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What matters most to Americans??? (1 Viewer)

What's most important to you? Choose more than one, but not all ten. Thanks.

  • Politics

    Votes: 8 66.7%
  • Promotion, upward mobility

    Votes: 6 50.0%
  • Keeping up with the Joneses

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Entertainment

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Market Prices

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Insurance Rates

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Investments

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Mortgage Rates

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Gas Prices

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Job Availabilty

    Votes: 9 75.0%

  • Total voters
What matters most to me is for government to stay the hell out of my daily life!
Billo_Really said:
What matters most to me is for government to stay the hell out of my daily life!

Wow! You mean I actually agree with you!?
Originally posted by PhotonicLaceration:
Wow! You mean I actually agree with you!?
Even Paul and Yoko are on speaking terms.
Would you want the government to stay out of your life when you need to claim unemployment, send your kids to public school, draw social security in retirement, or do you just mean telling you what to do? Like legislating on abortion, gay marriage, prayer in public schools? Clarify your position, how about law enforcement, or the fire dept. healthcare, corporate consolidation of the media?
Originally posted by freethought6t9:
Would you want the government to stay out of your life when you need to claim unemployment, send your kids to public school, draw social security in retirement, or do you just mean telling you what to do? Like legislating on abortion, gay marriage, prayer in public schools? Clarify your position, how about law enforcement, or the fire dept. healthcare, corporate consolidation of the media?
I've been on unemployment only twice since 1973. I have no kids I am willing to claim. I don't expect to see much of my Social Security ($1800.00/mo) because I am a "boomer" with no large block of consumers coming out of the GenX 'kowabunga' crowd. Nobody tells me what to do. That's why I would never think of joining the military. Ever. I don't give a flying fuuck about abortion, gay marriage or prayer in public schools. But I don't want my tax dollars being spent discussing this non-sense. We need law enforcement. We don't need laws about buckling your seat belt, wearing a helmet, making sure you park on the other side of the street because it is the second Tuesday of the month, having to have car insurance (which is legalized extortion), the Patriot Act. We do need the Fire Department and they need more of our support financially, emotionally and spiritually. We need healthcare. We don't need the corporated consolidation of the media or the lack of public outrage with the un-enforcement of anti-trust laws.

So much for my moment of clarity....
I'm not American, so I cannot answer his poll, but from an outside viewpoint, judging from this website amongst other things, it seems to me that the thing that matters to most Americans are their rights and freedoms.
Plain old me said:
I'm not American, so I cannot answer his poll, but from an outside viewpoint, judging from this website amongst other things, it seems to me that the thing that matters to most Americans are their rights and freedoms.

If you're drawing from your experience on this site, I would have to agree. However, I think rights and freedoms are taken for granted in the average americans day to day life. Gas prices are the first thing I hear about when otherwise depoliticized people begin to think politically. Mortgage rates are the next most frequent topic I hear about, my parents espescially. People always bitch and moan about rent and mortgage (if you're not part of GW's "base") that is.
That what really matters to americans is job avaibility. You, gyus, are workoholics.You do not know how to entertain and enjoy life.
Billo_Really said:
We do need the Fire Department and they need more of our support financially, emotionally and spiritually.

i agree haha. same goes for all law enforcement and the rest of our civil servants and military as well.

there was one very important thing missing from the list...family.
fam said:
That what really matters to americans is job avaibility. You, gyus, are workoholics.You do not know how to entertain and enjoy life.

i have a pretty good time, although i'm 19 and in college. so we'll see what i'm like in a few years.
You should have a good time not "although" but because you are 19.
Come to my country to see what is a real fun.
fam said:
You should have a good time not "although" but because you are 19.
Come to my country to see what is a real fun.

not all americans are workaholics. im in my early 20's and have already traveled the world, work a full time job, and still have tons of fun.
fam said:
You should have a good time not "although" but because you are 19.
Come to my country to see what is a real fun.

are you from Russia? i've been there. man that was some fun- we bought like ten gallons of vodka for about ten american and then met this dude who sold us Kalishnokovs really cheap. Drunken assault rifle antics- good times.
new coup for you said:
are you from Russia? i've been there. man that was some fun- we bought like ten gallons of vodka for about ten american and then met this dude who sold us Kalishnokovs really cheap. Drunken assault rifle antics- good times.

No, I'm not from from Russia. I admit Russians are another story. I'm from Bulgaria.:lol:
FiremanRyan said:
not all americans are workaholics. im in my early 20's and have already traveled the world, work a full time job, and still have tons of fun.

Congratulations. I like americans like you.:2razz:
i dont know if i'd want to live in the Post-Soviet world, but visiting is really fun. Buying the AKs was hilariously easy- we MET A GUY IN A BAR. Americans- can you imagine meeting a guy in a bar and then two hours later you're in a warhouse full of assault rifles?! They were so cheap we had no compunctions about giving them back when it was time to go home.

I was staying in some **** village in the middle of nowhere, i dont know what it's like in the cities.
In the post-soviet world is not so scarry.Btw my country has naver been a part of the Soviet Union, but, yes, it is a post-communist.
You should go to the sea when you come in Bulgaria. It is much warmer than the ocean. There are no big waves and sharks.
new coup for you said:
Post-Eastern Bloc. Whatever semantics you perfer.

No the attraction to going to Russian wasnt tourist reasons, i just wanted to go someplace unregulated.

Because of that I invite you to come to Bulgaria for tourist reasons. I think you'll like the nature, the people and the fun here.
Yes, Bulgarians also drink a lot, not as the Russians. But, of course, do not imagine a country full of drinkers. It is something usually for a man or even a woman to drink 2-4 glasses of vodka without getting drunk.
yeah its crazy, a good freind of mine is Siberian and we had a drinking contest. I passed out after like 20 shots- then he FINISHED HIS BOTTLE went on to FINISH MY BOTTLE and then CARRIED ME HOME.

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