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What is the GOP's plan to handle inflation? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2016
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Political Leaning
I have talking heads on TV, the GOP and cons on this board complain about inflation, but can you tell me what the GOP will do about it when they win in November. I am sure they will pass every cultural policy they can to appease their base, but the real problem is inflation. Everything else in the economy is humming along, but inflation is hurting us. The only thing the GOP seems to be able to do is pass tax cuts for the wealthy and leave the handling of inflation to the Feds. The Feds could raise their rates to 10%-15% and it would not check inflation. I have read that 60% of inflation is due to profit taking by the corporations and looking at the huge profits, I an believe that. The problem is, the GOP will have nothing to do with pressuring the corporations to reduce prices. They are the major source of the GOP's campaign funds and they are not going to kill the goose that is laying their golden eggs. They may complain about Biden's spending, but the deficit has been cut in half and had no effect on inflation. The only other arrow they have is tax cuts, and how is tax cuts for the wealthy going to stop inflation. So what is the GOP's plan?
The GOP is the party of grievance, fear, anger, obstruction, sabotage, and just plain ol’ bellyachin’. It’s easy to be a critic. It’s much harder to actually get stuff done.

From civil rights and Medicare to the ACA, the Dems have been the party of action. Sure it hasn’t been perfect, but thank goodness someone’s doing some positive, useful work!
I have talking heads on TV, the GOP and cons on this board complain about inflation, but can you tell me what the GOP will do about it when they win in November. I am sure they will pass every cultural policy they can to appease their base, but the real problem is inflation. Everything else in the economy is humming along, but inflation is hurting us. The only thing the GOP seems to be able to do is pass tax cuts for the wealthy and leave the handling of inflation to the Feds. The Feds could raise their rates to 10%-15% and it would not check inflation. I have read that 60% of inflation is due to profit taking by the corporations and looking at the huge profits, I an believe that. The problem is, the GOP will have nothing to do with pressuring the corporations to reduce prices. They are the major source of the GOP's campaign funds and they are not going to kill the goose that is laying their golden eggs. They may complain about Biden's spending, but the deficit has been cut in half and had no effect on inflation. The only other arrow they have is tax cuts, and how is tax cuts for the wealthy going to stop inflation. So what is the GOP's plan?

Not sure what your point is. Inflation is very hard to tame once it gets started. That being said anyone should know that if the Federal Reserve were to raise rates to 10-15% it would through the country into a severe recession. Many think we will get a recession at 3% interest rates. Not sure there is evidence that many corporations other than commodity companies are raising gross profits during this phase so not sure where you get your 60% figure.

What is the GOP's plan to handle inflation?​

The GOP has one plan, and only one plan. To put every Democrat out of office, and take over the government of the entire country in any way they possibly can - legal or illegal. They have no plan that actually serves the voting electorate. None whatsoever.
What are the DEMs doing right now to handle inflation?
And is it working?
I have talking heads on TV, the GOP and cons on this board complain about inflation, but can you tell me what the GOP will do about it when they win in November. I am sure they will pass every cultural policy they can to appease their base, but the real problem is inflation. Everything else in the economy is humming along, but inflation is hurting us. The only thing the GOP seems to be able to do is pass tax cuts for the wealthy and leave the handling of inflation to the Feds. The Feds could raise their rates to 10%-15% and it would not check inflation. I have read that 60% of inflation is due to profit taking by the corporations and looking at the huge profits, I an believe that. The problem is, the GOP will have nothing to do with pressuring the corporations to reduce prices. They are the major source of the GOP's campaign funds and they are not going to kill the goose that is laying their golden eggs. They may complain about Biden's spending, but the deficit has been cut in half and had no effect on inflation. The only other arrow they have is tax cuts, and how is tax cuts for the wealthy going to stop inflation. So what is the GOP's plan?
How about actual cuts in spending you know were the numbers for the next year are actually less than the previous.
I have talking heads on TV, the GOP and cons on this board complain about inflation, but can you tell me what the GOP will do about it when they win in November. I am sure they will pass every cultural policy they can to appease their base, but the real problem is inflation. Everything else in the economy is humming along, but inflation is hurting us. The only thing the GOP seems to be able to do is pass tax cuts for the wealthy and leave the handling of inflation to the Feds. The Feds could raise their rates to 10%-15% and it would not check inflation. I have read that 60% of inflation is due to profit taking by the corporations and looking at the huge profits, I an believe that. The problem is, the GOP will have nothing to do with pressuring the corporations to reduce prices. They are the major source of the GOP's campaign funds and they are not going to kill the goose that is laying their golden eggs. They may complain about Biden's spending, but the deficit has been cut in half and had no effect on inflation. The only other arrow they have is tax cuts, and how is tax cuts for the wealthy going to stop inflation. So what is the GOP's plan?
If there is such a thing as a republican plan to deal with inflation, it will be something that has not worked in the past. An article of faith like trickle down is gonna start any minute now.
I have talking heads on TV, the GOP and cons on this board complain about inflation, but can you tell me what the GOP will do about it when they win in November. I am sure they will pass every cultural policy they can to appease their base, but the real problem is inflation. Everything else in the economy is humming along, but inflation is hurting us. The only thing the GOP seems to be able to do is pass tax cuts for the wealthy and leave the handling of inflation to the Feds. The Feds could raise their rates to 10%-15% and it would not check inflation. I have read that 60% of inflation is due to profit taking by the corporations and looking at the huge profits, I an believe that. The problem is, the GOP will have nothing to do with pressuring the corporations to reduce prices. They are the major source of the GOP's campaign funds and they are not going to kill the goose that is laying their golden eggs. They may complain about Biden's spending, but the deficit has been cut in half and had no effect on inflation. The only other arrow they have is tax cuts, and how is tax cuts for the wealthy going to stop inflation. So what is the GOP's plan?
The best the GOP can do if they win in November is to put the skids on the government spending that Congress has enacted. That is a big part of the reason we have this inflation. This won't end the inflation, but it will help inflation not get worse.

