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What is the difference between the way conservatives treat Trump and George W. Bush? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 25, 2017
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What is the difference between the way conservatives treat Trump now and George W. Bush when he was President?

It seems like with both of them, the conservatives' supposed small-government ideology went out the window and they treated it as a patriotic duty to just obey Republican Presidents like Bush and Trump when they are in office.

Opposing Bush becomes unpatriotic.

All the conservative media pundits and politicians who praised Trump now the way they praised Bush then, so if any of them call Bush a RINO now, they are hypocrites. Both Trump and Bush sold themselves as outsiders fighting Washington and the liberal coastal elites, despite being rich elites themselves.

So what's the difference, the only difference is Bush's record is no longer convienent, so the conservatives just washed their hands of him, instead of taking responsbilty for what their support of Bush wrought, will they wash their hands of Trump after he leaves office?
What is the difference between the way conservatives treat Trump now and George W. Bush when he was President?

It seems like with both of them, the conservatives' supposed small-government ideology went out the window and they treated it as a patriotic duty to just obey Republican Presidents like Bush and Trump when they are in office.

Opposing Bush becomes unpatriotic.

All the conservative media pundits and politicians who praised Trump now the way they praised Bush then, so if any of them call Bush a RINO now, they are hypocrites. Both Trump and Bush sold themselves as outsiders fighting Washington and the liberal coastal elites, despite being rich elites themselves.

So what's the difference, the only difference is Bush's record is no longer convienent, so the conservatives just washed their hands of him, instead of taking responsbilty for what their support of Bush wrought, will they wash their hands of Trump after he leaves office?

Libs did the same **** when Obama was president. They claimed anyone opposing Obama was a racist.
Libs did the same **** when Obama was president. They claimed anyone opposing Obama was a racist.

That is a deflection, not an answer.

But if you want this game, all the conservatives who complain about ''Trump Derangement Syndrome'' seemed to have no problem when Fox News complained about Obama putting mustard on his burger and wearing a tan suit, how is that not hypocritical?
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What is the difference between the way conservatives treat Trump now and George W. Bush when he was President?

It seems like with both of them, the conservatives' supposed small-government ideology went out the window and they treated it as a patriotic duty to just obey Republican Presidents like Bush and Trump when they are in office.

Opposing Bush becomes unpatriotic.

All the conservative media pundits and politicians who praised Trump now the way they praised Bush then, so if any of them call Bush a RINO now, they are hypocrites. Both Trump and Bush sold themselves as outsiders fighting Washington and the liberal coastal elites, despite being rich elites themselves.

So what's the difference, the only difference is Bush's record is no longer convienent, so the conservatives just washed their hands of him, instead of taking responsbilty for what their support of Bush wrought, will they wash their hands of Trump after he leaves office?
I dont know where you get your information from but you are being severly misinformed.
Bush never portrayed himself as an outsider. He painted himself as a "compassionate conservative". The conservative branch massively revolted against his and the GOPs out of control spending. It was the reason for the huge losses in both houses and the presidency in 08. It also lead to the teapartys formation. After they saw what they got for not voting, obama, pelosi, reid, they smartly put their focus on the primary. They are still ousting the Rinos out of power. Trump is a manifestation of their rebellion. Trump and his supporters understand the stakes. The virtue signaling is being received as disingenuous by the people they want to convince to not vote for him. From my perspective the hysteria bring ginned up by progressives is largely insincere and hypocritical. I find it befuddling that they are surprised that people like myself feel as I do toward them.

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I dont know where you get your information from but you are being severly misinformed.
Bush never portrayed himself as an outsider. He painted himself as a "compassionate conservative".

"I'm proud to have cut my teeth in politics at the state level. I think it makes me a better candidate for president of the United States. I think the fact that I come from outside of Washington, D.C., gives me a positive perspective about the role of the federal government and the state government," Bush said to a receptive audience of hundreds of state lawmakers from across the country.

Now, Bush the Outsider
DES MOINES, Jan. 22—George W. Bush has found a new opponent in his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination: Washington.

Increasingly on the stump and in campaign commercials, the Texas governor presents an anti-Washington, outsider image. It's an message that his campaign believes will appeal to the conservative activists who will vote in Monday's caucuses here and New Hampshire's primary next week.

