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What is the 5th column? (1 Viewer)


Aug 11, 2005
Reaction score
San Diego
Political Leaning
Can anyone here tell me what the fifth column is? I will give you a hint it is long and very wide and it is very detremental and it is also applied today.

Tell me who derived the term and what it means and when(what time period) it was derived. I am wondering if anyone here knows what I am talkiong about for some kudos. ;)
Can anyone here tell me what the fifth column is? I will give you a hint it is long and very wide and it is very detremental and it is also applied today.

Tell me who derived the term and what it means and when(what time period) it was derived. I am wondering if anyone here knows what I am talkiong about for some kudos. ;)

I believe the term was originally used during the Spanish Civil War by a Spanish General (I don't know if I ever knew his name) who sent four columns of troops to take Madrid. He referred to sympathizers and operatives within the city as his fifth column. It has been used to describe many possible hidden sympathizers since then, including Japanese Americans during WWII.

The term is used in many areas today to describe many clandestine groups, in many areas such as politics, religion, medicine, and even computers (hackers).

This doesn't seem to fit your hint though, so what is it?
I think the Spanish General's name was Fransisco Franco. He later became a fascist leader in Spain.
Well done, C.J.
C.J. said:
Thanks, and BTW, I looked it up, it was General Emilio Mola

5 columns: 4 in the field one within the civilian population.
Can anyone here tell me what the fifth column is? I will give you a hint it is long and very wide and it is very detremental and it is also applied today.

Tell me who derived the term and what it means and when(what time period) it was derived. I am wondering if anyone here knows what I am talkiong about for some kudos. ;)

Ah, a Michael Savage listener. Are you the one who won his boxed set?
Do you guys believe that many liberals represent the fifth column in modern America?
mistermain said:
Ah, a Michael Savage listener. Are you the one who won his boxed set?

Yes, that was me. It aired yesterday. I was the caller who answered it correctly. The first caller didnt know the generals name but I knew everyhting. He sent the frst caller just one book which was "the enemy within".

And CJ very well done even though you looked it up. (Cheater)

You also forgot to mention the time year period the war was in but thats ok.

And the 5th column were full of the people within Madrids walls that wanted a revolution. And the term was aired on a broadcast by Mola in 1936. And he said basically that the 5th clumn would join his 4 columns of soldiers in this fight.

The term was later popularized by Hemingway.

Well my hint is refering to todays people within our walls. We have an agressor amidst us that wants to topple our country and al of western civilization for that matter. And the agressor has a 5th column within the US. Just take a guess who that might be for more kudos.
mistermain said:
Do you guys believe that many liberals represent the fifth column in modern America?

Yep you answered my next question because you are qa svage listener. Many liberals and the ACLU is the 5th column. They will destroy america right beside these terrorists.
Yes, that was me. It aired yesterday. I was the caller who answered it correctly. The first caller didnt know the generals name but I knew everyhting. He sent the frst caller just one book which was "the enemy within".

That's cool. Congratulations on the "collector's set." I'm slightly jealous.
mistermain said:
That's cool. Congratulations on the "collector's set." I'm slightly jealous.

Yea thanx I havent gotten it yet. But I cant wait to get it.
Just to mlet you know I got the books in. They are freaking sweet. Btw, he autographed them. I didnt know that he was going to do that. I am reading them now.
Yep you answered my next question because you are qa svage listener. Many liberals and the ACLU is the 5th column. They will destroy america right beside these terrorists.

I knew this was a baited thread when I read it...and I knew where it was going even though I dont listen to Michael Savage and wholeheartedly refuse to ever do so. What is failed to be mentioned is that the 5th column, unlike liberals in America, wanted to topple the government. They were insurrectionists who were willing to take arms against the authorities. The liberals in america simply want to change the government through legislation. This is just typical neocon mudslinging disguised, albeit very poorly, as a history lesson. Whats more, it would seem its been ripped off from a radio broadcast...typical.
I knew this was a baited thread when I read it...

Good for you

and I knew where it was going even though I dont listen to Michael Savage

Good for you, you want a cookie?

wholeheartedly refuse to ever do so.

