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What Is The Best Place To Send Money To Help Ukraine? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 3, 2007
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Political Leaning
Most charities like Red Cross spread donations all over the world while not telling donators. I see many websites claiming to exist to help Ukraine but I don't trust them. Does anyone here know a charity that gives directly to Ukraine and no one else?
Most charities like Red Cross spread donations all over the world while not telling donators. I see many websites claiming to exist to help Ukraine but I don't trust them. Does anyone here know a charity that gives directly to Ukraine and no one else?

I can’t vouch for this charity, but it looks promising. Some of these people are personally invested in Ukraine, with relatives still living there.

After some research on my part I chose Doctor Without Borders. CNN has a great tool to help you decided....all screened

After some research on my part I chose Doctor Without Borders. CNN has a great tool to help you decided....all screened

That’s a good charity which I donate to, but I don’t think I’ve ever been able to specify where my donations are spent. That seemed to be a concern of the OP.

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