Bush, Gore Trade Jabs In 1st Debate / Candidates hold their ground in wide-ranging encounter
Bush time and again underscored his own credentials as a Washington outsider and accused the Clinton- Gore administration of failing to lead the nation on key issues such as tax relief, Social Security, health care and energy policy.
I dont know where you get your information from but you are being severly misinformed.
Bush never portrayed himself as an outsider. He painted himself as a "compassionate conservative". The conservative branch massively revolted against his and the GOPs out of control spending. It was the reason for the huge losses in both houses and the presidency in 08. It also lead to the teapartys formation. After they saw what they got for not voting, obama, pelosi, reid, they smartly put their focus on the primary. They are still ousting the Rinos out of power. Trump is a manifestation of their rebellion. Trump and his supporters understand the stakes. The virtue signaling is being received as disingenuous by the people they want to convince to not vote for him. From my perspective the hysteria bring ginned up by progressives is largely insincere and hypocritical. I find it befuddling that they are surprised that people like myself feel as I do toward them.

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I guess I actually have a working memory and can remember when Bush made that claim:


How much has Trump reduced the debt by?

How many conservatives opposed Bush spending before 2008? Seems convenient they only opposed him when he left office and it was politically convenient to do so. Seems like conservatives were fine with his spending from 2000 to 2007, how conservatives opposed him when it was not convenient for them?
What is the difference between the way conservatives treat Trump now and George W. Bush when he was President?

Bush's presidency, like Trump's, was a tragic disaster that we may never fully recover from. But while there was plenty of ditto-heading from the rubes back then, Dubya wasn't as successful at building a cult of personality around himself. Perhaps the GOP will eventually pretend they didn't inflict Trump on us as they now pretend Bush never existed, but that's far from clear right now.
What is the difference between the way conservatives treat Trump now and George W. Bush when he was President?

It seems like with both of them, the conservatives' supposed small-government ideology went out the window and they treated it as a patriotic duty to just obey Republican Presidents like Bush and Trump when they are in office.

Opposing Bush becomes unpatriotic.

All the conservative media pundits and politicians who praised Trump now the way they praised Bush then, so if any of them call Bush a RINO now, they are hypocrites. Both Trump and Bush sold themselves as outsiders fighting Washington and the liberal coastal elites, despite being rich elites themselves.

So what's the difference, the only difference is Bush's record is no longer convienent, so the conservatives just washed their hands of him, instead of taking responsbilty for what their support of Bush wrought, will they wash their hands of Trump after he leaves office?

With gusto.
I guess I actually have a working memory and can remember when Bush made that claim:


How much has Trump reduced the debt by?

How many conservatives opposed Bush spending before 2008? Seems convenient they only opposed him when he left office and it was politically convenient to do so. Seems like conservatives were fine with his spending from 2000 to 2007, how conservatives opposed him when it was not convenient for them?
You guys like polls. Explain this one
Presidential Approval Ratings -- George W. Bush | Gallup Historical Trends

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You guys like polls. Explain this one
Presidential Approval Ratings -- George W. Bush | Gallup Historical Trends

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What is this prove exactly, that Bush became less popular over time or do you have another point?

How many conservatives opposed his Iraq War spending?

Also Rush Limbaugh twisted himself into a pretzel to defend Dubya recently, is he a RINO?

Rush Limbaugh Says Same Democrats Who Tricked George W. Bush Into Iraq War and WMDs Are Now Pushing Trump-Russia Evidence

All the conservatives on Fox News shilled for the Iraq War, are they RINOs?

"Perilously close to propaganda": How Fox News shilled for Iraq War, and Jon Stewart returned sanity | Salon.com
What is this prove exactly, that Bush became less popular over time or do you have another point?

How many conservatives opposed his Iraq War spending?

Also Rush Limbaugh twisted himself into a pretzel to defend Dubya recently, is he a RINO?

Rush Limbaugh Says Same Democrats Who Tricked George W. Bush Into Iraq War and WMDs Are Now Pushing Trump-Russia Evidence

All the conservatives on Fox News shilled for the Iraq War, are they RINOs?

"Perilously close to propaganda": How Fox News shilled for Iraq War, and Jon Stewart returned sanity | Salon.com
His approval rating was in the 30s because conservatives rejected him. He was not as popular with conservatives as you are claiming.

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His approval rating was in the 30s because conservatives rejected him. He was not as popular with conservatives as you are claiming.

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Yeah they rejected him when it was clear to everyone he was a bad President, but in 2004 they were all saying "you can't criticize the President in a time of war".
i was part of the right wing during Bush. he took a lot of flak online on conservative message boards. the Tweety thing is different.
i was part of the right wing during Bush. he took a lot of flak online on conservative message boards. the Tweety thing is different.

Most of the conservatives I saw online in 2004 seemed to love him and Fox News sang his praises every night, I think he did have a lot of support from conservatives at one point and they did treat him as someone above criticism due to him being a ''Wartime President''.