I hope you enjoy your shell.

What is failed to be mentioned is that the 5th column, unlike liberals in America,

Whats not like them? They are the same.

They were insurrectionists who were willing to take arms against the authorities.

And the liberals will take arms in other ways. Such as manipulating legislation.

The liberals in america simply want to change the government through legislation.

Hey there are many ways to ocerthrow. Legislation is but one of many. Just because they dont do it with armies they can just as easily creep through the back doors over periods of time. Overthrowing is overthrowing.

This is just typical neocon mudslinging disguised, albeit very poorly, as a history lesson.

And whats wrong with history lessons that are true? Apahy and ignorance of our enemies was a history lesson that people still havent learned when will people learn of this one as well? History repeats itself.

Whats more, it would seem its been ripped off from a radio broadcast...typical.

Huh? Are you trying to say something here?
Good for you

Good for you, you want a cookie?

I hope you enjoy your shell.

Whats not like them? They are the same.

And the liberals will take arms in other ways. Such as manipulating legislation.

Hey there are many ways to ocerthrow. Legislation is but one of many. Just because they dont do it with armies they can just as easily creep through the back doors over periods of time. Overthrowing is overthrowing.

And whats wrong with history lessons that are true? Apahy and ignorance of our enemies was a history lesson that people still havent learned when will people learn of this one as well? History repeats itself.

Huh? Are you trying to say something here?

So, you are trying to tell me that the ACLU, which is only trying to protect the liberties that the government continues to take from us, and protect us against a government that seems to want to continue to build itself into a justified dictatorship in which the people have no rights to do anything without the government's approval is trying to overthrow our government?
The ACLU is only trying to protect the rights of the people against BIG government.
I guess this makes you a Statist.
I have no idea who Micheal Savage is, but its obvious to me that you are being brainwashed by him, in some way.
Caine said:
So, you are trying to tell me that the ACLU, which is only trying to protect the liberties that the government continues to take from us, and protect us against a government that seems to want to continue to build itself into a justified dictatorship in which the people have no rights to do anything without the government's approval is trying to overthrow our government?
The ACLU is only trying to protect the rights of the people against BIG government.
I guess this makes you a Statist.
I have no idea who Micheal Savage is, but its obvious to me that you are being brainwashed by him, in some way.

There was a time that the American Civil Liberties Union was a good thing. Now its the coerciveness and the entropic state of being of the ACLU thats actually doing america harm. This organization would actually side with the terrorists and make it seem that they were innocent. I have never and will never be brainwahsed by anyone or anything. I like listening to him cause he is right on almost everything. Mabe you should try listening to him instead of taking my word for it becasue then you would be getting brainwahsed be me, :lol: . Mabe come back to me with a better opinion of him after you listen to him. Let me know what you think.
There was a time that the American Civil Liberties Union was a good thing. Now its the coerciveness and the entropic state of being of the ACLU thats actually doing america harm. This organization would actually side with the terrorists and make it seem that they were innocent. I have never and will never be brainwahsed by anyone or anything. I like listening to him cause he is right on almost everything. Mabe you should try listening to him instead of taking my word for it becasue then you would be getting brainwahsed be me, :lol: . Mabe come back to me with a better opinion of him after you listen to him. Let me know what you think.

Provide Evidence that they support terrorism..........Other than a Micheal Savage or opinion except.. Find me a court case they have recently made, or something from thier official website...

Otherwise, Stop repeating the rantings of an ignorant Statist like Micheal Savage.
Provide Evidence that they support terrorism..........Other than a Micheal Savage or opinion except.. Find me a court case they have recently made, or something from thier official website...

Otherwise, Stop repeating the rantings of an ignorant Statist like Micheal Savage.

Are you kidding me? Have you ever watched the news lately? Or have you ever educated yourself on the history of the ACLU?

Have you ever read the book "Liberalism is a Mental disorder?" Or the "Enemy Within?" If not then please educate yourself first then come and try and debate with me on this subject. I will debate with educated arguments not ignorance. I am serious about this.
Are you kidding me? Have you ever watched the news lately? Or have you ever educated yourself on the history of the ACLU?

