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What seems likely is coming the next few months (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 22, 2019
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- Republicans will confirm Whatsername nutjob right-winger to the Supreme Court, solidifying their 6-3 hold by the radical right. This will be a disaster for the country, as all kinds of corruption is cemented into our law, including striking down the ACA and ending Roe, returning the issue to the states, but much more as well.

- It's hard to predict how hard trump will try to fight his election loss, but I suspect he will lose. Whether he avoids the damage to himself of fighting that, or does create problems trying, I think he will fail, and leave office. As corrupt as Republicans are, I'm dubious enough states will openly overthrow the voters for trump, unless they thought it would win the election, though they do have that power. But they know it would destroy American democracy. It's a trump fantasy.

- I think Biden will face real difficulties trying to get anything done - if he tries - with the radical Supreme Court striking down his policies left and right.

- The country is likely to continue sliding toward further plutocracy and conflict. Centrist Democrats slow the race to plutocracy, but they continue it. There's a reason as well, that the Great Recession hugely redistributed trillions in wealth to the rich; billionaires in the US have increased their wealth again by a third more during the Coronavirus. These disasters for the country have been good for them. People not having healthcare enriches them, while killing people.

- The virus will actually get worse for a while, before a vaccine starts to help some time in 2021. We're probably not to the halfway mark in US casualties.

- Economic disaster is likely. if the Republicans hold the Senate, they will repeat what they did with Obama, and be completely obstructionist, preventing Biden from fixing things the little he could. Again, disaster for the country has been further shifting wealth and power to the rich.
- Republicans will confirm Whatsername nutjob right-winger to the Supreme Court, solidifying their 6-3 hold by the radical right. This will be a disaster for the country, as all kinds of corruption is cemented into our law, including striking down the ACA and ending Roe, returning the issue to the states, but much more as well.

- It's hard to predict how hard trump will try to fight his election loss, but I suspect he will lose. Whether he avoids the damage to himself of fighting that, or does create problems trying, I think he will fail, and leave office. As corrupt as Republicans are, I'm dubious enough states will openly overthrow the voters for trump, unless they thought it would win the election, though they do have that power. But they know it would destroy American democracy. It's a trump fantasy.

- I think Biden will face real difficulties trying to get anything done - if he tries - with the radical Supreme Court striking down his policies left and right.

- The country is likely to continue sliding toward further plutocracy and conflict. Centrist Democrats slow the race to plutocracy, but they continue it. There's a reason as well, that the Great Recession hugely redistributed trillions in wealth to the rich; billionaires in the US have increased their wealth again by a third more during the Coronavirus. These disasters for the country have been good for them. People not having healthcare enriches them, while killing people.

- The virus will actually get worse for a while, before a vaccine starts to help some time in 2021. We're probably not to the halfway mark in US casualties.

- Economic disaster is likely. if the Republicans hold the Senate, they will repeat what they did with Obama, and be completely obstructionist, preventing Biden from fixing things the little he could. Again, disaster for the country has been further shifting wealth and power to the rich.

That is quite the crystal ball you have there. Can I borrow it, I would like to know what apple is going to do.
Centrist Democrats slow the race to plutocracy, but they continue it.

Four years ago, we begged and plead with progressives to recognize that we were not just voting for a president. We were voting for the Supreme Court.

Most of them listened. Not all of them did. Look where we are now.

Now we are having some of the same conversations with some of them. It's a tiny minority--the overwhelming majority of progressives are going to be voting for Biden, even if very reluctantly. But a reluctant vote counts as much as an enthusiastic vote.

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