I do not think he was unpopular with conservatives in that time period.
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Most of the conservatives I saw online in 2004 seemed to love him and Fox News sang his praises every night, I think he did have a lot of support from conservatives at one point and they did treat him as someone above criticism due to him being a ''Wartime President''.

I do not think he was unpopular with conservatives in that time period.

they still hated liberals as instructed by fox and AM radio, but Bush was also often slammed as a RINO. it was an odd balance. it's different this time around.
they still hated liberals as instructed by fox and AM radio, but Bush was also often slammed as a RINO. it was an odd balance. it's different this time around.

Maybe we traveled in different circles, but most conservatives I saw online in 2004 thought he was great and Fox News didn't just slam liberals, but praised Bush and the Iraq War.

This was the conservative punk rock we got back in the 2000s:

Bush Was Right.mp4 - YouTube
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Maybe we traveled in different circles, but most conservatives I saw online in 2004 thought he was great and Fox News didn't just slam liberals, but praised Bush and the Iraq War.

This was the conservative punk rock we got back in the 2000s:

Bush Was Right.mp4 - YouTube

i'm just going by the boards i saw back then. when he decided that maybe old people might need medication, they acted like he was Karl Marx, and stocks for fainting couches went through the roof. i can't pretend to be above it all, though. i got sucked into parts of the right wing minimalist government bull**** illusion myself. these days, i support doing more of what other first world countries have been doing for better than half a century.
I dont know where you get your information from but you are being severly misinformed.
Bush never portrayed himself as an outsider. He painted himself as a "compassionate conservative". The conservative branch massively revolted against his and the GOPs out of control spending. It was the reason for the huge losses in both houses and the presidency in 08. It also lead to the teapartys formation. After they saw what they got for not voting, obama, pelosi, reid, they smartly put their focus on the primary. They are still ousting the Rinos out of power. Trump is a manifestation of their rebellion. Trump and his supporters understand the stakes. The virtue signaling is being received as disingenuous by the people they want to convince to not vote for him. From my perspective the hysteria bring ginned up by progressives is largely insincere and hypocritical. I find it befuddling that they are surprised that people like myself feel as I do toward them.

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What are the stakes since you understand them? W got us into Iraq with a bunch of lies and ended up crashing the economy. The donald is a pathological liar tearing America apart and the debt is skyrocketing. Yet the right at one time claimed they both were great presidents.
What are the stakes since you understand them? W got us into Iraq with a bunch of lies and ended up crashing the economy. The donald is a pathological liar tearing America apart and the debt is skyrocketing. Yet the right at one time claimed they both were great presidents.
The stakes are progressives want full control over the country and have shown zero willingness to compromise. Progressives have declared war and demonize their opponents in dehumanizing ways.

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I dont know where you get your information from but you are being severly misinformed.
Bush never portrayed himself as an outsider. He painted himself as a "compassionate conservative". The conservative branch massively revolted against his and the GOPs out of control spending. It was the reason for the huge losses in both houses and the presidency in 08. It also lead to the teapartys formation. After they saw what they got for not voting, obama, pelosi, reid, they smartly put their focus on the primary. They are still ousting the Rinos out of power. Trump is a manifestation of their rebellion. Trump and his supporters understand the stakes. The virtue signaling is being received as disingenuous by the people they want to convince to not vote for him. From my perspective the hysteria bring ginned up by progressives is largely insincere and hypocritical. I find it befuddling that they are surprised that people like myself feel as I do toward them.

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Actually, Bush wasn't a conservative in the conservative sense. Bush was a neo-conservative and believed in huge amounts of big gov't intervention. One of the reasons why the Bushes hate Trump so much is the Bushes are neo-conservative and Trump has bouts of libertarianism.
will they wash their hands of Trump after he leaves office?

Of course. We call it politics. When your quarterback is washed up, you waive him, get a new one, and say that the old one wasn't nearly as good as everyone claimed. Not just basic politics but it's human nature.
The stakes are progressives want full control over the country and have shown zero willingness to compromise. Progressives have declared war and demonize their opponents in dehumanizing ways.

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More projection, thanks.
That is a deflection, not an answer.

But if you want this game, all the conservatives who complain about ''Trump Derangement Syndrome'' seemed to have no problem when Fox News complained about Obama putting mustard on his burger and wearing a tan suit, how is that not hypocritical?
I am just pointing out that Libs did the same **** when Obama was president. So do not sit there and pretend republicans are the only ones who label the opposition something they are not for not supporting their ideals.

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