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what war is really like (1 Viewer)


New member
Jun 8, 2005
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you know, i'm so tired of seeing these biased war documentaries. I finally saw a war doc that was straightforward and presented footage in an unbisaed way. It's about soldiers living in one of Saddam's old palaces, and the unique thing is that most of the movie is told through music. All types of music are in the gunners palace, so it applied to me because I like war movies and music of multiple genres. I recommanded it to my buddies so from me to you, check it out.
I think although a lot of us have a difference of opinion on the war in Iraq we can agree on the old saying that "War is Hell."
Originally posted by Navy Pride:
I think although a lot of us have a difference of opinion on the war in Iraq we can agree on the old saying that "War is Hell."
So, what are you saying, that "since were in hell, we might as well get used to the heat, until we leave?"
i mean, it's got a soldier rapping that war is just images for us and it's life for him. It's powerful stuff.
I totally agree, Gunner's Palace is a great movie and you should watch it!

It's amazing to see how the soldiers don't care about the Iraqi people as much as we're told... I believe some of them (in the video) agree that they're, now, only looking after their own skin.

Gunner's Palace is un-biast because it's just some independent director who take a camera and tapes the daily lives of these young men and women who are almost always in danger.

http://www.gunnerpalace.com/, Out on DVD Now, PM if you want .torrent file location.
Billo_Really said:
So, what are you saying, that "since were in hell, we might as well get used to the heat, until we leave?"

No what I am saying is we can not be defeated by the terrorists in Iraq....As in Nam the only thing that can beat us is public opinion here in the states............

I am with the President on this one..........We are there so lets stay until the Iraqis can handle their own security.........
We can't be beaten, that may be true.. but the thing is.. we cannot beat them. I don't care what anybody says, fighting terrorism is no good.. it just leads to more terrorism.. I.E. England.
Arch Enemy said:
We can't be beaten, that may be true.. but the thing is.. we cannot beat them. I don't care what anybody says, fighting terrorism is no good.. it just leads to more terrorism.. I.E. England.

And your alternative is?
I wish there was no ignorance and therefore war... but... we have war because of our past mistakes and.... to stop the old fear based ,agressive humen belief system ( Islam), from expanding and consuming the humanity. You have to stand for something lovingly but firm, to stop the old weeds from regrowing and expanding. It is a bumpy road but we may make it... Please read my post; "to be R? or not to be R? that is the question?" and , Islam new sword "Big Bang" part one and two.


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