Since the bulk of the causes of inflation lie with the actions and policies of the Biden pukes, only getting rid of those pukes will enable another administration to reverse what brought on the inflation that started from day one of the Biden administration. This will only happen if Trump is elected in 2024. If, for some reason, he doesn't run or if, for some reason he runs but loses, there is nothing a GOP Congress can do to reduce inflation.

The Federal Reserve? Yeah, the only thing they can do is raise the prime rate. But if they raise to the level you suggest, that will send our economy tumbling into a recession. If they make smaller rate hikes, their efforts will be useless because inflation is way too high right now.

So...the best thing anyone in the government can do right now is nothing. Just stop digging the hole. If left alone, the consumers will, acting in their own self interest, reduce inflation by reducing personal spending...reducing demand.

This is already happening. The consumer just doesn't have the spending power they had just a couple years ago and they are now choosing what to spend their reduced buying power on. Spending on unnecessary durable goods is dropping because people are choosing to spend on more important things like food and gas.

This reduced consumer spending is not without it's own dangers for the economy, however. Companies that produce those durable goods will feel the bite. They won't produce as much as they have, which means they'll be laying off workers. That reduction in production could also bring about a recession.

Any way you look at it, the US is in a very ****ed up situation...and it was directly caused by the Dems in Congress and the pukes in the executive branch.

btw, you claim the deficit has been "cut in half". Can you provide some data to support that claim? With all the new government spending in the last year or so, I find that hard to believe.
If you can find the Republican who figured out what 'repeal and replace' health insurance reform was supposed to contain in a Senate bill in 2017, that's probably the same guy to ask.
For a number of years now, we've been lectured on the dangers of the growing US national debt.

One of the side effects of inflation [Ed.: Or, as some would call it, devaluation,] is that the national debt, in dollars of decreased value, is reduced.

It's an ill wind . . .

Regards, stay safe 'n well 'n remember the Big 5.
Um....tax cuts? That's all the GOP has ever been good for.
The best the GOP can do if they win in November is to put the skids on the government spending that Congress has enacted. That is a big part of the reason we have this inflation. This won't end the inflation, but it will help inflation not get worse.

Since the bulk of the causes of inflation lie with the actions and policies of the Biden pukes, only getting rid of those pukes will enable another administration to reverse what brought on the inflation that started from day one of the Biden administration. This will only happen if Trump is elected in 2024. If, for some reason, he doesn't run or if, for some reason he runs but loses, there is nothing a GOP Congress can do to reduce inflation.

The Federal Reserve? Yeah, the only thing they can do is raise the prime rate. But if they raise to the level you suggest, that will send our economy tumbling into a recession. If they make smaller rate hikes, their efforts will be useless because inflation is way too high right now.

So...the best thing anyone in the government can do right now is nothing. Just stop digging the hole. If left alone, the consumers will, acting in their own self interest, reduce inflation by reducing personal spending...reducing demand.

This is already happening. The consumer just doesn't have the spending power they had just a couple years ago and they are now choosing what to spend their reduced buying power on. Spending on unnecessary durable goods is dropping because people are choosing to spend on more important things like food and gas.

This reduced consumer spending is not without it's own dangers for the economy, however. Companies that produce those durable goods will feel the bite. They won't produce as much as they have, which means they'll be laying off workers. That reduction in production could also bring about a recession.

Any way you look at it, the US is in a very ****ed up situation...and it was directly caused by the Dems in Congress and the pukes in the executive branch.

