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what is the best Free Driver updater (1 Viewer)

Windows Security is lightest for gaming, but it's heavy on the system, and still has problems with protection.

For now, several third-party AVs are lighter overall and have better protection. For free versions, the lighest ones I discovered are Kaspersky and Avast, but system impact may vary. Run programs like NovaBench to find out.

About privacy, all AVs are intrusive and break privacy, together with Windows itself, and they generally belong to countries where companies work with governments (e.g., see the "eyes" nations). In addition, all free versions of AVs are monetized one way or another.

Finally, the cost of paid software can be high, with the first-year rate usually given as a promo, and even with package deals, the cost per year for several devices is similar to buying a new hard drive.

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