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What is your opinion on supply-side economics? (1 Viewer)

What is your opinion on supply-side economics?

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DP Veteran
Apr 7, 2021
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What is your opinion on supply-side economics?

Sometimes it is referred to a trickledown economics or Reaganomics

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Also rightly known as voodoo economics, because it's rooted in magical thinking rather than empirical evidence.
Contrary to popular belief, trickle-down and Reagonomics aren't really synonymous with supply-side economics.

At its core, supply side economics just means policies focusing on supply rather than demand. It makes sense during a high-inflation, low-unemployment economy, like the one we are in now.

It's not even an inherently right-wing coded idea. There is also supply-side liberalism (sometimes called an abundance agenda), which IMO is what we should be doing right now.

In essence, supply-side liberalism is less worried about demand (e.g. "How can we get people more money to spend on health care / college / housing / whatever"). Instead it focuses on the supply (e.g. "How can we get more doctors / build more houses so that they are more affordable?")

I don't think it's as simple as being for/against supply side economics. It really depends on the economic conditions. It doesn't make a lot of sense in an anemic economy with low inflation, like we have had for a couple decades until last year. But it does make sense now.
The idea that letting “the rich” keep more wealth (via reduced taxation) will increase (total) consumer demand doesn’t seem to have been proven to work. While the idea may be sound for corporate taxation, I cant see how it works for personal taxation.
I could see it being useful in a situation in which tax rates are extremely high. If it's just used to let the hyper-rich raid the treasury again and again, though, then no.
Contrary to popular belief, trickle-down and Reagonomics aren't really synonymous with supply-side economics.

At its core, supply side economics just means policies focusing on supply rather than demand. It makes sense during a high-inflation, low-unemployment economy, like the one we are in now.

It's not even an inherently right-wing coded idea. There is also supply-side liberalism (sometimes called an abundance agenda), which IMO is what we should be doing right now.

In essence, supply-side liberalism is less worried about demand (e.g. "How can we get people more money to spend on health care / college / housing / whatever"). Instead it focuses on the supply (e.g. "How can we get more doctors / build more houses so that they are more affordable?")
In practice, supply side economics have become effectively indivisible from Reagonomics in that it has come to cleave to all the very same prescriptions with little variation and has not really deviated since the idea rose to prominence, regardless of the evidence all but conclusively demonstrating that core elements of it simply don't work.

It is nice to posit that it is something as rosy, innocuous and vague as simply finding ways to increase supply, and while that theoretically may be true and non-partisan, the reality is far, far uglier, the whole institution having been hijacked by monied interests to serve their ends regardless of societal/economic benefit or lackthereof.
What is your opinion on supply-side economics?

Sometimes it is referred to a trickledown economics or Reaganomics

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I dont believe it is a model that accurately describes reality nor is it a model that has much predictive value. The modern supply side economic theory is quite different than Say’s law which, as unreliable as it can be, doesnt say anything about trickle down economics.
When talking about economic theory we shouldnt talk about it in terms of whether we are for or against it, we should treat it as any other social science theory.

Economic policy on the other hand, we can.
"Supply side"?

Worked better then this China Joe trickle down my pant leg economics.

It's really funny to me how righties blame Biden for this booming economy..

And how his entire economic plan along with the rest of his agenda died in congress.

Can you even name one economic policy Biden has initiated?

Of course there is the covid stimulus package by both trump and Biden compared in the link below.

What is your opinion on supply-side economics?

Sometimes it is referred to a trickledown economics or Reaganomics

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It doesn't work.
What is your opinion on supply-side economics?

Sometimes it is referred to a trickledown economics or Reaganomics

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Got any examples of it ever working?
in theory SSE seems great and is a logical proposition...... problem is it works too slow to accommodate the masses.......and in the end the masses will prevail.......the businessman given the tax incentives and regulatory reductions is free to do as he pleases with his gains..... and the if the masses with their vast numbers, find themselves victim to a negative economy or exploitation, are free to vote for candidates who promises government assistance ......

freedom is wonderful but complicated
If you want to know how supply side economics works just look at the increased share of wealth that flowed up since Reagan. The rich got richer and the poor got poorer. So it worked out perfectly for those who thought it up.
What is your opinion on supply-side economics?
Sometimes it is referred to a trickledown economics or Reaganomics
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