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What kind of courage does it take to be on Putin’s kill list and still stand tall? (1 Viewer)

He is a man of incredible character and strength. His leadership and inspiration are what is giving Ukranians such strength and courage. I fear greatly for his safety. The Ukraine does not need a martyr, it needs a leader. Putin must be totally enraged by his defiance , like I said I fear for his safety.
He is a man of incredible character and strength. His leadership and inspiration are what is giving Ukranians such strength and courage. I fear greatly for his safety. The Ukraine does not need a martyr, it needs a leader. Putin must be totally enraged by his defiance , like I said I fear for his safety.

I believe if Putin's populace only could see Zelensky (and the truth), they would turn on Putin in a heartbeat!
I believe if Putin's populace only could see Zelensky (and the truth), they would turn on Putin in a heartbeat!
Which is why is making damn sure they don't. I think he is miscalculating the power of their reaction. They already know what is going on and being cut off from information will further solidify their resolve. My hope is for an insurrection within Russia.
Which is why is making damn sure they don't. I think he is miscalculating the power of their reaction. They already know what is going on and being cut off from information will further solidify their resolve. My hope is for an insurrection within Russia.

My understanding is a fair number of the younger generation has access to outside media, whereas the bulk of the older generations do not.

It will be interesting seeing how this all shakes-out in the Motherland.
Putin must be totally enraged by his defiance , like I said I fear for his safety.
The war criminal hiding in the Kremlin is more than "enraged."

He is out of his mind with anger -- and embarrassment.

He did, however, manage to get some relief by being surrounded the other day by a bevy of beautiful young ladies.


Being a lifelong coward myself, I am in awe of Mr. Z.'s courage and patriotism. I am, sadly, afraid that he may indeed become a martyr. (The beast in the Kremlin has no decency. He is always talking about "Nazis" in Ukraine, even though he himself is a genuine Nazi when it comes to inhumane treatment of his opponents.)

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