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What should the public get to seed of the Mueller Report? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2016
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It sounds like the Mueller investigation is winding down and a report may be available as early as February or March. So how much of the report should the public get to see. the entire report less any sensitive info, a summary of the report, or none of the report?
It sounds like the Mueller investigation is winding down and a report may be available as early as February or March. So how much of the report should the public get to see. the entire report less any sensitive info, a summary of the report, or none of the report?

The “public” has witnessed video and audio evidence of this Administration in action. The Administration has been under-cutting the Mueller investigation from the start. They have been successful and the lines are laid out. Minds will not be changed, imo.
It sounds like the Mueller investigation is winding down and a report may be available as early as February or March. So how much of the report should the public get to see. the entire report less any sensitive info, a summary of the report, or none of the report?

Summary, and Mueller should spend a day in front of Congress on camera answering questions.
All of it. Parts of it should only be classified if it is going to get a source killed or something. I worked with classified information for 20 years. I, and others here, know how much BS gets classified just to avoid embarrassment.
It sounds like the Mueller investigation is winding down and a report may be available as early as February or March. So how much of the report should the public get to see. the entire report less any sensitive info, a summary of the report, or none of the report?

The only ones that should be allowed to see the report are Jim Acosta and Rachael Maddow. They'll tell us what we need to know.
It sounds like the Mueller investigation is winding down and a report may be available as early as February or March. So how much of the report should the public get to see. the entire report less any sensitive info, a summary of the report, or none of the report?

The public will only get a summary. Congress will get something more, but they won't see the classified, confidential or sensitive stuff. The Gang of Eight might see the whole thing...but they cannot tell anyone what's in it.

The DOJ will decide who sees what.

What will make me laugh is this:

After Mueller writes his report and all his people go back to their lives, the DOJ decides to open some investigations...Hillary emails...Hillary Foundation...FISA abuse...the actions of various Obama administration agencies...the actions of various Congressmen and their staff. They tell the Dem House that nothing can be provided because it is relevant to DOJ investigations. People who the Dems call to give testimony go to the Capital...and say they can't answer questions because they are relevant to DOJ investigations.

I'll sit back and watch Trump-hater heads explode.
The public will only get a summary. Congress will get something more, but they won't see the classified, confidential or sensitive stuff. The Gang of Eight might see the whole thing...but they cannot tell anyone what's in it.

The DOJ will decide who sees what.

What will make me laugh is this:

After Mueller writes his report and all his people go back to their lives, the DOJ decides to open some investigations...Hillary emails...Hillary Foundation...FISA abuse...the actions of various Obama administration agencies...the actions of various Congressmen and their staff. They tell the Dem House that nothing can be provided because it is relevant to DOJ investigations. People who the Dems call to give testimony go to the Capital...and say they can't answer questions because they are relevant to DOJ investigations.

I'll sit back and watch Trump-hater heads explode.

I think there is a better chance your head and other Trump cultist's head's will explode. The GOP had its chance to investigate and they could find little or nothing. I suspect that Mueller has a lot more arrows in his quiver than the GOP ever did. You might get yourself prepared, but then you have already made up your mind and no matter what the evidence, you will believe your master in the White House.
The DOJ will decide who sees what.

Whose DOJ?


Who will suddenly drop their complaints that the FBI/CIA/DOJ/ETC are all Obama plants conspiring to get Trump in the increasingly unlikely circumstance the report exculpates TrumP?


And you won't even realize how obvious and transparent it is.
I think there is a better chance your head and other Trump cultist's head's will explode. The GOP had its chance to investigate and they could find little or nothing. I suspect that Mueller has a lot more arrows in his quiver than the GOP ever did. You might get yourself prepared, but then you have already made up your mind and no matter what the evidence, you will believe your master in the White House.


You see...this is why I'm laughing: The stuff I said would make me laugh is exactly the stuff that Rosenstein and Mueller did to Congress and Horowitz. When Mueller's done and Rosenstein is gone, that's exactly what the DOJ should do to the Dems.
Whose DOJ?


Who will suddenly drop their complaints that the FBI/CIA/DOJ/ETC are all Obama plants conspiring to get Trump in the increasingly unlikely circumstance the report exculpates TrumP?


