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What kind of "Flame Warrior" are you? (1 Viewer)


Wading through the Mire
DP Veteran
May 30, 2005
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Eastern Standard Time zone
Political Leaning
Flame Warrior's Home

I know I tend to be a mix between Toxic Granny and Pinko, but I am no Michael Moore fan nor have I ever been accused of being an Envirowarrior either. I'm not quite old enough to be a complete Toxic Granny, although with the median age here, I guess it would be fitting.
Eagle Scout - Admin Nanny


I had names picked out for darn near everyone of them. haha
Don't have much choice on the admin part. :cool:

As far as Eagle Scout...

This part is the most I am interested in:
"Eagle Scout regards the internet as an uplifting, egalitarian, worldwide arena for the exchange of ideas among intelligent, thinking individuals."
ALLCAPS, Android, Capitalista, Duelists, Evil Clown, Therapist

LOL i couldn't believe there were so many different types!
Evil Clown, Jerk, Tireless Rebutter, ALLCAPS, Dualist, Capitalista, and most of all...PICADOR!
If you keep telling yourself that, I'm sure one day even you'll believe it.

HINT: Alert Warriors can readily spot Picador because, though he seldom takes a stand on controversial issues, he always seems to be near the fray.
JustineCredible said:
If you keep telling yourself that, I'm sure one day even you'll believe it.

I was think more along the line of this...

Instead, he uses well placed barbs to goad his adversary into charging while skillfully avoiding the appearance of being the provocateur.

But hey...You recognize my existence...I'm flattered ;)
stsburns said:
ALLCAPS, Android, Capitalista, Duelists, Evil Clown, Therapist

LOL i couldn't believe there were so many different types!

For you they should make a new "Flame Warrior" title: Sybil!
JustineCredible said:
For you they should make a new "Flame Warrior" title: Sybil!
So what would be a Sybil??
teacher said:
Loopy/Ethnix. Traits of Enfant Provovatuer, God-zilla, and Bong. Killer site.

Why am I not suprised, I mean this comes from a grown man who lives with his mother, for cryin' out loud! (Oh wait, wrong forum!!) LOL
JustineCredible said:
Ok, I see you're unfamiliar. Sybil was a book based on a true story of someone suffering from Multiple personality disorder / MPD.
Trying to be a Therapist Justin? I don't have multiple personalities, It's all my personality! I mean who said I had to be ONLY a Dualist! :lol:
stsburns said:
Trying to be a Therapist Justin? I don't have multiple personalities, It's all my personality! I mean who said I had to be ONLY a Dualist! :lol:

Deary, who said you were? cnredd is a fellow dualist as well. So, don't feel left out.
As far as "therapist" well, it's kinda my job.
But please, try to not emasculate my name. It kinda gives me the creeps!
galenrox said:
lol, it depends, are you the bitch or the butch? :)

Neither I'm a figment of your imagination.

Actually, as far as lesbians go, we don't all use lables like that. Anyway, you've mixed your metaphores.

"Bitch" is to "Daddy"
Butch is to Femme

"Boi" is also used in conjunction with "Daddy."

"Bitch," "Boi," & "Daddy" is more of a BDSM thing.

I tend to stay away from all lables. I'm just me. Some days I'm bitchy, other days I'm sweet. Somedays I'll "butch" it up, other days I'm "femmed" out. But usually, I'm just myself.
Suburban mom of a teenage son. What can I say, I've grow up and out of lables. I have too many real things to deal with. I don't have time to waste on all that many flights of fancy.
Except for my business, which in and of itself is a flight of fancy...LOL

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