btw, you claim the deficit has been "cut in half". Can you provide some data to support that claim? With all the new government spending in the last year or so, I find that hard to believe.
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I have talking heads on TV, the GOP and cons on this board complain about inflation, but can you tell me what the GOP will do about it when they win in November. I am sure they will pass every cultural policy they can to appease their base, but the real problem is inflation. Everything else in the economy is humming along, but inflation is hurting us. The only thing the GOP seems to be able to do is pass tax cuts for the wealthy and leave the handling of inflation to the Feds. The Feds could raise their rates to 10%-15% and it would not check inflation. I have read that 60% of inflation is due to profit taking by the corporations and looking at the huge profits, I an believe that. The problem is, the GOP will have nothing to do with pressuring the corporations to reduce prices. They are the major source of the GOP's campaign funds and they are not going to kill the goose that is laying their golden eggs. They may complain about Biden's spending, but the deficit has been cut in half and had no effect on inflation. The only other arrow they have is tax cuts, and how is tax cuts for the wealthy going to stop inflation. So what is the GOP's plan?
Honestly, I thought the OP was going to be an attempt at comedy when I saw the thread title. Had to open the thread to find that the OP was asking seriously!!!!!😱😱😱
I have talking heads on TV, the GOP and cons on this board complain about inflation, but can you tell me what the GOP will do about it when they win in November. I am sure they will pass every cultural policy they can to appease their base, but the real problem is inflation. Everything else in the economy is humming along, but inflation is hurting us. The only thing the GOP seems to be able to do is pass tax cuts for the wealthy and leave the handling of inflation to the Feds. The Feds could raise their rates to 10%-15% and it would not check inflation. I have read that 60% of inflation is due to profit taking by the corporations and looking at the huge profits, I an believe that. The problem is, the GOP will have nothing to do with pressuring the corporations to reduce prices. They are the major source of the GOP's campaign funds and they are not going to kill the goose that is laying their golden eggs. They may complain about Biden's spending, but the deficit has been cut in half and had no effect on inflation. The only other arrow they have is tax cuts, and how is tax cuts for the wealthy going to stop inflation. So what is the GOP's plan?
About inflation, nothing. Election wise for the midterms, the Republican Party doesn’t have to come up with a plan, they don’t have to say a thing, do a thing. They just must be there as an alternative to the Democrats. There’re basically just 2 choices, the party in power or the party out of power. Mad, dissatisfied, angry, don’t think the party in power is doing the right things or paying attention to what you think they should, you’re only choice is to vote the party out of power in. The party out of power doesn’t have to stand for anything, just be on the ballot as an alternative to the party in power.

Much like the parties out of power didn’t have to stand for anything or do anything in 2006, 2010, 2018. People were fed up, angry with the party in power for something they did or didn’t do. If the GOP regains the house and perhaps the senate also, they still won’t be able to do anything. Anything they come up with Biden will veto if it gets to his desk or the senate democrats will filibuster if they’re in the minority or table whatever the GOP controlled house passes if still in the majority. Waste of time to come up with something, a plan or even a new idea.

I always keep an eye on the next election, most of what I say, post is within that context. Our two-party electoral system makes it this way. The party out of power never has to stand for anything, be for anything, have new ideas or any solutions to this country’s problem. They are just an alternative to the party in power, the party out of party runs against the party in power telling the people how bad they’ve governed and how they created big problems. The party in power must show they governed to the will of most Americans. Which usually they don’t, they always govern just for their base. This always give the party out of power an opening to regain power. Governing only to please their base, ALA, Biden and company today, Trump and the Republicans in 2018, Obama and the Democrats in 2010, Bush and the GOP in 2006. Wave elections happened in all those years.
I have talking heads on TV, the GOP and cons on this board complain about inflation, but can you tell me what the GOP will do about it when they win in November. I am sure they will pass every cultural policy they can to appease their base, but the real problem is inflation. Everything else in the economy is humming along, but inflation is hurting us. The only thing the GOP seems to be able to do is pass tax cuts for the wealthy and leave the handling of inflation to the Feds. The Feds could raise their rates to 10%-15% and it would not check inflation. I have read that 60% of inflation is due to profit taking by the corporations and looking at the huge profits, I an believe that. The problem is, the GOP will have nothing to do with pressuring the corporations to reduce prices. They are the major source of the GOP's campaign funds and they are not going to kill the goose that is laying their golden eggs. They may complain about Biden's spending, but the deficit has been cut in half and had no effect on inflation. The only other arrow they have is tax cuts, and how is tax cuts for the wealthy going to stop inflation. So what is the GOP's plan?

The only thing Republicans can really do, or say they will do, is the typical laundry list of supply side economics which are little more than passive influencers that might work on a long enough timeline assuming other constants (i.e. reduced regulation, less government, less taxes, increased trade, etc., etc., etc.)

Give the current set of economic indicators it could be confidence based but that is a bit of a stretch.

While it is correct to offer that other economic factors are doing well, the message from Biden and Democrats suggest other pains should be ignored. The issue is inflation is harming just enough and far enough people that their approval ratings are in dangerous territory headed into a midterm.

If one were to ignore economics 101, you may argue that a huge influence on inflation is corporate profit taking. However basic economics tells you that if you have supply side faults, increasing demand, and an abundance of money supply then inflation does occur simply because of the supply demand imbalance causing an aggregate shift. Profit increased would be expected until supply side has another aggregate shift. Deciding to higher tax those higher profits will cause other economic consequences, as it was always remarkably insane to assume higher taxation means everything else stays constant from the business model, labor, to various product and services prices.

Until supply evens out against demand we can expect continued inflationary consequences. At this point we are talking about everything from housing, to commercial and private transportation, to many things containing any electronics, to basic food goods.

Democrats have no answer to all that and their message on taxation and vilification is failing (if it were otherwise all their approval numbers would be higher.)
Ban CRT and gays.
Inflation will drop to 0.1%

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