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What upcoming movies... (1 Viewer)


Oct 11, 2005
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Political Leaning
... are you looking forward to?
I've seen the trailer on the website for Narnia and it looks amazing. I can not wait to go see it!!!
getinvolved said:
I've seen the trailer on the website for Narnia and it looks amazing. I can not wait to go see it!!!
My mom got me screening tickets for this Saturday. Woot!
shuamort said:
My mom got me screening tickets for this Saturday. Woot!

Definitely the Chronicles of Narnia. That really is about it I think.
shuamort said:
My mom got me screening tickets for this Saturday. Woot!

Well aren't you lucky? I'm working on getting some free screenings from a friend, but we are getting pretty close to the deadline. The visual effects look sick. Check out this link about how they make it look so real-


Enjoy and let us know how it was after you see it at the screening.
Syriana looks like its gonna be really good....
getinvolved said:
... are you looking forward to?
I've seen the trailer on the website for Narnia and it looks amazing. I can not wait to go see it!!!

That would be the movie I'm most looking forward to. I'm just worried it may be a bit too Disney-ish. It'll be entertaining like other Disney releases-National Treasure and Pirates of the Carribean, but we will likely not see people getting run through with swords like LotR. It may also be ruined with too much attempted humour.
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe was deffinitely one of my favorite books as a child so I'd like to see how they pull of Narnia.

I was planning to see Jarhead a few nights ago but they stopped playing it the night before I was going to see it. Oh well, from what I hear I should read the book first anyway.

I'm also extremely interested to see how Oliver Stone's 9-11 movie will turn out.
I look forward to seeing King-Kong.
getinvolved said:
Well aren't you lucky? I'm working on getting some free screenings from a friend, but we are getting pretty close to the deadline. The visual effects look sick. Check out this link about how they make it look so real-


Enjoy and let us know how it was after you see it at the screening.

So, my friend came through and it looks like I will get to see the movie earlly. I am getting so psyched as I keep hearing people, that have seen it early, say how incredible it is!! The fx are supposedly sick!

Let me know how you liked it after this weekend!
Will do. I just saw that it's 125 minutes long (according to moviefone.com).!!!!!
Moviefone was wrong... It was almost 2 and a half hours long. It was very good and very true to the book (only one small scene we noticed was missing). The only extra scene added was the beginning where they showed the children leaving the city for the country during the air raids. All in all, very good.
shuamort said:
Moviefone was wrong... It was almost 2 and a half hours long. It was very good and very true to the book (only one small scene we noticed was missing). The only extra scene added was the beginning where they showed the children leaving the city for the country during the air raids. All in all, very good.

I love it!!! I laughed, I cried (i know, what a loser), and I cheered. It was everything I thought and more. I'm going to see it again I'm sure. I enjoyed the beginning - I appreciated the development. What was your favorite part?
getinvolved said:
I love it!!! I laughed, I cried (i know, what a loser), and I cheered. It was everything I thought and more. I'm going to see it again I'm sure. I enjoyed the beginning - I appreciated the development. What was your favorite part?
I loved the little touches...especially when Mr Tumnus came inside and stomped the snow off of his hooves.
shuamort said:
I loved the little touches...especially when Mr Tumnus came inside and stomped the snow off of his hooves.

I also enjoyed the little beavers. Mrs. Beaver was great, I want her little house. What did you think of the ending battle scene??
Want to see Syriana, Walk the Line (galen, I have been enlightened) and Munich.

Don't get to go to the movies much. Usually end up doing rentals. I'd like to catch at least one of these in the theater, though.
Brokeback Mountain is sure loving us as far as ads go.

I just cannot comprehend 2 married cowboys with families that are really homosexual.
Kinda defeats the cowboy image.
vauge said:
Brokeback Mountain is sure loving us as far as ads go.

I just cannot comprehend 2 married cowboys with families that are really homosexual.
Kinda defeats the cowboy image.
Let's just put it this way.... Marlboro Man? He smokes more than cigs. :mrgreen:
shuamort said:
Let's just put it this way.... Marlboro Man? He smokes more than cigs. :mrgreen:

My wife told me once she fell in love with the Marlboro man. Sorry honey, he went to cigars.
vauge said:

My wife told me once she fell in love with the Marlboro man. Sorry honey, he went to cigars.

you all are bad...keep it up..
Well, it's still a ways off, but I'm looking forward to Superman Returns.....
The movie with Johnny Knoxville pretending to be a special person to make $$ in the special olympics looks like the most unapologetically vile, low-brow release from Hollywood in a while. Can't wait to see it :mrgreen:

And I'm going to see Kong either today or tomorrow, so I guess I'm still looking forward to that one too.

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