove of illegal immigrants, in general. It's just the darkness of skin. Doesn't matter, legal or not. All that matters is dark or light skin.

It wasn't because we don't agree with her love of big government. It wasn't because she has nothing nice to say about free enterprise.

It's all just RACE. And GENDER.

However I do like her statements about being practical and centrist, rather than extreme and partisan. I very much agree with her on that.

I don't like her personality, because she seems fake. But I try not to judge politicians based on their personality. Or hairstyles, etc.

I would venture a guess that a minority of Trump supporters really are motivated mainly by sexism and racism--and those individuals would comprise a much smaller portion of Conservatives/Republicans. It strikes me that both Conservatives and Liberals are mainly motivated by different perspectives on property rights, with each side perceiving the other's ideas as anywhere from dangerous to lethal, depending on the extremity of the view.

Not having seen the video, I wonder whether Clinton is saying that these individuals are consciously motivated by race/sex, or unconsciously so motivated. There's a pretty big gulf between those statements. I would agree that a large portion of Americans--probably a majority that crosses party lines--are unconsciously motivated by issues of race and sex. But they aren't aware of it (and hence should not be held responsible for it). Economic/property rights motivations are, on the other hand, partially conscious, and partially unconscious.
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Not having seen the video, I wonder whether Clinton is saying that these individuals are consciously motivated by race/sex, or unconsciously so motivated. There's a pretty big gulf between those statements. I would agree that a large portion of Americans--probably a majority that crosses party lines--are unconsciously motivated by issues of race and sex. But they aren't aware of it (and hence should not be held responsible for it).

Not held responsible for it? Why?

Obviously I disagree. We have an obligation to be aware of our actions to society.
Alas, I do not think it will be possible for the left to create a candidate that appeals to conservatives.
But it amuses me to realize that for some on the Right, Hillary IS the President...in their minds anyway.

Yeah right, are you looking into the crystal ball at the fair. You got it backwards, Hillary losing was the most dramatic experience of losing you Dems ever witnessed and you just can't get over it.

You asked for it, you got it! A link to the video for everyone who can't figure out how to use their computer.
Not held responsible for it? Why?

Obviously I disagree. We have an obligation to be aware of our actions to society.

The issue is complicated. Yes, everyone has epistemic responsibilities, and should be held responsible when they fail to discharge those. But they may also be excused from those responsibilities if they have no reasonable opportunity to discharge them. As I judge it, we who are aware of the nature of implicit bias have not done enough to educate others about it, and have as often confused the issue as clarified it.

Of course, someone who is properly aware of implicit bias, but who just refuses to accept it because they don't want to change, or who is just intellectually lazy, is blameworthy. I don't think most people are in that situation, however. Not yet, anyway, and of course my view may change.

You asked for it, you got it! A link to the video for everyone who can't figure out how to use their computer.

It took you two pages to provide a link to the video and you obviously didn't know how to embed a video, yet you're accusing everybody else of ignorance?

This is how you do it, for the future.


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