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What they don't want you to know about Barack Obama, Joe Biden and the Democrats (1 Viewer)

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Nov 15, 2018
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There is a common belief among black Americans that politicians like former President Barack Obama and Vice President John Biden are working for black Americans. But this is a misconception and not limited to senior politicians, but even those who describe themselves as defending civil rights have traded in black Americans' causes for their interests. And I repeat it on this subject. They betrayed the memory of Martin Luther and Malcolm X. If they were alive, they would spit on those petty people who are preoccupied with marginal issues because they are cowards who do not want to wage significant battles.

All these civil rights activists engage in a debate over marginal matters while falling back on more important ones like schools funding in Black dominated neighborhoods, high rate of Black to Black homicides and increasing numbers of Black American incarcerated. I won't deny that the death of George Floyd was wrongdoing by the police. But this is n't the only problem of the judicial system in the U.S. I don't understand how people are ignoring for ages the erosion of their rights through as an example, no-knock raids. Breonna Taylor was a victim of one of these raids. However, her case was transformed by some of Black KKK to a White VS Black showdown. That wasn't the case because many other White, Latino and Asian Americans were victims of this policy. And police officers raiding their homes were White, Latino, Asian and Black Americans.

The No-Knock raids aren't the only problem in the judicial system. It is more important what Barack Obama, a Black American president, did to tackle that problem? Moreover, Joe Biden, vice president and senator for over 25 years in total, did about it? Barack Obama and Joe Biden were responsible for aggravating the problem. Joe Biden as a senator for the state of Delaware during Ronald Reagan's presidency supported the civil asset forfeiture law. He represented one of his own that gave Reagan administration authorities never dream in their version of the bill. In 1994 during Bill Clinton's presidency, he supported a grants program by the justice department called Cops. The goal of this program is to funnel funds for police departments to hire more police officers and to implement more community policing strategies. The funds were quickly diverted by the hook or by the crook to buy military gear and establish more Swat teams. During his work as a Senate Judiciary Committee chairman, Joe Biden and the Democrats criticize George Bush's drug plan for not being firm and tough enough.

During the 2008 presidential campaign, Barack Obama and Joe Biden promised to restore the funding for Byrne, a police program that George W Bush considered a waste of money. They kept that promise. They even increase the funding of the program, which contributes to more militarization of the American police. In the summer of 2002, Joe Biden was pushing for his RAVE(Ecstasy bills) Act. It was a broad law that will make the venue and club owners liable legally for running a drug operation because people participate in the parties' deals or take Ecstasy bills that were very common in that era. As an example, a club owner selling his customer's bottled water and glow sticks will be held accountable for his customer being on Ecstasy, and that is according to the Biden RAVE act. After several attempts to pass the RAVE act, Biden was able to pass a moderate version folded into the Amber Alerts for missing children bill.

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I've always found it hilarious that the primary argument conservatives use to explain why black people won't vote Republican is because they're too stupid to know what is and isn't in their own self-interests.

It's not some big conspiracy to fool black people. They looked at what you're selling and how you try to sell it and rejected it emphatically. When was the last time Republicans have even TRIED to do something positive for black Americans?
I've always found it hilarious that the primary argument conservatives use to explain why black people won't vote Republican is because they're too stupid to know what is and isn't in their own self-interests.

It's not some big conspiracy to fool black people. They looked at what you're selling and how you try to sell it and rejected it emphatically. When was the last time Republicans have even TRIED to do something positive for black Americans?

They looked at what you're selling

Yes, and selling the Gov tity has been a success!
Yes, and selling the Gov tity has been a success!

So you're doubling down on the patronizing racism and claiming black people only vote Democrat because they want government handouts.

Please, keep up this rhetoric, it's winning more and more black people to your side! :lamo
I've always found it hilarious that the primary argument conservatives use to explain why black people won't vote Republican is because they're too stupid to know what is and isn't in their own self-interests.

It's not some big conspiracy to fool black people. They looked at what you're selling and how you try to sell it and rejected it emphatically. When was the last time Republicans have even TRIED to do something positive for black Americans?

Well it works on white working class americans. Guess blacks are smart enough to see through the republican BS.
So you're doubling down on the patronizing racism and claiming black people only vote Democrat because they want government handouts.

Please, keep up this rhetoric, it's winning more and more black people to your side! :lamo

So you're doubling down on the patronizing racism

Oh stop it!... Just stop(Rolling eyes)
and claiming black people only vote Democrat because they want government handouts.

How well do you know history? When did blacks start making the conversion from pub to dim?
Oh stop it!... Just stop(Rolling eyes)

How well do you know history? When did blacks start making the conversion from pub to dim?

It was in 60s when the Democrats started supporting the equal rights of black people and Republicans fought against it vigorously. Learn your history.