And you won't even realize how obvious and transparent it is.

Oh...not at all. I STILL want the corrupt Obama pukes...including Obama, himself, to be held accountable for their actions. When Mueller is done...that's when the accounting can proceed.
It sounds like the Mueller investigation is winding down and a report may be available as early as February or March. So how much of the report should the public get to see. the entire report less any sensitive info, a summary of the report, or none of the report?

I think it should he held pending a rebuttal from the Trump camp. Many are against a rebuttal be ause it levels the playing field, and that is something they cannot stomach.

And if history is any guide, DoJ and the FBI will leave out reams of info to cover their corrupt asses.
Oh...not at all. I STILL want the corrupt Obama pukes...including Obama, himself, to be held accountable for their actions. When Mueller is done...that's when the accounting can proceed.

This is just delusional nonsense.

Every rational person understands that the GOPers have exhausted every possible avenue for exposing "corruption" in the Obama adminstiration...and EVERY single investigation has come up empty.

Republican investigations aren't about justice. They are all political diversions, meant to captivate the Fake News crowd.

It still just chafes the hides of Trump acolytes that the Obama administration really, truly was the most corruption-free, scandal-free two term presidency in American political history, doesn't it? That REALITY makes me laugh at sentiments like yours.
The only ones that should be allowed to see the report are Jim Acosta and Rachael Maddow. They'll tell us what we need to know.


Yeah but all kidding aside. Mueller doesn't have what the Democrats and the MSM claims against Trump and his administration for the last 24 months and they know it hence the Democrats now in power in the House have hired over a dozen attorneys to continue investigations. Why? because Mueller's report will not be enough to continue a cloud over this presidency so they must create a cloud.....manufacture one leading up to the 2020 elections,

My hope is the IG report will be released and all those in our government agencies who acted disgracefully under the Obama administration to purposely sabotage Trump's presidency will be held accountable.

There's nothing leaking out of Huber's investigation but we know there have been several sealed indictments. You know what that tells me? These indictments aren't something the Democrats or the MSM like Rachael Maddow or Costa care to leak or even mention. There's nothing leaking from IG Horowitz's investigation either. Only recently the fact that someone on Mueller's team totally deleted all texts and communications from Page and Strzok's phones and he was unable to collect that data. How convenient for Mueller.

Something else that came out this week is the lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya was charged with Obstruction of Justice. This woman has deep ties with Fusion GPS and the infamous Trump dossier. But she also has great ties to Obama's ambassador to Russia. She on any regular day could not have made entry into the U.S. unless with the help of Obama's State Department and DOJ.

Once again anything resembling Russian collusion is related to Democrats.

I do believe the truth will come out.
Oh...not at all. I STILL want the corrupt Obama pukes...including Obama, himself, to be held accountable for their actions. When Mueller is done...that's when the accounting can proceed.


Well, here's the bit you overlooked: Sessions could have convened a grand jury on day 1 to seek indictment. And if he got indictment(s), no words you can now put in "liberals" mouths would do damn thing about it. It would follow the usual slow lurch to trial.

He didn't. Hell, Barr could if anything is still within the SOL. But nothing stopped it. Nothing.

A separate special counsel can be appointed, if a mere grand jury isn't enough, no? Seriously...there's no deflection where you throw your words.

Yet again, you make a dishonest deflection. Please stop doing the lie/deny/deflect thing. It is so tiring. This is about Mueller's report and how much should be revealed. I know my less-educated take lines up with Skeptic Bob's more-educated take (or experienced, whatever). As much as possible as long as it doesn't threaten source lives. (aka, the problem with wikileaks re: Iraq/Afghanistan).

The less room there is to lie, the less diverse the amount of lies and the more clever they'll have to be, which lies will inevitably come from a certain contingency.
If there is anyone who does not believe the entire report will be revealed in good time, they know nothing about these matters.
It sounds like the Mueller investigation is winding down and a report may be available as early as February or March. So how much of the report should the public get to see. the entire report less any sensitive info, a summary of the report, or none of the report?

Well.. it probably cannot be seen until all prosecutions based on the report are all concluded. Otherwise.. if it was available.. any jury that's called could be biased prior to trial.

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