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What is "The leftist gay agenda" (1 Viewer)


"If you ain't first, you're last"
DP Veteran
Apr 25, 2010
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I have read that posted here plenty of times and seen it elsewhere in the corner of the interwebs lol
But what is it? seems like a false bigoted narrative to me pushed by propaganda

I've seen comments similar to this:
"Leftists want to be able to do their evil indoctrination on children with their gay agenda!!!"

So what factual Gay Agenda?
What factual evil indoctrination?
What makes it a leftist thing?
I have read that posted here plenty of times and seen it elsewhere in the corner of the interwebs lol
But what is it? seems like a false bigoted narrative to me pushed by propaganda

I've seen comments similar to this:
"Leftists want to be able to do their evil indoctrination on children with their gay agenda!!!"

So what factual Gay Agenda?
What factual evil indoctrination?
What makes it a leftist thing?

It's based on a RW absolute hysterical panic regarding the following:

Same sex attraction
Karl Marx

It would be funny if it weren't actually so threatening
The Gay Agenda is to have the right to be gay.

The fact is other gays are indoctrinated that they have a right to be gay, despite the right believing it evil.

It's a leftist thing because only the right disallows gays, leaving only the left making the right of gays to be gay.
I have read that posted here plenty of times and seen it elsewhere in the corner of the interwebs lol
But what is it? seems like a false bigoted narrative to me pushed by propaganda

I've seen comments similar to this:
"Leftists want to be able to do their evil indoctrination on children with their gay agenda!!!"

So what factual Gay Agenda?
What factual evil indoctrination?
What makes it a leftist thing?
You could have at least tagged him when starting this thread. ;)
I have read that posted here plenty of times and seen it elsewhere in the corner of the interwebs lol
But what is it? seems like a false bigoted narrative to me pushed by propaganda

I've seen comments similar to this:
"Leftists want to be able to do their evil indoctrination on children with their gay agenda!!!"

So what factual Gay Agenda?
What factual evil indoctrination?
What makes it a leftist thing?
The liberal gay agenda is to brainwash children into joining their deviant ways.

It's bullshit, since that's not a thing, but plenty of people believe it.
No 🍿 emojis yet? I’m a bit disappointed
Mostly brunch.

Sometimes it involves seeking out craft beers and listening to bland music that has way too much autotune.

The autotune impact of Dolby taking away the crispness of sound is why I never liked Dolby. Now they have Dolby 5.1, which sounds good to me. Bang & Olufsen had a smooth sound that did not take so much away from the high-end as, well, give a smooth sound.
I have read that posted here plenty of times and seen it elsewhere in the corner of the interwebs lol
But what is it? seems like a false bigoted narrative to me pushed by propaganda

I've seen comments similar to this:
"Leftists want to be able to do their evil indoctrination on children with their gay agenda!!!"

So what factual Gay Agenda?
What factual evil indoctrination?
What makes it a leftist thing?
The gay agenda is to influence children and turn them into homosexuals.

It started with batman and robin in the 1930's.
The man in charge of tying comic books to society's ills was a bespectacled German-American psychiatrist and author named Fredric Wertham.
During the comics backlash and throughout Wertham's press tour, Batman was targeted ..... and Wertham also insisted that Batman and Robin were homosexual.
Except that you can't, so it isn't.
But it is not as if your politicians have not been using it as an excuse to control the sheeple of america.
You're either scared of gays or scared of communists because it suites your masters to keep you scared.
But it is not as if your politicians have not been using it as an excuse to control the sheeple of america.
You're either scared of gays or scared of communists because it suites your masters to keep you scared.
Oh they definitely are trying to use that, and it's been working fairly well so far.
I have read that posted here plenty of times and seen it elsewhere in the corner of the interwebs lol
But what is it? seems like a false bigoted narrative to me pushed by propaganda

I've seen comments similar to this:
"Leftists want to be able to do their evil indoctrination on children with their gay agenda!!!"

So what factual Gay Agenda?
What factual evil indoctrination?
What makes it a leftist thing?
they are so unbelievable stupid and its just pathetic lies. They just can't stand they are wrong about everything and want to push their moronic hate as having factual basis and it does not.

they are the ones that indoctrinate their kids to be hateful deplorables
they are so unbelievable stupid and its just pathetic lies. They just can't stand they are wrong about everything and want to push their moronic hate as having factual basis and it does not.

they are the ones that indoctrinate their kids to be hateful deplorables
You can teach a kid to hate gay people, but you can't teach one to be gay.
It's based on a RW absolute hysterical panic regarding the following:

Same sex attraction
Karl Marx

It would be funny if it weren't actually so threatening

well in fairness MILLIONS or right-wingers support equal rights so it cant just be called "RW" panic
The Gay Agenda is to have the right to be gay.

The fact is other gays are indoctrinated that they have a right to be gay, despite the right believing it evil.

It's a leftist thing because only the right disallows gays, leaving only the left making the right of gays to be gay.
so its an american agenda and not evil and not leftists?
The liberal gay agenda is to brainwash children into joining their deviant ways.

It's bullshit, since that's not a thing, but plenty of people believe it.

oh so made up fantasy like i said
so far that seems to be the case
OMG, I remember that gay flaunting Robin. No denying that.
The gays have given up on turning children through comic books and moved into the movies instead.

Ever wonder why zena the warrior was also a lesbian icon?

The 1995 feature film Batman Forever, and especially its 1997 sequel Batman & Robin, both helmed by the openly gay director Joel Schumacher, have been interpreted as having homoerotic overtones.[14]

Slate magazine called Schumacher's Batman films "defiantly queer", with a "sugar daddy" Batman and "rough-trade" Robin. Slate noted that Robin wore a codpiece and "Bat-nipples" and said that what "Schumacher produced wasn’t gay subtext; it was gay domtext."[15]

Schumacher stated, "I had no idea that putting nipples on the Batsuit and Robin suit were going to spark international headlines. The bodies of the suits come from ancient Greek statues, which display perfect bodies. They are anatomically correct."[14]

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