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What is the perfect political platform? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 21, 2005
Reaction score
New York, NY
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
This is obviously a loaded question, because there are certain issues for which there are two definite sides, and obviously, you can't please everyone, but just the same, I'd be interested in hearing what some of you think is the perfect political platform, one that could effectively guarantee election. For the sake of argument, let's say this is a national election. Also, think about whether or not a person with this platform could actually win the nomination of one of the major parties.

I'm interested to see if there is an agreement on the broad framework for a platform that, with a charismatic, effective politician backing it, could guarantee election.
I've said it before and I'll say it again....Attack California.....

Say, "California is a bunch of fruitcakes!" and the other 49 states are yours.
cnredd said:
I've said it before and I'll say it again....Attack California.....

Say, "California is a bunch of fruitcakes!" and the other 49 states are yours.

Hey I like Cali. You just lost my vote.
Martyrdom is the only "perfect" political platform. Say what people like, but never be placed in power so you can never actually screw up. Then die fighting for a universally important cause. Boom, perfect. Except...you're dead. Haha. Says something about politics....

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