Have you ever read the book "Liberalism is a Mental disorder?" Or the "Enemy Within?" If not then please educate yourself first then come and try and debate with me on this subject. I will debate with educated arguments not ignorance. I am serious about this.

Why would I read propaganda books of the right? or any propaganda books for that matter.
Again,, give me specific details of the ACLU sponsoring terrorism...
C.J. said:
I believe the term was originally used during the Spanish Civil War by a Spanish General (I don't know if I ever knew his name) who sent four columns of troops to take Madrid. He referred to sympathizers and operatives within the city as his fifth column. It has been used to describe many possible hidden sympathizers since then, including Japanese Americans during WWII.

The term is used in many areas today to describe many clandestine groups, in many areas such as politics, religion, medicine, and even computers (hackers).

This doesn't seem to fit your hint though, so what is it?

Jane Fonda was in Spain in 1936?


"General Emilio Mola during the Spanish Civil War in a radio broadcast on October 16, 1936, in which he said that he had una quinta columna (“a fifth column”) of sympathizers for General Franco among the Republicans holding the city of Madrid, and it would join his four columns of troops when they attacked. The term was popularized by Ernest Hemingway and later extended to any traitorous insiders."
akyron said:
Jane Fonda was in Spain in 1936?


"General Emilio Mola during the Spanish Civil War in a radio broadcast on October 16, 1936, in which he said that he had una quinta columna (“a fifth column”) of sympathizers for General Franco among the Republicans holding the city of Madrid, and it would join his four columns of troops when they attacked. The term was popularized by Ernest Hemingway and later extended to any traitorous insiders."

Caine said:
Why would I read propaganda books of the right? or any propaganda books for that matter.
Again,, give me specific details of the ACLU sponsoring terrorism...

First off they arent from the right as he is an independent. Again this is more proof that tells me you know nothing on this matter. Again educate yourself instead of drawing conclusions. You are assuming sooo much its making this whole forum making an a$$ of itself. Now go and learn a few things dude.

This guy has said openly that he beleives the right and the left are wrong. So again go and edumacate yourself on these matters before you have a discussion on them.
Good for you

Good for you, you want a cookie?

Oh look, its gots jokes :roll:

I hope you enjoy your shell.

Shell you say? Would that be something like religiously basing my beliefs on the rantings of a disturbed right wing radio mouth? Hmmm...

Whats not like them? They are the same.

Smashing rebuttal :roll:

And the liberals will take arms in other ways. Such as manipulating legislation.

Legislation is made to be manipulated...its called voting. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Hey there are many ways to ocerthrow. Legislation is but one of many. Just because they dont do it with armies they can just as easily creep through the back doors over periods of time. Overthrowing is overthrowing.

And obviously we need to give you a better grasp of the English language, brainchild. Overthrowing the government implies eliminating the government we have and replacing it. As far as I can tell, liberals dont wish to overthrow anything;they just want to reform.

And whats wrong with history lessons that are true? Apahy and ignorance of our enemies was a history lesson that people still havent learned when will people learn of this one as well? History repeats itself.

And here is that reading comprehension thing you neocons have such a hard time with. I said it was a mudslinging attempt poorly disguised as a history lesson. And umm, in case you havent noticed, your little history lesson is irrelevant because no one is waging open war on this country and there is no insurgency for this alleged army to take advantage of within our own walls. The war happens to be on foreign soil, its a war of liberation, and the insurgent terrorists are being handled quite well. Thanks for playing though.

Huh? Are you trying to say something here?

well, I thought I was quite clear, but then, I guess you have to spell things out to the short bus kids. This thread was just a regurgitation of Mikey's talk show. Its only purpose was to serve as a call to all Savage groupies/cattle so you could get together and pat eachothers asses and talk about how great Mikey is.

Now that being said...get your shiny new boxed set out, pop it in. Get your favorite hand lotion and a towel and enjoy yourself with Mikey to bring it home for you...I promise, its just a myth that you'll go blind or grow hair in the palms of your hands. :lol:

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