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What it takes (1 Viewer)


New member
Jul 2, 2005
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Political Leaning
As I begin to get more and more interested to work in politics, a question comes to mind. What does it really take to become the President of the USA besides a lot of money? And what does take to be a good President which would be the opposite of Mr. Bush
MrAchilles said:
As I begin to get more and more interested to work in politics, a question comes to mind. What does it really take to become the President of the USA besides a lot of money? And what does take to be a good President which would be the opposite of Mr. Bush

"To attain power requires absolute pettiness. To keep power requires true greatness. Such different qualities are rarely found in the same individual." - Napoleon Bonaparte
Kandahar said:
"To attain power requires absolute pettiness. To keep power requires true greatness. Such different qualities are rarely found in the same individual." - Napoleon Bonaparte

NB couldn't have said it better since he spent the twilight of his life in exile.

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