And please, keep claiming black people are too stupid to vote in their own self interest. It's working!
I didn't know there was only one reason to vote the we do.
Donald J. Trump and Mike Pence, of course.

They are the lesser of the two evils.

If Ms. Harris becomes our de facto President, we will likely witness the nightmare (that many Americans for decades or even centuries have feared) finally come to fruition.
So you're doubling down on the patronizing racism and claiming black people only vote Democrat because they want government handouts.

Please, keep up this rhetoric, it's winning more and more black people to your side! :lamo

People vote left because they want the government to do more to help everyday people. A lot of black people are poor and have a lot to gain from left wing policies. Most people absolutely vote for what will result in them having more in their pocket.
People vote left because they want the government to do more to help everyday people. A lot of black people are poor and have a lot to gain from left wing policies. Most people absolutely vote for what will result in them having more in their pocket.

So you're agreeing with me that black people are voting in their self interest and rejecting the right wing narrative that they're too stupid to know what's in their best interest.
So you're agreeing with me that black people are voting in their self interest and rejecting the right wing narrative that they're too stupid to know what's in their best interest.

It's not entirely untrue to say a lot of black people vote left wing because they want more **** from the government. I think the right believes that in the long run our society is healthier if you refuse to allow people to become dependent on help. Those who can cope will and those who can't or won't will be left to rot. In a Darwinian sense that's probably a good thing, but I guess it just feels kind of, I don't know...evil?
It's not entirely untrue to say a lot of black people vote left wing because they want more **** from the government. I think the right believes that in the long run our society is healthier if you refuse to allow people to become dependent on help. Those who can cope will and those who can't or won't will be left to rot. In a Darwinian sense that's probably a good thing, but I guess it just feels kind of, I don't know...evil?

Well I do believe if.right wingers were in ultimate control then we would all be.left.to rot.

Root.hog or.die.and.the devil take the hindustan

But that certainly not the america our.founders envisioned

The tyranny of Kings and serfs was.what we were trying to break free of.

The right would certainly have us back at least.to the guilded.age.

A. Working Conditions during the Gilded Age - Labor Unions

One of the largest employers, the steel mills, often demanded a seven-day workweek. Seamstresses, like factory workers in most industries, worked 12 or more hours a day, six days a week. Employees were not entitled to vacation, sick leave, unemployment compensation, or reimbursement for injuries suffered on the job. Yet injuries were common. In dirty, poorly ventilated factories, workers had to perform repetitive, mind-dulling tasks, sometimes with dangerous or faulty equipment.
In 1882, an average of 675 laborers were killed in work-related accidents each week. In addition, wages were so low that most families could not survive unless everyone held a job. Between 1890 and 1910, for example, the number of women working for wages doubled, from 4 million to more than 8 million. Twenty percent of the boys and 10 percent of the girls under age 15—some as young as five years old—also held full-time jobs. With little time or energy left for school, child laborers forfeited their futures to help their families make ends meet.

A social safety net? Not with the right running.the show.

Is that.really the.America you want
Is that.really the.America you want

No, but there also needs to be a balance. I don't want an America that thinks it can save the world by writing a big enough check either. One of my biggest issues with the left is that there is never a consideration of our humanitarian limitations. It's always just "Full steam ahead!" to social and economic justice.
I've always found it hilarious that the primary argument conservatives use to explain why black people won't vote Republican is because they're too stupid to know what is and isn't in their own self-interests.

It's not some big conspiracy to fool black people. They looked at what you're selling and how you try to sell it and rejected it emphatically. When was the last time Republicans have even TRIED to do something positive for black Americans?

Can you tell me what Barack Obama did to tackle the problems of Black Americans? His opinion in the Michael Brown case was, justice served. Why didn't hear mega protests by BLM people and chants that Obama should quit his position? Why Barack Obama didn't pay over 800 billion dollars of taxpayers' money to actual homeowners instead of Wall_Street banks? What did he do in 8 years to deal with serious issues like police brutality, knowledge gap in schools, city of Detroit bankruptcy and the town of Flint water problem? All of these questions are legitimate and got nothing to do with any conspiracy.
Donald J. Trump and Mike Pence, of course.

They are the lesser of the two evils.

If Ms. Harris becomes our de facto President, we will likely witness the nightmare (that many Americans for decades or even centuries have feared) finally come to fruition.

I totally agree with you
Can you tell me what Barack Obama did to tackle the problems of Black Americans? His opinion in the Michael Brown case was, justice served. Why didn't hear mega protests by BLM people and chants that Obama should quit his position? Why Barack Obama didn't pay over 800 billion dollars of taxpayers' money to actual homeowners instead of Wall_Street banks? What did he do in 8 years to deal with serious issues like police brutality, knowledge gap in schools, city of Detroit bankruptcy and the town of Flint water problem? All of these questions are legitimate and got nothing to do with any conspiracy.

Name one thing trump has done for black Americans

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