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What teachers now fear most (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 24, 2018
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Very Conservative
School days are being modified by this china virus thing. Maybe up to half of schooling will be done on computers at home. This is what teachers fear most. They are afraid parents will see the radical left brain washing they are forcing on their students, on their computers at home. When parents see the nonsense left wing BS teachers are trying to spread, parents will be banging down the doors of the school board.

This may be one of the few good thing to come out of this china virus thing.
Did you dream this one up all by yourself, or was someone spreading a Facebook meme?
Yet another illogical post from "logical1," that is borderline conspiracy theories.
Another rabbit hole to nowhere...
School days are being modified by this china virus thing. Maybe up to half of schooling will be done on computers at home. This is what teachers fear most. They are afraid parents will see the radical left brain washing they are forcing on their students, on their computers at home. When parents see the nonsense left wing BS teachers are trying to spread, parents will be banging down the doors of the school board.

This may be one of the few good thing to come out of this china virus thing.

If you could provide examples of what "radical left brain washing" children are being exposed to, people could have a more informed debate.
If you could provide examples of what "radical left brain washing" children are being exposed to, people could have a more informed debate.

Reading, math, science...you know...left wing stuff
School days are being modified by this china virus thing. Maybe up to half of schooling will be done on computers at home. This is what teachers fear most. They are afraid parents will see the radical left brain washing they are forcing on their students, on their computers at home. When parents see the nonsense left wing BS teachers are trying to spread, parents will be banging down the doors of the school board.

This may be one of the few good thing to come out of this china virus thing.

We need to stop that commie round earth theory they teach
School days are being modified by this china virus thing. Maybe up to half of schooling will be done on computers at home. This is what teachers fear most. They are afraid parents will see the radical left brain washing they are forcing on their students, on their computers at home. When parents see the nonsense left wing BS teachers are trying to spread, parents will be banging down the doors of the school board.

This may be one of the few good thing to come out of this china virus thing.

The deeply-entrenched SJW leftist agenda IS being revealed via video chats. In my county, teachers were caught dithering over how best to inculcate children with their progressive, pseudo-intellectual, radical, racist, anti-American and LGBT agenda.
The deeply-entrenched SJW leftist agenda IS being revealed via video chats. In my county, teachers were caught dithering over how best to inculcate children with their progressive, pseudo-intellectual, radical, racist, anti-American and LGBT agenda.

That lesson plan on how to become a transexual clown was the worst in my opinion
That lesson plan on how to become a transexual clown was the worst in my opinion

As long as the clown is funny and the joke makes you laugh, I don't care if trans or not PC. Watch The Aristocrats and then tell me you didn't laugh.
they mostly fear catching COVID and spreading it to their families. i'm married to a teacher, so i have much better info than the OP.
School days are being modified by this china virus thing. Maybe up to half of schooling will be done on computers at home. This is what teachers fear most. They are afraid parents will see the radical left brain washing they are forcing on their students, on their computers at home. When parents see the nonsense left wing BS teachers are trying to spread, parents will be banging down the doors of the school board.

This may be one of the few good thing to come out of this china virus thing.

I think you forgot to pick your brains up from the cleaner. Do you have them dry-cleaned or washed? From other thread, I can tell you're very keen on ethnicity. Who runs your cleaner? Where does your PC/laptop come from? They're watching you. You're hilarious, Logical1. Great entertainment. If you knew well enough to move your OPs to the CT forum, I'd check that space more often. I wouldn't want to miss you.
When you talk about some the radical lefts actions they want to keep secret, their supporters sure get their underlovelies in a wad. Just look at the replies I got attacking me.

They claim it is not true, but look at the young people just out of public schools that when polled think that socialism is better than capitalism.
When you talk about some the radical lefts actions they want to keep secret, their supporters sure get their underlovelies in a wad. Just look at the replies I got attacking me.

They claim it is not true, but look at the young people just out of public schools that when polled think that socialism is better than capitalism.

I know. It must be a secret commie plot
Yes close to it. Have you noticed that 90% of teachers and professors are democrats. Where is educations diversity?

I'm with you buddy. Look at how powerful these commies are. They control.education AND the media!!!!!

The right is just weak and powerless to stop them
School days are being modified by this china virus thing. Maybe up to half of schooling will be done on computers at home. This is what teachers fear most. They are afraid parents will see the radical left brain washing they are forcing on their students, on their computers at home. When parents see the nonsense left wing BS teachers are trying to spread, parents will be banging down the doors of the school board.

This may be one of the few good thing to come out of this china virus thing.

Yes, I'm very afraid that parents will see my left-wing lesson on the short o sound.

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